Chapter What Deragan Will Do

“Impossible.” Radix snapped, black eyes glittering. “Send my Cimmerii after the friend…What is her name?”

“Carter. Miss Carter. That b-”

Radix eyed Worthington, silencing him. “You have one task. Turn the Fallen Cimmerii. Do it now.”

“I’m working on it. Soon she’ll be begging for me-”

“If she becomes one of mine, her magic will be mine.” Radix declared. “Just once outwit her damn lover.”


Worthington nodded vigorously.

Chavias’ steely gaze narrowed on him. Don’t dismiss the Captain so easily boy. You’ve no idea what he is. Nor any concept of their connection. It’s unbreakable.

A wind scattered Worthington’s parchments across the floor, distracting him. Glancing back toward the demon, he found Radix gone. As silently as he’d come…

But Chavias had not.

Worthington swallowed, large Adam’s apple bobbing in his skinny throat as he met that unwavering gaze. “Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me!” He threw his hands up to block his face.

As if I wouldn’t cut them off to get to you, if I intended to. Gray eyes assessed Worthington coldly. Yellow peeled into the edges of the iris as Chavias emitted a threatening growl, an inhuman sound, from deep in his throat.

“I’m going to kill you.” Chavias barked under his breath. Bleak eyes telling Worthington he meant it.

Before you get near the Captain’s mate.

“Why do you hate me so?” Worthington blurted.

Because you try to destroy humanity merely for your greed. Chavias didn’t move. Didn’t blink.

“You cannot! You can’t kill me without the demon’s permission.” Though quaking he gathered all his courage to stand up to the obsidian warlord.

Trying to tell me off, you writhing mouse? Chavias’ jaw ticked with rage. I’d crush you faster than I could smile.

But when Worthington blinked and opened his eyes, he was alone. Blowing a nervous breath, he collapsed down the desk and slid to the floor. Dropping his forehead to a hand he saw a trail of black ash marking the path Radix moved. Seared into the floor. And a handprint burned into the desk.

Nearly stifling, the acrid scent of ash lingered in the air. Coating the back of Worthington’s throat like the flavor of death.

And the threat in the gray gaze of the warlord was a vivid memory burned into Worthington’s mind.

Overtime so many of the lines have become blurred to me. But one line that I’ll never confuse is killing the Fallen.

The Worthington boy has no concept of what he’s dealing with, hunting the Captain’s mate. Or the Hell wrath that would find him should he succeed. I watched what Deragan did to a Firoque once. One who’d killed the Fallen. It was something that still haunts my nightmares. Despite all that I’ve seen even now.

He’s the alpha because he can be the most vicious. The most relentless and certainly the most unforgiving.

He’ll find you Worthington and God help me if he finds me.

From the Journal of Chavias Derenoe.

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