Chapter ACHARIUS - Tempted

Northern Netherwood, Netherlands


The first rays of morning filtered in through cracks in the stone wall. Highlighting across Chastain’s cheeks in gold light. She was tangled up with Acharius. Her arm slumped over his head and her fingers winding his hair. Beyond her face, the light cast a hazy pink glow over the gray floor. Crawling toward them with the same purpose as the cold dread seeping into Acharius’ heart.

Like the light she offers me.

And the stone floor was the emptiness within him.

What have I done?

For so long I’d felt nothing. Only duty. That desperate need to protect the artifacts and his Captain’s orders had been all he’d known…Until her.

She slept so soundly next to him.

I’d give up everything to keep her soft heat next to me for the rest of my days. His forehead pressed to hers and her warm breath caressed his lips. Leaning up he studied her perfect sleeping features. The bow of her mouth, the long dark lashes, and the rich red hair.

I need her. An overpowering sense of protectiveness surged through him. Leaning down he inhaled the scent of her tresses. Reaching to caress the fine strands reverently.

His hand stilled. Trembling with need. She isn’t mine to touch. He reminded himself, swallowing a heavy lump. Slowly climbing from beneath the coverlet, he was careful not to disturb her.

Her burgundy hair flowed down the curves of her back in stark contrast to her smooth skin. Her face was peaceful. A bare leg crept from the coverlet to rest atop it.

Long and slender and perfectly formed. He closed his eyes against the waves of pain. Unable to look at her, he slid from the cot and pulled on his breeches. Cinching his belt. Yanking on leather boots, he trekked to the mouth of the cave.

I can’t wake her.

He needed to tell the women who’d taken such good care of him what he’d done. I’ve dishonored her.

And in doing so, myself. Honor which had meant the world to him since as long as he could remember breathing.

Where’d my fine willpower go?

Old Agatha will have my hide. Stepping into the light, he shielded his eyes against the penetrating rays.

But his arm being yanked hard was enough to stop him in his tracks. Looking down he saw Chastain’s small hand wrapping his bicep. He found her wrapped only in the coverlet. Wild mane pouring over flawless shoulders and framing the delicate bones of her face.

She’s never looked more lovely. She’s all the light in my dark world.

“You have to go.” He whispered to her.

“I don’t! Not yet.” She expostulated. Catching his big hand and leading him back to the cavern. Green cat eyes staring deeply at him as she walked backward. The coverlet tightly clutched to her chest. And a sort of desperation written over her face.

She’s terrified I’ll leave her again.

Maybe I should…

He couldn’t tell her no. He feet following her inadvertently. Stepping methodically. Step forlorn as he felt very much like this should be the last stolen moments, he should ever have with her.

As Acharius stared at her in surprise, unsure what to say, something watched from the trees…

Something dark. Something bleak.

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