Chapter CHAVIAS - A Reckoning


Chavias ducked back behind the tree, jaw working fervently. There isn’t much time left. I have to get it over with.

But she’s always at Acharius’ side. They’re never far apart.

Acharius had been gone a long while this time. Leaving the artifacts for a surprisingly length of time before Rhyers arrived to stand guard over them.

Uncharacteristic of him. It likely meant Bast was certainly in the area somewhere. Acharius would never leave them unattended for long.

Unless Rhyers was here longer than I realized. Chavias recognized the possibility. Aware that the tracker could be startlingly quiet. His presence nearly invisible when he wills it so.

Chavias was aware how purposefully he’d turned his thoughts from Sebastian. The thought of facing Bast again made Chavias nervous. He couldn’t put words to the shame he felt when facing his closest comrade. The man who once knew me best.

A man who always had my back.

He’d never forgive me for the things I’ve done now.

Where he seeks to protect our Brethren, I’ve been his greatest bane. Hunting them. Picking them off. That’s all he could know of what I’ve been doing. He can’t know the rest…How I’ve tried to undermine Radix.

Chavias was sure that when the time came to die it would be at Bast’s hands. How many times have I thought about pressing him?

If Sebastian had to decide on the spot between killing me or losing more of his brethren…He’d slide the blade over my throat. Chavias knew it with complete certainty. Knowing the beat of Sebastian’s heart more assuredly then most. He’s a protector to the core.

Before the thought had always been nearly blissful. Something Chavias longed for…Save the pain it’d cause Sebastian.

But now…Sabine. His jaw ticked. I know longer want to die. I want to go see her again. Another glance around the tree revealed them leaving the tunnel entrance.

As soon as Acharius returned, here they are. Together again. Chavias couldn’t help but envy them. What I’d give to have that.

Acharius’ back was disappearing into the dark cave.

Chavias’ grip tightened on the handle of the sword strapped across his back. He gripped it comfortingly.

It’s what I must do. He reassured himself. Drawing a steadying breath.

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