Chapter CHAVIAS - Meralee Immune to Magic


Returning home, Worthington entered his house with a shiver. Finding it empty meant his parents had gone to a Ball somewhere. Stepping into the study he felt the terrifying electrical currents telling him the demon had been waiting. Brief movement in the dark of the study made him cringe. Knowing it was the bodyguard.

Stepping from the darkest corner, Chavias smirked at Worthington. Working to hide how weary he was. Knowing well his shoulders slumped, propping him between the two corner walls. Having to lean heavily against them to stay on his feet for a prolonged time.

Thadeus was balanced on his shoulder. Leaned forward to hiss at Worthington.

Chavias sensed the chills he sent up Worthington’s spine. Good. You should be afraid. I want to kill you even more than you think I do.

Easing toward the doorway, Worthington watched Chavias. “Have-have you c-come to kill me?”

Chavias shifted. Making leather armor creak. Saying nothing. Merely staring down at Worthington through unflinching steel eyes. Animosity tangible.

Turning to flee, Worthington found himself face-to-face with Radix. Squeaking, he instinctively stepped back.

Too late. Chavias thought. Hoping the demon would just kill the boy and be done with it.

Not liking the sight of the demon, Thadeus huffed and shifted before taking off out the nearby window.

Smart bird.

Radix’s sour breath tinged Worthington’s skin. Beady eyes watching Worthington like prey to be devoured.

If you’re not careful he will eat you. Chavias’ lip curled at the prospect. He’d seen Radix eat his minions alive when incited.

Pointed teeth grinding, Radix called Worthington several things he barely understood. Backing Worthington up, the demon pursued him like a cat after a mouse, until the back of Worthington’s legs ran into the desk. Radix raged at him.

Worthington glanced over his shoulder and found the bodyguard leaning across the desk, almost breathing on the back of Worthington’s neck. Dark head cocked with interest.

Hoping against hope he’ll give me an order I actually want. Chavias stared Worthington down with disgust blackening his eyes. Eyes which saw through Simon Worthington.

Pathetic, weak boy. Looking for approval.

Worthington eased sideways, trying to get from between the commanding warrior and the unpredictable old demon. Both wanting to make him suffer.

“She-she’s immune to the magic you gave me!” He defended to Radix. “And there’s that man. The one that keeps interfering.” His voice cracked. As did his pride. Unused to explaining himself, he struggled between clinging to dignity and facing raw terror. He relived the feeling of his foot twisting around the socket. Heart racing, and mouth going dry.

“Don’t kill me.” He begged. “I need the invincibility you gave me. Let me have it back…” He sounded like an addict searching for their next fix. “I’ll do anything.”

You’ve already condemned your soul. Chavias thought.

“I already gave you the draw to be irresistible to others in exchange for your sworn fealty. You were given the ability to bend the will of those around you. And what have you done with it?” Radix’s black eyes shined hatefully. As he roared, his teeth became pointed and thin lips peeled back like a snarling dog.

“Please don’t kill me.” Worthington whispered.

Don’t beg. Chavias thought disgusted by the boy’s weakness.

“I made you so the women could no longer resent being cast aside when you finished with them. Making everyone drawn to you but despite all my generosities, you have accomplished nothing.”

“She’s immune to all of it!” Worthington wailed like a child.

Chavias lifted a hopeful look to the demon. This is one I’d be happy to gut. But Chavias was unappeased when Radix stroked his beard thoughtfully, murmuring.

“She would be…”

“So is her family. And that friend of hers.” Worthington’s jaw tightened as he ignored the breath on his neck. Avoiding Chavias who was so close.

Close enough to slit his throat in a second.

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