Chapter SAVAGE JAXSON - To Sanctuary Island

Aboard the FireStar, Peril Sea


I’m Taking her to Sanctuary Island…One Way or Another

“Jax!” Dimurah railed from the FireStar’s hold.

RedBayne’s pale blue eyes flared with annoyance. “Are you going to let her out?”

Savage was standing at the bow staring across the Peril Sea knowing they’d soon be traversing into the Sea of Souls. A bleak, dark water where it wasn’t at all uncommon to find bodies floating.

People who’d been cast, or cast themselves from the Sourthern Vale Scarps. Savage’s profile was as still and unreadable as always.


“Whyever not?” RedBayne’s voice rose and he waved his arms in agitation.

Because I don’t wish to.

“Where’d you get this ship?” He queried instead.

“Borrowed it.”

Stole it?

“Does the owner know?”

RedBayne’s brow lifted. “Of course, he does. If he didn’t, he’d be swimming the Peril after us to brawl with me.”

Determined man. Sounds likable.

“Good…” Savage commented.

“Now are you going to answer?”

Not willingly.

“Because she’ll only want to battle.” He said simply.

And I can’t bear to see the accusing look on her face.

“Nah!” RedBayne scoffed. “After ye chained ’er up and loaded ‘er aboard Delcourt and then this ship wit’ a bag over ‘er head? Surely no’! She shoul’ see it as a gift!”

Savage’s blue eyes flicked sideways. It was necessary.

“Jax! You blonde devil you’re going to rot! Let me out of here! Face me like a man!” She shrieked from the hold.

The other sailors were skittering around the deck. Cringing every time she shouted. Their gazes averting to watch Savage warily. Well aware the King of Assassins was onboard their boat.

“Ye dunno’ wanna at leas’ tell ‘er we’re headin’ to Sanctuary Isle?”

“Not particularly.”

“Wha’ is yer aim exactly?” RedBayne asked.

This is why I hate conversation.

“To keep her safe.”

“Why did Ocnomad wan’ ’er dead?”

“He doesn’t. He tired of trying to kill me.”


“No one is foolish enough ta come after ye!”


That’s why they’re after her.

RedBayne waited impatiently for the rest of an explanation.

Savage relented. “He knew he could get to me through her.”

“Why does ’e ’ave such a hard spot for ye?”

Savage shot him a warning look.

“Ooh…” RedBayne was intrigued.

“He knew coming after her would drive me out of my Fortress. He needs the ability to get to me with the Grier Guard.”

“It has.” RedBayne pointed out.

Yes. I’m aware.

“Once she’s safely on Sanctuary Island. I’m going after him.” Savage said in a dangerous tone.

King Ocnomad.

“You’ve already ripped open the underbelly of Grier by overtaking the Trader’s Market and all the commerce it provides.”

Yes, I have.

“Now I’m going to cut off its head.”

“Jax!” It was a prolonged shout. “I’m going to claw your face off!” Dimurah sounded fit to exact her threat.

“I think she means that.” RedBayne said dully.

“She’ll try.”

RedBayne sent him a nervous look.

No, I’m not going to hurt her. Why does everyone think I’d hurt her?

She was shrieking wildly now. Chains rattling.

She may tear this ship apart. Savage inwardly groaned. She’s not going to stop.


They entered the bleak icy waters of the Sea of Souls. The fog hovered over the water as far as the eye could see. Wobbling upward in curling gray fingers.

Savage turned and ordered the sails adjusted. Slowing the ship.

There was a thunk and a slight jostle before a scraping along the starboard side.

“Got a floater!” A sailor called. Leaning over the rail. To watch the greenish bloated figure bobbing in the water. Loose bits of skin peeling free to coat the hazy water.

“Savage Jack!” Dimurah shouted. “Are we in the Sea of Souls? You’re not dumping me on Sanctuary Island! You’re not!”

I absolutely am. Savage rotated on his heel and lowered into the dark stairs of the hold. Poking his head below to see her sparking blue eyes glittering in the dim light.

She was straining the chain, its length pulled tight.

“You said I wouldn’t get you out of the Blue Lark either…”

Yet I did.

“You bound me and tossed me over Delcourt you filthy Whoreson!” She rained a shower of curses down on him.

Still angry apparently.

“Dimurah it’s-”

“No, it’s not!” She cut him off. Knowing him well enough to know where he was going.

Better for you. He finished inwardly.

“I’m trying to-”

“You’re failing!”

Save you…

There was another bump on the side of the ship.


Thank God.

“I need to go deal with that.” Savage pointed over his shoulder.

Urgently needing away from this floundering conversation.

“Jax, don’t you dare leave! You wouldn’t-” The chains clanged as she rattled them ferociously.

He was already heading up the narrow stairs. “I am.”

Leaving this hold before she’s done talking.

As quickly as possible.

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