Chapter SEBASTIAN - Rhyers Sends Me Into a Den of Violence

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Rhyers materialized in the door of Sebastian’s Library. “Your valkyrie is asking for you.”

Asking is likely a generous word. Sebastian gave him a wary look. She doesn’t ask for anything.

“She wishes to speak to you.” He cleared his throat.

“She does?” Bast tossed aside his book and clambered to his feet.

Perhaps to continue what we began yester morn? It’d been a pleasant day since their last loving.

She was sending him looks that were nearly longing.

Something I’d thought never to see.

He smiled in anticipation as Rhyers quickly past him in the foyer, heading out. Odd. Not even a goodbye?

He must’ve seen her need. Bast’s grin got broader. But when he drew near her chamber and felt her rage, his confident step slowed.

Perhaps I should go back down?

This is a trap. It was clear Rhyers had baited him and sent him into the den of the beast. Not going in there. He turned with hunkered shoulders and began easing toward the stairs to retreat back to his Library.

“Sebastian! I know you’re out there.”

He cringed. Too late. What’d I do now? Everything had been fine for a few days.

The answer came instantly. That’s her pattern. I get close. She finds a reason to get angry. I guess I knew that…He sighed. Saddened that they were so quickly going back to fighting. He stepped into the chamber and she met him. Stalking across the room while he stood just inside the doorway. His brows lifted at her obvious fury.

She reached around him and shoved the door closed.

What’s she doing? He glanced over his shoulder.

She caught the neckline of his tunice and sent talons jutting from her fingertips enough to snag the fabric and rip it free at his shoulders. She tossed it aside and he watched the movement a bit forlornly.

This is going to hurt.

“That was silk.” He objected faintly.

“I don’t care.”

Of course, not.

She sunk claws into the top of his chest. Making him wince and his shoulders draw forward instinctively. Latching on she led him around and backed him further into the room.

“Elsabet…” He asked slowly. “What did I do?”

“You’re-you-you are you.”

Last I checked.

“Care to tell me what this anger is about?”

“You and other women.”

What other women?

I have had quite enough of this!

“There’s no other women!” He flushed indignantly. Straightening his shoulders and forcing her claws deeper into the span of his chest. Jaw ticking. “I’ve told you a hundred times!”

“What about Calisto?”

His eyes widened and he reared back. “Calisto?”

“I never-”

“Swam naked with her?” Elsabet finished.

How the hell-

“Half naked actually. My breeches were on.”

“I’m so comforted by that.”

“You should be!”

“How many times did that happen?”

Countless. It was a race. Play. That was all.

“I’ve no idea!” He was too stunned at this unexpected onslaught he couldn’t think to explain more.

“Too many to count?” She sneered perceptively.

Not in the way you mean. He floundered.

“I was swimming not loving.”

“Is there a difference?” She demanded, seething.

Of course, there is!

“Yes! I don’t swim with you!

Wrong thing to say. He guessed from the livid expression on her face.

“I am well-aware!” She raged.

I’m losing. Badly.

“Can we just…Calm down?” He put his hands out in a staying gesture but found it hurt since her hands were still embedded in the muscles near his shoulders.

“No!” She said firmly. Forcefully shoving him back.

His hips caught on the edge of her bed and he tipped back until falling roughly. Gasping in surprise. When did I get here? How’d she…

“Elsabet…I’ll ask again…What have I don’t to anger you?”

“Why don’t you tell me!”

“Tell you what!” He was getting shrill. Feeling utterly baffled.

She opened wide and leaned back to bring her teeth down violently into his shoulder. Teeth narrowing to piercing tips that sunk in sharply.

Ow. Ow. Ow.

She was merciless. Drawing her claws out slightly to rake them down the length of his chest and abdomen.

He drew a hissing breath. Ouch! He glared at her. Eyes flashing gold in his irritation.

She stepped far enough away to lean down and grip the bottom of her red skirt. Catching it between her hands she tore it up the side. Catching the underskirt to do the same. As she began to crumple the bottom between her hands to hike up her skirts his eyes widened.


Scratch away. He leaned back while she climbed atop his hips. He slid further up the bed while she leaned on her knees so she could access his belt and waist.

She ripped his belt free, tearing a seam on his pants and turned a finger to use the hook of a brown talon through the laces up the front of his breeches.

Wincing he closed his eyes. Unwilling to watch. Don’t miss. He hoped. Fighting the urge to shove her back and unlace himself.

She severed the strings in a single movement and ripped his garments off him.

He’d no idea what was happening at this juncture but was willing to suffer through to find out. Hopefully her violence cools as her desire heats.

When she positioned atop him. Her whole body eased. And he thought perhaps his hopes would be fruitful but she curled her claws to rip through his torso again.

He lurched up, hissing in pain.

“What you deserve.” She whispered acidly next to his ear.

And he was very afraid of where this evening was going to lead.

But after only a few moments she slumped over. Dropping her forehead against his wounded chest. Sensing she released her anger, he put a hand around her shoulder blades and the other along the back of her head. Flattening them against her to pull her in tight. He was very still until he felt all the tension leave her.

There you are, Sweetheart. Still confused about what he’d done to upset her. He held her. When she eventually began to move again it was tender. Warm.

And he’d have sworn he felt a soothing tear trail from her face down his chest. Healing the wounds, it poured across.

“I’m yours, Sweetheart. Always.”

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