Chapter Sea Of Souls Approach

“We’re getting close.” RedBayne said as he leaned over the bow with a clearance stick. Steering a body from the hull.

Savage coasted one along the side a distance back. “That’s apparent.” He said ruefully.

The bodies are getting thicker. Peering over, he saw another coasting past with a white bird resting on its chest. Pulling bits of hanging flesh apart where bone was already visible. The corpse was already missing much of the soft tissue on its face.

Better that Dimurah is below for this. She wouldn’t sleep for a month afterward. He knew how quickly her sleep could be affected by the sight of dead bodies. Unfortunately, I’ve caused her many.

“Why does the King bounty ’er ta lure ye out?”

Because I’ve been the bane of his existence.

“I steal from him.” Savage said simply.

Everything I can.

“Many steal from him. He’s taking what ye’re doing personal.” Mardichi gave him a long look.

It’s been personal since the day I was born.

“He tried to kill me, and it was unsuccessful.”

Multiple times.

“Mayhap that’d do it.” RedBayne grunted. Long copper hair flowing in the misty breeze. Fog so dense, even he was hard to see. Impossible for Savage to see the crew working ropes and sails behind him. Or the ones across the deck with clearance sticks.

Sighing, Savage realized that this man he already considered towering above the other assassins in morals, had sacrificed a heavy purse himself, to warn Savage. And to protect Dimurah.

Something I won’t soon forget.

“The Ocnomad lineage is complex.” He grumbled.

“I’m aware!” RedBayne laughed. “Written through the queens. My people would’ve never heard of such a thing!”

Most wouldn’t.

“I’m King Ocnomad’s son.”

RedBayne nearly dropped his stick. “The wha-wha’?” He blinked huge blue eyes in Savage’s direction.

“He has two sons. Both are slimy bastards already fighting over the throne.”

Yes they are.

“And I’m the third.”

RedBayne sputtered.

Rather amusing really to see the barbarian at such a loss for words.

“And I’m the first.”

The eldest.

“You’re the heir!” RedBayne nearly fell over the railing.

Never that.

“Not by choice.” Savage said dryly.

“Why have you not claimed the throne?”

“I’ve no interest in overseeing a corrupt realm. And no desire to compete with the King in court. I’m not suited for it.”

“He’d have you assassinated!”

“By who?” Savage’s brows lifted.

Which of my men would come after me?

“Fair point.” RedBayne aimed a finger at him.

“He needs me dead so no one will ever know what I am.”

The heir.

“So, you can never overtake his rule?” RedBayne blinked huge blue eyes.

“I believe so.”

“Definitely so!” RedBayne grunted. “Tha’s thick complexities, there.”

“I’m aware.”

Sourthern Vale, Sea of Souls Approach

Unsurprisingly, Dimurah punched Savage soundly across the face. Making his head spin.

“Barter Queen.” RedBayne roared. Rushing to yank her back from Savage to avoid retaliation.

Savage didn’t move. Watching RedBayne drag her away.

“I told ye, ye were lettin’ ’er out ta soon!” RedBayne shouted over her head. “Ye left ’er down there so long. Shoulda bound her and dropped her off. Would’ve given ye time to escape while she chewed through ‘er ropes. Safer tha’ way.”

Probably true.

“I won’t go! You’re not leaving me.” She clawed at RedBayne’s arm. Fighting the meaty tree trunk of flesh encircling her chest as he pulled her back.

“I am.” Savage said dully.

“You try!” She hissed. Fighting against the barbarian’s grip like a fly trying to escape a cat.


“Dimurah!” She corrected.

We’re back to that.

“You need to stay. It’s safer.”

“For whom?” She asked venomously. Blue eyes threatening on him.

Probably for both of us.

“I don’t believe she’s a damn bit afraid of you.” RedBayne murmured stunned. “I thought it was just a bold front before.”

“Nay. She’s not.” Savage stared at her. Flushed with fury.

“Calm down.” He said it even knowing it’d be to no avail.

“Calm down! Calm down?” She shrieked. Kicking backward at RedBayne’s legs.

“Savage Jack, I think ye’re lass may be more feral then ye!”

“She is.”

No question about that.

“I’ll rip you both apart.” She curled up an arm with pointed claws to emphasize her point. “You’re not leaving me.”

“I am.”

They were only a little ways onto the bank when they realized that the statues along it weren’t stone structures but silent sihouettes.

They came here to meet us. Savage realized.

A woman stepped forward and moved into Dimurah’s view. Affectionately stroking her cheek.

Dimurah blinked huge blue eyes in surprise. The woman reached down and caught Dimurah’s hand. Leading her numbly through the fog.

“Take care of her, Rosemary.” RedBayne called.

Savage gave him a questioning look.

“She’s a friend of mine. I let her know we was on her way with a live ’un.” He tossed his head toward Dimurah’s back. “She’s known ta ‘ave a calmin’ effect on wild women.”

“That’s good.” Savage watched until the fog swallowed Dimurah. Unwilling to look away from the waterfall of red hair draping the back of the familiar green cloak.

“Come.” RedBayne wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Let’s head back before ye change ye mind.”

“Wise.” Savage nodded in assent. Still staring over his shoulder where she’d vanished. Unable to tear away his gaze.

“She’ll be fine.” RedBayne reassured.

“You better hope so.” Savage said under his breath. “If anything happened to her as the result of your plan…”

“I know ye.” RedBayne said. Slapping him on the back as he urged him aboard the FireStar. “I can see wha’ ye’d do wit’out ’er.”

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