Chapter CHAVIAS - Hunting Acharius


Chavias turned from the tree he was stationed behind. Dark eyes clouded with emotion. Throat working rapidly against the constriction. He slowly shook his head. Leaning against the rough bark.

I can’t do this. He swallowed. Slumping his head back against the rough bark as he watched Chastain heading down the trail. Acharius close behind.

Haven’t I done enough?

If Sebastian was here, I’d let him kill me.

But what about Sabine? I can’t abandon her in Night Manor.

He looked at Acharius. Broad shoulders slumped and smearing a palm over his face in frustration. Following her with a broken expression.

How am I going to kill him? He taught me to bowshot. To hunt things beyond traps. We walked endless trails hunting together throughout the winters.

Chavias’ face was dark with battle markings. Dark enough to disguise him in shadows. Somehow, it usually helped him forget it was his own brethren he hunted. Just another creature to slaughter.

But not this day.

Sabine is changing me. Softening my edges. Edges he’d been forced to sharpen over the years to do what was necessary to keep the majority of them alive.

By picking them off one by one. It sickened him to think about it.

I can’t do this. He forced his resolve to solidify. Jaw setting and steely eyes hardening.

He moved to step, but the familiar grating voice permeated his mind. His hands flew to his temples. Clenching against them in agony. Vessels in his neck growing pronounced. “Bloody Hell! I hear you! I’ll return with my findings.” Teeth clenched and face nearly purple, he struggled against the excruciating pain.

Even as the voice stopped, the remnants of pain lingered.

He moved through the woods, stumbling until sure he was out of hearing range.

White bat wings sprung from his back, tossing pink flesh and a spray of blood in a splash across the shrubbery.

Tripping over a log, he’d have fallen but chose instead to explode into the shape of the dragon and take flight. Broken flight. Dropping him low as though he’d fall before gaining momentum again. So weak it was a struggle to move his wings.

He'd intended to kill Acharius tonight, unable to bear much more torture. But I won't do it with her there. Its not fair to him. I've taken too much from him already!

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