Chapter We Need to Talk

“Perhaps I did press.” She gnawed her bottom lip in a way that was unconsciously alluring. “You’re right a portion of the blame should be lain at my feet.”

“No.” He reached out and softly trailed his fingertips down the length of one arm. “It should not. But perhaps the next…”

She tilted her head to the side, intrigued. “You offer more?” Bright green eyes met his in surprise.

An amused expression marred his face as he saw her nervous shifting. His smile was knowing as she shivered and drew a shaking breath. “Chastain, you’re breathtaking. I don’t know that I could ever touch another after having known you.”

He drew her in by gripping her upper arms. “If you could ever come to love me. Even if I were something other than human, I must know now. If you cannot this has to end. All of it.”

He knew his longing darkened his face.

She doesn’t know me. Has no idea I’m ten kinds of a fool. He studied her, his eyes shadowed as he dropped his arms to his sides.

She looked at him in confusion. Green eyes drawing him in. Bow mouth moist from her nibbling and cheeks warmed by an appealing blush. Her lips parted as she drew a long breath.

His brow drew together with emotion as he watched their lush movement. He leaned in slowly toward her mouth, giving her ample time to retreat if she wished.

“Acharius,” She said desperately. “don’t you dare kiss me!”

But you’re not retreating.

In-fact your face is tipping up to meet me. Conviction shown in his eyes as he deliberately pulled her close. He observed the dance of emotions crossing her face.

She looked past his arm, estimating the distance to her chamber door.

“You don’t have to flee. If you wish to go, I’ll let you. All you have to say is that you don’t want to be mine.” He pulled his arms free and took a step back. Giving her room to breathe despite every fiber of his being screaming he taste her mouth.

Or sink teeth into her collar and mark her as mine.

She was looking around furtively. Likely sensing the danger as she glanced from his shoulder to the wall.

Assessing if she could slip between them to get to the door. Acharius followed her gaze behind him.

When she moved to slink by, he lifted his arm to barricade her path. Lowering to whisper against her lips. “No. No buying time. Or fleeing my question. You’ve had time to think while I’ve been gone. You know what you want.”

Chastain ducked and twisted, evading his arm to slide by him.

He frowned at her cowardice, turning to watch her. He shook his head slowly. “You’re not running from this conversation. It’s been too long coming.”

She rounded and bolted down the stairs and from the House.

“Don’t do it.” He warned. “You’re not fast enough!”

The front door snapped loudly open before her as she darted into the bright light of the morning. Shooting several glances behind her to see if anyone pursued. She didn’t see anyone. Tears streamed her cheeks.

She’s telling herself she’s not in love and that she’s not losing anything.

She’s been waiting for me in that cave every night for a fortnight. Praying for my voice.

I hadn’t realized how much she missed me.

She wants to turn back. He could feel it rolling off her. Knew her reservations. She’s only just met me, in truth.

She slowed her pace as she drew near the cave.

She doesn’t know if she can trust me.

That’s understandable. And now I’m demanding her full acceptance.

Is it really fair of me? I need to give her time to think. Still he found himself doggedly tracing her steps. Her shadow deciding what he’d do when he caught up to her.

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