Chapter SAVAGE JAXSON - Something is Coming

Blue Lark Guild, Dread Hideout


They’d made it back and Savage had somehow ensured no one disturbed them as they made way to his tent under the cover of darkness. The night was shrouded in heavy clouds, making the stars impossible to see and lending the courtyard a blackness that only he could safely cross. Expertly guiding her through obstacles.

Now they lay within his abode. Strung out over his coverlets on the ground.

“How do you do it?” She rolled onto her bare stomach to lean across his chest talking to him.

“What?” His head was propped on one palm, he tilted it up to meet her gaze.

“Manage to control everything around you?”

I don’t. I’ve never been able to control you. But that’s not what you mean, now is it?

“Sheer will.” His head dropped back to the blanket rolled beneath his head. His free hand lightly trailing fingertips in circles along her spine between her shoulder blades.

“Are you afraid?”


“Of?” He leaned up again to send a brow shooting upward.

I fear nothing save losing you.

“Someone turning me or my remains over to King Ocnomad in exchange for those crowns?”

“Don’t talk like that.”

“I’m not saying it’ll happen. I’m asking if you fear it.”

He frowned at her. Brows drawing together. “Of course I do. Why?”

“Because I didn’t think you feared anything.”

“’Tis the only thing I fear.”

“What of me not loving you one day?” She queried. Drawing loops along the top of his pec with her fingertip.

“Do you think that’ll happen?”

“It’s unlikely.”

“Then must we discuss it?”

I don’t much care for the subject.

“Answer, Jax.”

“I don’t fear it. I don’t think it’ll happen. But if it does, then it is beyond my control.”

“That sounds rather cold.”

“I’m a cold sort of man.” He said blandly.

“Not with me.” She said softly.

“Not with you.” He conceded.

Savage had heard the first creeping footfall as it entered his tent. Nowhere near quiet enough to sneak up on me.

An assassin after crowns already. But he caught the familiar scent of horseflesh and trees.

“RedBayne.” He said into the dark.

“Do you ever sleep?” RedBayne crouched next to the bedroll. Peering over at him beyond Dimurah’s shoulder huddled against him.


“She looks peaceful.” He commented.

“For the moment.” Savage agreed. “What is it you want that’d have you risking your skin to creep about my tent in the dead of night.”

“To caution you actually.” RedBayne had one arm leisurely resting across his raised knee.

“About the crowns?”

“Yes, they’re still on her. Dead or alive.”

“I’m aware.”

“But you think you can protect her?”

“I think that I’m very serious about her safety.” He turned his head to meet RedBayne’s gaze in the dimness. “And I intend to convey that to every assassin in the Lark.”

“And you think you can keep them from crossing you? Even for that much coin?”

“I'm going to tell them exactly what’ll happen if they do.”

“And you never bluff.” RedBayne shook his head.

Clearly not in support of the idea.

He stood and turned to leave.

“RedBayne.” Savage stopped him.

He turned and looked over one mammoth shoulder.

“Thank you.”

RedBayne lowered his head in welcome. But didn’t leave the doorway.

Lingering for a reason. He needs something.

Savage still stared at the peak of his tent above him. Without looking back over he asked, “What is it you want of me?”


“Of whom?”

“The Raven.”

“The Lady Highwayman?” Savage queried.

“How’d-” RedBayne started before catching himself. “Of course you’d know…”

“I will tell you if I’m advised of her whereabouts.”

You’ve done enough for me. For her. I’ll help you find this woman. But there was no reason to tell him that.

And Savage was never one to speak without a reason.

Savage lurched to a sitting position.

“What is it?” Dimurah cried. Sitting up with him. Red hair swinging down her back in wild waves. “Did you have a nightmare?”

He gave her a quick look. “You now well, I don’t sleep.”

“Then what?” She shrugged.

“Something is coming.”

Something so powerful it could shout at me in the deep of night. Clear as your voice.

“How do you know?”

“She told me.”

“Who did?” Dimurah blinked large blue eyes in confusion.

I don’t know who she is.

“The infant.”

“How did an infant speak?”

In my mind.

“I haven’t the faintest idea.”

“Are you certain this was no dream?”

“I wasn’t sleeping!” He reiterated with an impatient swing of his hand.

I already feel confused.

“Well?” Dimurah demanded.

“Well, what?” He snapped. Massaging his forehead.

Now aching from the surge of her power. She’s strong. Whatever she is. Savage had never felt anything like the child’s voice rampaging through his mind.

“What’d this infant that could speak, have to say to you?”

“She said, ’I’ve been waiting to meet you…Brother.”

“What?” Dimurah asked, astounded. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“I’ve not the faintest.”

Though I’d assume it means I have a sister.


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