FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Udora's Second Chance

Her eyes flashed orange as she saw Chavias, her mouth gaping as what may’ve been hope set on her face.

No, you’re not so lucky. He had no blade. I could break her neck.

But Radix would know it was me and my penance would be horrendous. It always is.

He leaned over to catch her bony arm and drag her to her feet.

She whimpered pitifully as her gaze became fearful. She shivered so hard she nearly seized.

He began dragging her to the hallway and realized as they passed under the light of a torch that she had no clothes. Her face and legs were smeared with dark red.

He pulled the fur collared tunic he’d stolen from a Firoque over his head and tossed it roughly over hers. Releasing her arm long enough to jerk it down over her and catch her arm in a biting grip again. Dragging her through the caverns.

As they reached Radix’s little chamber, Chavias set her against the wall.

She skid down it. Eyes darting furtively from Chavias to Radix’s back.

Just kill her. Chavias willed him. Let her die.

Even she has endured enough.

“You’ve a chance to redeem yourself.”

“Please, please!” She whined. Crawling toward him on her knees. Hands clenched before her beseechingly. “I’ll do anything!”

Chavias noticed her hair was so matted and filthy it looked black. No longer the yellow-haired Dark Dread that prided herself on torturing little girls.

“There’s a girl child. Dark hair. Mane Country. Marshall Manse.”

Marshall Manse? Chavias instantly recalled leading the redheaded watcher girl to drop a dark-haired girl child near there.

Rhyers. He rocked slightly to soothe himself before realizing he did it and ceasing.

Udora nodded eagerly.

“Bring her to me.” Radix said with finality.

She leapt to her feet to flee the caves, but Radix’s command stopped her.

“Wash first. Clean up so you are not noticed. There are festivities there tonight. This is your opportunity to prove you’re not as worthless as I now believe you to be.”

“Yes, Master!” And her steps thudded through the stone hall up toward the surface even as Chavias’ boots headed the opposite direction.

Returning to my prison. To my cot. He dropped onto the metal frame and closed his eyes. Projecting himself out to Spirit Run.

As I did to warn Teverius about Lorna. Why she’s still alive, I’ve no idea!

He concentrated on crossing the space to Mane Country. To reach Rhyers before Udora does.

Chavias flew over the distance. Finding Rhyers’ town house and sensing Rhyers in his bedchamber, Chavias was drawn in the window and saw Rhyers sleeping in his bed.

Chavias moved to a corner to focus, away from where Firoque might see his projected energy near the window. He concentrated and was able to enter Rhyers’ mind. Giving him visions of Udora’s face.

To warn him.

Get to the girl before she does!

Rhyers woke breathing heavily and shaking his head as if trying to escape the images.

Chavias’ physical body heard Radix’s sliding step in the cave hall and had to scramble to return to his flesh. Knowing he’d be unable to respond to Radix in the caves when his soul was here.

I should’ve killed her in the dungeon.

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