FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter ACHARIUS - Not Forever

Merwood, Dread Hideout


Chastain sat in the wooden chair next to the fire staring thoughtfully out the shutters. Working a piece of red muslin through her fingers. The light of the fire reflecting in her green eyes until they were a strange sort of amber. Her hair burnished nearly copper in the firelight. The look on her face unreadable.

Acharius stood against a tree on the ridge. Able to see across the tremendous distance into the window.

She’s waiting for me.

She has been for days even though I’ve made no appearance for over a fortnight.

Eventually she rose from the chair and took the stairs to her chamber. To be replaced at the window by Agatha.

I’m sorry, Little Friend. I do what I do to keep you safe.

Chastain spent days waiting in the gardens only to find no trace of him. “Acharius!” She called. No mist seeped across the landscape.

She thinks I’ve abandoned the Merwood completely.

Karina wandered into the garden. Leaving a trail of basil oil in her wake.


They were picking fruit.

“What’s wrong?” Karina asked.

“I miss him.”

“What do you miss?”

“The companionship, his voice. His comfort, I guess.” Chastain admitted.

I’m sorry. I let you get too close.


“He always knew how to soothe me. To bring peace to my chaos.”

I brought you peace?

“Well, where is he?” Karina turned from the apple tree. Placing a fat fruit in her basket as she focused on her friend.

Her intentions are bad, Chastain. Be careful what you say. Please. He willed her.

“I don’t know. I can’t find him.”

“Is he hiding from you again?”

Don’t tell her. She wants to hurt you. He frowned from the treeline where he crouched from their view.

Knowing his plan worked didn’t soothe his frustrations. I miss all the same things.

“Can you focus on other things?” Karina asked her. Tone somewhat hateful.

How can Chastain not hear it in her voice?

“I feel so alone.”

You’re not alone.

“I’m here!” Karina nearly snarled.

To twist a knife in her back. Acharius’ lip curled in contempt.

“But I still feel lonely, I’m sorry. I don’t know why.”

“Is it because my features are not so fine? My voice not so deeply appealing?” She feigned a teasing note but there was really only disgust.

Chastain giggled softly. “That may be.”

Acharius yearned for the sound of her genuine laughter. It’s been so long since I heard it.

“Have you looked for him?” Karina walked to a plum tree. Chastain trailing after her absentmindedly.

“Almost every day. Searching every inch of the caves. Praying the bats don’t get me.”

“Bats.” Karina shuddered. “Awful, yellow eyes…”

“Rats with wings.” Chastain agreed.

“They’re filling the caves as though there’s nothing more to disturb them there…Like he’s gone forever.” She sighed heavily.

Not forever. Acharius sighed.

Acharius watched the girls leave and dropped from the thatched roof of Meredith House to cross the garden before catching the sound of bare feet slapping hardwood.

Her going to her window.

“No.” He winced. Shoving stray blonde curls from his forehead.

How’d she know I was here? He ducked behind the tree as she tossed open the shutters. Standing in her faded lawn nightgown.

Turning from the window she picked up a tallow candle from the mantle. Lighting it from the orange flames. Taking the stairs, she crossed the Main Room, catching a wrap from the hook behind the door, she wrapped it around her shoulders and pulled it over her red hair. The thin material covering the wispy nightgown. Slipping her feet into slippers she ripped open the door and gasped at the onslaught of chilly night air.

Her tiny frame quivered beneath the wrap.

Can’t you stay safely indoors, one morning…Just one. But Acharius was more upset with himself for being lured into her chamber, than he was mad at her for being out of it.

Ducking her head, she ran against the wind. Watching her step in the flickering candlelight.

Acharius sighed and trudged up the hillside behind her. She knows exactly where she’s going. He hung his head. Straight for my caves.

Thunder growled and lightning struck near the woods, illuminating the shadow ahead of him. Her nightgown glowed in the dark like a beacon.

Please don’t let Cimmerii be in these woods tonight. He sent up a fervent prayer. She’s a walking target.

The green wrap shadowed her enough it was hard to tell she was a woman, at least.

Rain was not yet falling but an angry wind ripped through trees, making branches sway. The air howled dangerously. Slowing her pace, she neared the cave.

A million thoughts tore through Acharius’ mind. I could stop her.

He could do a thousand things. But despite every one of them, her stubborn little tail would simply be back tomorrow. He groaned and massaged his forehead.

As she topped the hill, she neared the mouth of the cavern and paused, throat working. A few wild strands of hair blew free of the wrap to trail her. Her sleeping gown molded her long slender legs. Chastain hiked her skirts enough to trudge the mud. Looking like she was floating.

Like a strange angel. He thought despite his annoyance.

Relentlessly moving forward, she was swallowed by the cave mouth.

Don’t. Go. In there. He turned from behind the tree, back rolling across it as he fell into the pattern of her step as she disappeared into the dark.

Dammit. His boots crunched on damp leaves and twigs. Muddied ground curving under his step. Dirt underfoot became stone as the cave deepened.

Chastain was oblivious as she drug her hand along the wall. Treading carefully over loose stones. Their clattering masked any sound he made.

He was impressed by her sense of direction as she meticulously retraced the path she’d previously followed.

Heading straight for where she tripped over my bag.

Her courage wavering, she took a stabilizing breath. She suddenly stopped, back stiffening.

He looked around. Finding there was nowhere close enough for him to hide.

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