FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Rhyers Tracks a Targue

“If you’re here tell me.” She commanded.

His face contorted into near physical pain, but he held his silence.

Her voice echoed back to her, reverberating along stone. Water dripped near them and a slight breeze whispered its secrets.

She took another halting step before his voice stopped her.

“You already know I reside here. Why must I declare my presence.”

She froze. Tucking her neck.

His body eased at the confession. Feeling as if some terrible weight lifted.

“I know your voice.”

“I know you do.”

She brushed hair from her face. Still not turning. Teeth chattering.

He caught the sound. She’s petrified.

“W-who are you, really?” She stuttered over her shoulder. She sidestepped, clearly trying to put space between him and herself.

He blew a breath along the back of her neck.

Sending her arms flailing. Jerking her wrap off as she shrieked. She lurched to run but was pulled to a stop by a massive arm winding her waist and pinning her arms to her sides. A large palm snaked over her lips, silencing the scream she warmed up to. His taut body molded her back as he hoisted her a foot off the ground.

Her spine stiffened so hard it vibrated. Then she went limp so abruptly he nearly dropped her. Bracing her, he lowered her to the ground. Lifting an arm that dropped flaccidly.

She fainted. He chuckled to himself. I’d have guessed her too bold. He shook his head, stunned.

As Acharius laughed at her, he glimpsed motion near the cave entrance. Only a slit of light peering around this corner. But he recognized the dog-like profile in the shadow cast on the wall. It swung its head.

A Targue.

It dropped its nose to the ground and suddenly its body swerved to enter the stone hall.

It’s trailing her. Acharius swept her up and rushed further in to tuck her into the safety of his cot. A flick of his two fingers sent red sparks shooting to bind her ankle to it.

I’ll hear if she wakes. Straightening, he was a blur of motion toward the lumbering Targue. Acharius darted out a back entrance and circled to enter behind the beast. Knowing what he risked.

The Targue was so tightly knitted to Radix that if it glimpsed the artifacts, Radix would instantly know and come for them or her before Acharius could get enough backup to protect them.

And if the Targue found Chastain...It’d kill her in two bites.

And now I’ve bound her so she can’t escape. He warred with himself as he considered going back and fighting the Targue head on.

No, this is the best option.

He entered the cave on silent feet and found the back of the Targue. Ripping his dagger from his belt he gave a low whistle that echoed in the cavern and distracted the huge animal as it lifted its head to try and determine where the sound generated.

Acharius leapt on its back and drove his dagger deep under its skull. Twisting it down forced the knife under the skull cap and deep into the brain. As the animal moved to twist its head, Acharius retracted the knife and planted the dagger deeply in the mush in one eye socket.

The animal gave a pitiful wail.

An echo of Radix’s scream in his Stone Peak cave.

As the Targue collapsed, Radix fell to his knees clutching at his bleeding sockets. His connection to the animal lending him its pain. Though instantly wanted revenge, the Cimmerii had seen nothing. Just suddenly blinded and the terror of the creature’s death.

A feeling Radix never grow accustomed to…

There was the slap of bare feet on stone as someone ran into the cave.

Acharius stood up from the beast. Looking back toward the entrance to confront whatever Firoque followed the Targue.

But he blew a long breath and lowered his weapon. “Rhyers.”

“Yes?” He quirked a black brow.

“What are you doing?”

“I picked up Targue tracks on the edge of the Merwood and tracked it here.”

“That’d probably be that one.” Acharius pointed.

Rhyers walked over and lifted one of its back feet. Identifying the crooked toe he’d noted as he saw its steps in the dirt. “It’s the one...” He sighed. “So, I’d, thought I’d chase it down and come save your giant Viking tail.”

Acharius tilted his head boredly. “Did you truly think I couldn’t take on one Targue?”

“I just wanted to finally prove I’m more warrior than a lumbering Viking…”

“Best of luck.” Acharius said dryly.

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