FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter A Snow Angel & a Temptress

He tugged the coverlet up and held it open a moment as he considered the forbidden. As if sensing his illicit thoughts she murmured.

“Do it.” She whispered invitingly. Breathing so lightly he was sure she was half-asleep.

No. I should not. He eyed the spot behind her where the sheets looked so comfortable. The coverlet between his fingers soft and tempting. But not half so much as the soft curves of the woman in her shift.

“Do you know what you ask?” His voice was hoarse even to his ears.

How am I supposed to act with honor that close to you?

“I know you’re honorable, or you’d have done far worse by now.”

I want to!

“What is it you want of me?” His breathing quickened.

“A companion to lay next to me.”

Companion? He looked Heavenward for strength. She thinks I’m some acquaintance to lay docilely aside her?

He groaned inwardly as his gut tightened. Little Devil.

How does a man lay next to a woman such as she, without thinking of forsaking honor?

“Your presence is soothing.” She tucked further into the blanket.

Well that’s a blessing since yours is anything but!

If you knew my thoughts…

“Clearly, you’re crazed, woman. That’s the last thing you should be saying to me.”

He tucked his hard body against her softness and felt himself relaxing and not relaxing simultaneously. “You’re the only being in the whole of Ardae that can say that.”

Though he couldn’t sleep in this state he was the most tranquil he’d been since becoming Radix’s slave. You’re the one bespelling me.

Already her breathing levelled. Unable to resist he skid a hand over to scoop her tiny one. She barely noticed as he slipped something heavy on her finger. Taking the time to savor the feel of her smaller hand. Her undeniably feminine hand.

It’s been impossibly long since I touched such a thing.

“You may summon me whenever you need. And you’ll have need of me…soon enough.”

Chavias was haunted by the strikingly gorgeous features of Sabine Delacroix. Recollecting the peace he’d felt lying next to her. Even in spirit.

For every hint of light in my world there’s always a nightmare to follow…

On night’s Okine didn’t come to torture Chavias, he’d hear Udora’s broken screams from the dungeons and smell the acrid stink of Dread blood. He knew she was tortured down there.

Okine has worse torments then a blade for women. Chavias knew. Horrified to know what Okine did to her.

Everyone in Stone Peak knows what’s happening to her down there.

Evil as she is, someone should do something. It’s been years…Chavias had thought to save her on countless occasions but never saw her.

Wherever they keep her locked away, she’s never allowed out unless Okine has her. It sickened Chavias. More so because of his role in her suffering. He couldn’t regret freeing the Watcher children, but he could regret no one had slit the woman’s throat by now.

I’ll do it myself if I can get two minutes with her. Sighing he grimaced against another anguished cry.

Rising from the metal cot he walked to the bars of his chamber door. Gripping the square iron he tugged at it and found it, like every other time, too resilient for him to wrench from its hinges. Not at my current strength…

Over an hour later, the screaming stopped.

Is she dead? Chavias wondered, not for the first time.

Radix shouted and a Firoque skittered into his personal chamber. Emerging with a rattling coil of keys.

“Chavias!” Radix yelled in his rasping voice. “Come in here.”

The Firoque unlocked the door and shuffled away, evading Chavias’ black look.

Chavias blew a long breath and straightened his shoulders. Setting himself as he always did to ensure Radix wouldn’t see his weakness.

He entered Radix’s chamber and found Radix tossing around the few belongings in the chamber which didn’t include a bed. Since Radix doesn’t sleep. A few trunks, the table, some blankets.

He knew better then to ask, but the Firoque scrambling in behind him was not so wise. “What do you search for, Master?”

“A blue cape.”

Chavias stiffened. Forcing his face blank. “You summoned me?”

“Yes. Fetch me Okine’s plaything.”


I have to go get her? He realized in that moment that despite his thoughts of putting her out of her misery he badly didn’t want to see her. Didn’t want to look in her eyes and see the suffering there.

“Yes!” Radix turned impatiently. “Bring me the Dread Woman!”

Chavias huffed through his nose in annoyance but turned on his heel. At least she’ll be free from Okine for a time.

Taking the narrow slope into the deep dungeons Chavias felt dread coiling through his stomach and chest. He never went down here unless drug by Cimmerii servants. To be tortured.

It was now groomed in him to be apprehensive of these lower caverns. He drew calming breaths. Feeling claustrophobic. He felt his hands beginning to shake. He worked his fists staring at them. Hating himself for his weakness.

He took the long step into the lower level and saw the few dancing torches there. Okine wasn’t in view. But Chavias could smell the Dread blood and knew she was here. His eyes adjusted to the sudden blinding light. He blinked a few times and spotted her huddled next to the fireplace. Shivering in the darkest corner.

She’d become so frail she looked like an old woman. Her knees tucked under chin as she cowered. Too afraid to even breathe.

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