FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Patience is Not Bast's Greatest Trait

An echoing growl came from his ragged divan. In the darkness of his living room he saw a man’s outline. And the flash of gold eyes.

Relaxing, Deragan kicked the door shut and strode to the living room. His tension seeping away at recognizing the intruder.

Feet leisurely propped on the coffee table the trespasser was completely at ease. Only one man so bold.

“Sneaking up on me, Bast?”

“Keeps you visceral.” He laughed.

“You shouldn’t creep into the lair of a Forever Knight.”

Especially me.

“Not even if you are a Forever Knight?” Bast grinned. Twirling a candle snuffer between his fingertips he added. “You still have the instincts of a hunter.” Clicking the lever to drop the cap repeatedly. Clang. Clang. Clang.

Ugh. Deragan rolled his eyes Heavenward for patience.

“I should. I trained you.” Deragan drawled.

“You trained all of us.”

Deragan blew a breath in the direction of the table to light the two candles there. Illuminating Bast’s tawny features.

“We used to have to do this with our fingertips.” Bast turned the snuffer to examine it at another angle.

Putting out flames. Giving an acknowledging nod, Deragan joined him in an adjacent chair.

“We’d have killed for one of these in the 1500s, aye?” Bast laughed.

Deragan nodded. “It’s good to see you for a visit.”

“Yes…I haven’t been leaving the Castle much.”

You don’t want to leave your valkyrie. But Deragan generally wasn’t one to probe uninvited.

Sighing Bast’s gold eyes reflected light from outside. “I’ll not keep you long. I see you’ve much on your mind.” Moving his feet to the floor, he leaned forward, smoothing his hair.

“Bast. If you’re waiting an invitation to convey to me what’s wrong, you know I won’t. So, you may as well tell me, if that’s your wish.”

His gaze fell to his hands fiddling with the snuffer. “She…She’s like air.” Clang. Clang. Clang.

Like air? Deragan gave him a questioning look. Trying not to wince every time the metal pieces clapped together from Bast’s manipulations.

Clang. Clang. Clang.

Bast thunked it onto the table to massage his forehead with his palms as he sat back on the divan.


“She’s all around me but I can never quite, get a grip on her.”

“Maybe that’s her appeal to you?” Deragan offered.

“No.” Bast shook his head. “It may’ve started that way. But not now. It’s her every movement. The way she hides away in the stable with the animals, how her gaze softens when she sees one she likes. Even how she works so hard to guard that tender heart. All the things she hides from the world.”

“Deep feelings indeed.”

“Plaguing feelings.” Bast grunted. Hands dropping to his thighs. “I heard what you said to her.”

“To Elsabet?”


“I told her the truth.”

I told her she’s become one of us.

“I’ve never wanted a woman so badly.” Bast slumped further into the plush comfort of the divan.

“Unfortunately, Brother, I can see you grow impatient with desire and hunger for companionship, but I fear the only thing that’ll win that one over, will be patience. Piles and piles of patience. She’s been broken, that’s plain to see.”

“I can help her rebuild.”

If anyone can, you can.

But only if she’ll allow.

Deragan scoffed. “Though you are exceptionally good at doing so. A sad fact is that the only one who can truly repair a woman is she herself. Both you and she must come to terms with that before she’ll let you any closer than you’ve been.”

Bast’s eyes widened on Deragan who’d wandered to the chaise longue and tugged off his boots as he settled in.

Deragan sighed and tipped his head up. Closing his eyes as he got comfortable. “You truly thought I wouldn’t know? I’ve known you a long while.”

Of course I know.

I’ve seen how you two look at each other. If anyone can recognize lovers, it is I.

“I’ve told no one.” He reassured. Sensing Bast, despite all his enjoyment tormenting his brethren, wouldn’t want them talking about he and Elsabet.

“You don’t have to. I know what love looks like. And I know the look of a man whose been with a woman he feels for.”

“Yes, I suppose you would.”

Deragan grunted and lifted his head to look at Bast askance. You suppose?

“Certainly, you do.” He grudgingly corrected. “Anything I can do to assist you, Captain?”

Such as hearing my woes. Deragan knew what Bast offered. Not today friend.

“Yes.” Deragan said. “Go to Rosewynn and wait for her. Protect her family when they get there.”

“Done.” Bast said solemnly. Rising. “Anything to help move things along.”

Sighing Deragan rolled his shoulders and reached to run a hand through black hair. “It’s about patience now. You know as well as I that the demon is gathering armies. And to add to our problems, he’s stronger than in the past because his greatest warlord is one of ours.”


“The traitor.” Bast showed an uncharacteristic flash of temper as he dropped back to the divan as though discussing Chavias drained him. He quieted as if he remembered something. Face changing to thoughtful.

What did he just realize?

Shooting him a look, Deragan peered over his linked hands. Still a tender subject for him.

“Losing her now could mean the end of us.” Deragan shifted in his chair. Working hard to keep emotion from his voice. “Radix gets stronger and our numbers dwindle.”

Bast leaned forward. “True. But you’ve never failed with her. You two are eternal. The Fallen is your mate and you hers. She said once that you were like wolves and your souls forever sought each other.”

As she’s written.

“She told you that?”

Bast nodded. “We were friends, remember?”

She was friends with all of you.

I’d have loved to hear her say those words. He could almost perceive her voice now.

“Sometimes. She wasn’t real fond of you in the 1600s.”

She was. She just didn’t agree with the aberrant choices you were making then.

Most of your worst choices were made that century.

Bast winced. “No one was.” He admitted. “But my point was you shouldn’t worry so much about her rejecting you.”

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