FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter A Fight Over Moonlight

Cocking his head grudgingly Deragan said. “But imagine if you will, the agony of wooing your lover over, and over again. Each time to be done anew. In each new body she doesn’t know me. Always, I must start from the beginning, chancing any mistake that could lead her into the waiting arms of the demon.” The thought sickened Deragan.

“It’s a terrifying thought.” Bast blew a breath before turning to smile over his shoulder. “But not one that keeps me awake at night.”

I’m glad you’re so confident in our love.

I always fear it falling apart with the demon always trying to manipulate her.

Deragan gave a quick laugh. “No, my friend, that is worrying over your comrades.”

Equal jab.

Bast shot his captain a look but said nothing. Nearly out the door he twisted to comment. “Ah. And I’d know nothing of wooing. It’s never been required of me.”

Until now. Deragan nearly countered but decided to let Bast leave on the lighter note. The door closed silently behind him.

Chuckling, Deragan shook his head. Sad but true.

Women are drawn to Bast like moths to a flame. Physically unable to resist a look, a smile. And certainly that voice, when he amps it up.

All but her. The creature he keeps. The valkyrie woman he so rarely mentions and keeps carefully under lock and key. Sighing, he tucked palms under his head and got comfortable.

Perhaps my situation is not so complex…He smiled to himself.

Unable to resist, Deragan lurked in the park down the block from Nora’s rental. I just need to know if she’s okay.

Finding she’d dropped her shoes at the edge of the lawn he’d put them in the carriage for her. Knowing she was in a state of shock.

I wanted her to have her shawl. It gives her comfort. He knew it used to be her mother’s. And Nora refused to let the housemaid clean and press it for fear it’d be destroyed. So, she always handwashes it.

Nora arrived home and found their neighbor, Old Rosemary reading to Airon. In her mid-fifties, Rosemary wore an immaculate brown frock. Her gray hair wove into a braid and wound in a halo around her crown. Her customary hairdo.

Nora greeted her and thanked her for watching the children.

The old woman gave Nora her usual quick kiss on the cheek and wished her good eve.

I didn’t mean to scare her. But it was obvious that was exactly what he’d done. Yearning to apologize, he paced the park. Several glances down the block at Nora’s window, told him the exact moment she doused the candle to sleep.

Seeing Rosemary pulling the front door closed, he met her on the lawn.

She turned and jumped at the sight of him. A hand flying to her ample bosom as her breath caught. Looking panicked, she glanced up at Nora’s window. Assuring the light was out she blew a thankful breath.

“You scared me half to death.” She had a hand to her chest.

“Is she okay?”

“A little upset.” Voice rising, she added. “That Worthington just won’t quit!”

She’s protective of Nora. As I asked her to be.

Knowing Deragan well, Rosemary had longed to meet Nora for years. When he’d suggested she move next door and help Nora, Rosie had quickly agreed.

“Radix’s pulling his strings, I think. He stinks of Cimmerii.” Deragan agreed.

She looked appalled. “What happened tonight?”

“She saw me.” He tried not to wince at his carelessness.

“She wouldn’t have unless you wanted her to.” She reprimanded.

“Maybe…It’s a long story.” He made a helpless gesture. “I just want to know she’s alright.”

Rosemary nodded. “She is.”

Feeling eyes on him, Deragan peeked up at Nora’s window. Tilting his head, he swore he felt her in there. Watching me. But I don’t see her.

His blue eyes turned nearly white in the night as he tried to see beyond the dark window.

Rosemary’s hand on his shoulder drew his attention.

“I’m so happy you let me meet her. She and little Beth are so dear.” She smiled. “I can see why you’d love that young woman.”

Disconcerted he shifted. “I-”

Above them the clouds parted suddenly, allowing moonlight to cascade over the lawn, brightening it like high noon. Reflexively his gaze flew to the only possible source.

Nora. He caught sight of her as she ducked further into the room. Registering he was exposed in full light. He dipped his head. Ensuring she wouldn’t make out his features. Fleeing to the neighbor’s lawn, he melted into the shadow of a tree.

Her window scraped open and her soft voice called to Rosemary. “Who were you talking to?”

“William, Honey.”

Deragan flinched. William is probably in that house.

“Who else would it have been?” Rosemary asked.

Nora silently eyed Rosie before backing into the room.

She doesn’t believe you. He looked at Rosemary’s profile. Trying to will her to be more believable.

Rosemary shifted.

Don’t look over here. Blowing a relieved breath, he watched her head down the road, leather slippers squeaking.

Seeing no further movement and hearing only silence, he eased from the cover of the tree to head down the road. Allowing street candles to illuminate again as he past, hoping Nora believed Rosemary.

Why wouldn’t she? He assured himself.

Nora stared at her bedroom door a long while, coming to a decision. Walking to it she wiped sweaty palms on her shift. Hesitantly turning the handle with a lazy creak. Every step down the hall made the floor groan louder. She winced.

Reaching the twins’ rooms, she stared at the bowed wooden doors. Unwilling to open them.

Opening the one to her left, made the wooden door hiss over the floor furs. The room was filthy. A film of dust coated the mantle. The twins disliked the servants coming in to clean. Squinting into the dark she saw the covers move when William breathed. He was in his bed. As she had feared.

Closing the door, she blew out a breath.

Running a hand through her hair she studied the floor. Back in her room she peeled back the blankets and climbed into bed.

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