FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter CHAVIAS - Challenging My Tenuous Honor

InnerCircle City, Mane Country


Sabine had arrived back in Delacroix House from another Ball her father drug her to. As Chavias had often seen her do, she dismissed her maid. Sitting at her dressing table to unpin her hair. Tugging it over a shoulder.

Chavias had transported from his body to come check on her. Finding her here. Doing this.

It seemed very intimate to watch her. He leaned against the wall near the window, arms crossed and a foot up as he examined the small task she completed. He imagined it was something men often watched their wives do.

If they don’t, they should. Relaxed as she was. Going through the trappings of preparing for bed she was unspeakably peaceful.

Everything about her soft and welcoming.

She struggled to free herself of the dress’s fastenings. Face pensive and thoughts heavy as she worked the corset lacings.

I should go. But he was torn. Tempted to help her as he saw her arm bent at an uncomfortable angle, struggling with a particular fasten. He’d turned halfway and prepared to surge from the window to return to Stone Peak.

The huge crow landed on her windowsill. Squawking as he shifted restlessly.

Thadeus. Perfect timing. Chavias gave him a dark look. You’re blocking my exit, wicked bird. He thought ruefully. Facing it he was oblivious to the stillness of the woman behind him as he reached to run a finger down Thadeus’ smooth back.

“You’d watch a woman dress?” She accused.

He whipped around thinking she’d seen him, but her eyes were fastened on the bird. Or his reflection in the mirror, anyway.

He shifted guiltily. I didn’t intend to watch you. I came to warn you.

Damn you, Thadeus. Chavias grimaced. Knowing he was invisible in his current state and that only the crow had given him away.

Only silence answered her.

“I can smell you. Sandalwood.” She turned slowly and eyed the room. One sleeve slipping down her shoulder. “Where are you?” She checked every corner. Sighing she put a hand to her forehead. “Tell me I’m not losing my mind.” She murmured.

“You’re not…losing your mind.” He tentatively relented.

She nearly leapt from her skin as the warmth of a hand fell on her bare shoulder to stay her. “Hold.”


Her body went rigid and he felt her skin heat under his hand. Scooping the mass of her silver blonde hair he pushed it back over her shoulder. “I would assist, if you’ll allow?”

He waited until she slowly nodded. He freed her corset. Mesmerized by the deep cleansing breath she drew. From where he stood, he caught the motion of her rising breasts under the drooping chemise.

She’d gone as still as a doe.

Amusement tinged his voice. “Do you fear if you move, I’ll surrender to baser needs?”

You should. I’m achingly tempted.

“Shouldn’t I? You tell me not to look on you or I’m lost.”

“Nay.” He chuckled and caressed a light fingertip over the unspeakably smooth skin of her shoulder. “It is I that’d be lost.”

I shouldn’t touch a lady so. He knew. But years in a dark dungeon had dispensed much of the gentlemanly training he’d been raised with. I’m no longer a fine Lord.

I’m a bleak half-demon.

“And was does that mean?” She swallowed, throat working.

He saw her head tilt to eye the darkly tanned hand on her shoulder. He made it visible to her eyes. Does she feel the roughness?

“Why do you not shudder beneath the hand of a man who’s clearly worked too much sword? One undoubtedly a killer. One with his hands on you without invitation…”

“Are you a killer?”


“I have had to be, yes.”

“Would you kill me?” Her voice was soft.

No. I’m here to keep that from happening.


“Then what should I fear if you say you’d protect me? Isn’t a killer the manner of a man I’d want to protect me?”

His hand fell in his shock. How to answer that?

This ripe beautiful thing that should send me packing is instead tempting me like a wanton with nothing other than sheer logic.

“Why are you unafraid?” He blurted.

“I’m not one to shrink from the unknown.”

You’re insane in your calm sense of trust.

“You’re cruel in your kindness.” He blurted. Staring at her in the dressing mirror, he was awestruck by the beauty before him.

Her eyes were blue. Not dark, but fathomless. Innocence or intelligence? He wondered. A halo of white hair flowed around her shoulders. So silken it reflected the yellow glow of candlelight, turning it almost gold. Her face was round. Flawless and lips fuller then he’d ever seen on a woman. Dark lashes framed almond shaped eyes and he’d noticed she always had a slight rouge to her cheeks, without blush. As though she found her own pleasure in the day.

Her chin hitched. “Better that then cruel in viciousness.”

If you only knew the things I’ve done…

When that rough hand turned to slide up the length of her slender throat it was joined by his other on the opposite side. Outlining the line of her neck to fist in the heavy curtain of her pale hair. Lifting it and drowning his face in the sweet scent.

“You smell like wild meadow honey.”

Thadeus made a cooing sound from the window. Bobbing his head in a friendly manner.

The woman’s perfect porcelain cheeks suffused darker.

“You’re as forward as I am cruel.” Jerking free she turned to meet him, but his strong hands dropped to her shoulders to hold her in place. Panic rising in him. “Don’t!”

He was stunned at her obedience. Sensing her indignance. But she remained still.

“If you wish me to tolerate your touch further, you’ll tell me who you are.”

He wondered if he ceased breathing. “Ah, and there’s the rub. An exchange then…” He sighed. “I’m Chavias Derenoe.”

“You’re less startling when I can name you.” Her chin jutted. “Hello Chavias.”

A lady calling me by my first name. And I’m the one that’s forward? But he was pleased she did.

“Don’t mistake me, My Lady. I am dangerous.”

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