FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter DERAGAN - A Waiting Game

Meadowbrook, Grier Country (The fallen found for five years)


For an hour and a half Nora tried to talk to The Voice.

My voice.

Pacing her room. Twisting the ring on her middle finger ferociously.

Deragan hadn’t spoken to her for three days. Since the night in the woods.

I have to let you stand on your own, My Angel.

A quick look into her thoughts revealed she’d seen him talking to Rosemary under her window. Now she’s suspicious of her.

Great. That’s the last thing I need her to be.

I take things so slowly, so she won’t become wary of me.

And it’s excruciating. Miserable.

She thought of his smell and his warm arms wrapped her.

At least it haunts her as bad as me. That offered him dull comfort.

The smell of warm vanilla surrounded him. Heat washed over him, and he saw her lovely lavender eyes glazed in silver moonlight. Small white hand clutching his pantleg.

He was still tormented by the pain on her face.

“I know it was you.” She whispered the accusation. “Answer me!”

I can’t. It’s impossible to explain.

“You have always come when I needed you. When I called for you.”

I’m here.

But I need you to separate from my voice to grow closer to me when I come to you.

“Why won’t you talk to me?” Her fists were white knuckled against her thighs as she sat on the edge of her bed.

“You don’t want to talk you want to fight.” His voice emerged.

Now it’s obvious I’ve been here all the while. He held his silence. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m a fool for being unable to resist her.

She faced where it generated but found the room empty. “Why didn’t you tell me you were real?” Hurt seeped into her voice.

Making him ache. I’d tell you everything if I could…If you wouldn’t run.

But you will.

“I told you more than once, I’m not dead. Not a ghost.”

“I thought you didn’t understand what you are!”

“I do.”

“I know that now!” She raged.

“I didn’t lead you to think otherwise.” He pointed out. Brushing a loose lock of hair over her shoulder.

“You let me believe!” She gasped and jerked as she realized his touch.

He was quiet. Unable to defend against her frustration. Letting his hand hover over her shoulder. Giving her time to adjust to his presence.

“How are you here?”

“In spirit. But yes, I can touch you.” A hand trailed down her cheek.

“That’s not really fair, I can’t touch you, can I?”

“No.” The touch vanished as his hand fell away.

But I’d love you to. And very soon you’ll be free to.

Her brows lowered as she looked around.

“Probably a good thing.” His abrupt laugh was nearly bitter. Hiding the ache inside.

Lips tightening in disagreement, she demanded. “Why have I never seen you before?”

“Maybe you have.” He said softly. “In passing.”

She frowned. “You talk to me all the time in ‘spirit’ but when you’re close in person, you’ve avoid me?”

“I’m drawn to you. I-” Sighing heavily he pressed on. “It’s hard to explain.”

Impossible to explain without driving you away from me.

“Don’t you want to meet me? To know me?” She asked so softly it made his heart ache.

More than anything.

I yearn for you for decades at a time. More nights alone missing you then by your side. Pain cut through him.

“I... can’t right now.” His voice cracked.

She was remembering his blue eyes searching her face.

“Why?” She became angry.

“Why are you angry with me?”

Her hand fisted. “It’s frustrating you can so easily physically touch me, but I must be blind to you.”

“Maybe my face would-would...” Drawing a breath, he pressed on. Nearly choking on the words. “I love another.”

I have to distract you. Push you away so I can distance you from needing me in this form.

God, I hate hurting you.

“I saw you. You didn’t seem. You don’t-” She couldn’t speak anymore.

“I can’t talk about this right now.” Pain entered his voice.


“Because it could ruin everything!” His heat retreated from the room, taking the rain-swept scent with it.

“No!” She cried. “What can I say to make you stay?”

He didn’t answer. I can’t.

“Ruin what!”

Ruin What? Everything…

She was impossibly beautiful in a lilac gown with her blonde hair pulled atop her head. Only a few loose coiled tresses dangling around her face.

In seconds, the room held only the memory of his presence. I can’t come back.

Tears welled in her eyes as he faded out the window.

I know you feel alone.

Soon Sweetheart. Soon.

Biting her lip, she swiped at the tears.

Don’t cry Angel. Wincing against the heartache coursing through him. He slammed quiet fists against both sides of the trunk of the tree on her lawn. Pounding the back of his head against it. Hoping the physical pain would appease the internal anguish.

Deragan projected out his energy to force street candles out. Darkening the roads as he reached them. Forcing carriages to a stop until they were lit again.

Nothing impeded him. I need indoors. Have to think.

A part of her knows me. It’s never been like that before. Not right away.

And she’d touched him. The feel of her small hand lingered on his cheek like a heated imprint. Igniting his body to life again.

Energy coursed from her to him. Deep and seductive. As it is when we are lovers. Mind racing Deragan reached his front door. Rising to his back legs, he twisted his limbs and spine into human form. Tossing his head to throw the vertebras into line.

His hand touched the handle. It feels foreign. Someone’s energy left a mark like a fingerprint on his senses. Sniffing he caught a smell. Eyes flashing yellow his smooth black hair lifted from his scalp. Emitting a growl, he put a palm to the door and pushed.

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