FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter DERAGAN - Choking

Phalanx Forest, Grier Country


Cool air fanned Deragan’s heated flesh, soothing his ire. He inhaled the smell of trees, damp underbrush, and trace animal odors. Trying to evade his thoughts, he shook his furred head.

What was I thinking? Trailing Nora to the dance had only proven painful. She looked amazing. I’m torturing myself.

Huffing, he lowered his head to follow the scent of a rodent.

I’d only intended to look after her. But contempt crawled through him when he saw men’s gazes tracing over her.

She wouldn’t know me if she saw me. He sighed. What in Ardae am I getting jealous for?

Being apart from her is choking me. A branch drug across his side, yanking him from painful reverie. His snarl was rewarded by fleeing animals. Among them a large rabbit.

Leaping over weeds and sliding on wet grass he dodged a low branch and veered deeper into the woods before catching it. Uttering a triumphant growl as his teeth tore into the flesh at the back of its neck. Gripping it tight he shook it until the distinctive snap. Pawing it to turn it on its side. His serrated teeth tore open the tender flesh of its stomach and feasted on the delicacies inside. Blood smeared his snout. Barely pausing, he lapped it from his jowls.

A sound foreign to the forest shattered the silence. His head shot up.

Something large. It stumbled through the woods like a wounded deer. Unease crept through him. Abandoning his meal, he shot through trees. Yellow eyes reflecting what paltry light there was, illuminating darkness.

There she is. The last girl he’d intended to see again tonight, ran through his woods. Frantically glancing over her shoulder, she barely watched where she went. It’s not like she can see anything anyway. What the hell is she doing out here this time of night?

Blue satin glowed nearly white in pale moonlight. Shoes dangled over her fingertips and her feet bled from running bare. Catching scent of the wounds, he knew it was only trace amounts of blood. Scratches. And mud. All over her.

She’s going to hurt herself running as she is. She can’t see!

Over her delicate shoulder a strap dangled. Blonde curls tugged free from pins atop her head and tossed wildly behind her. Unshed tears glittered in her eyes. Fear made her scent change, still alluring as it mingled with her vanilla perfume.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Nora heard the ever-present voice rising in her mind.

“Calm down. You’re safe.” His comforting whispers helping her cope during the months after her mother’s death had conditioned her to be soothed by that calm voice.

Shoes were gripped between her fingers as she ran barefoot. Dirt under her toes and branches in her face as she fought a rising tears.

Swirls of black cloud closed around the moon above like gripping fingers. They crossed the sky furiously, tossing shadows over tree trunks. Concealing the path before brightening it again, in alternating flashes.

Nora sucked in heavy breaths, letting the air fan her face.

Overwhelmed by panic, she fled the Worthington Rental. Dress torn and hopes for the evening, dashed.

Running from the brush he intercepted her.

Nora caught the flash of movement in her peripheral. She slammed into a solid wall. Breath knocked from her, she was paralyzed.

Arms wrapped about her to steady her.

Her body went rigid. Reddened eyes shot to his face.

He made clouds instantly block the moon as fast as her head moved to prevent her a clear view of him.

To his horror the moon’s glow jammed through treetops to slash his face anyway.

He tipped his head to keep it in shadow.

Nora’s eyes roved Deragan’s face in the dark. “You’re not…you’re too tall…” There was a hint of thankfulness in her tone.

“Your jaw!” She cried.

It made a grinding sound then snapped into a square line.

Squinting through darkness she stared. Blinking hard then looking again.

Yes, I’m still here. He tuned into her thoughts.

She tried to see the rest of his face. Glimpsing dark blue eyes and taking in his scent. Sandalwood and a coming rain.

That’s what she thinks I smell like?

“Do I…Know you?” She tilted her head.

Wondering if I’m dangerous.

She recognized his smell as when the Voice spoke with her.

He shifted uncomfortably as she worked it out. I should go. But the thought of leaving her right now was impossible.

She struggled to breathe with him so close. Heated fingertips were light on her upper arms. Air that’d been chilly moments before was now superheated. To his horror, she recognized the feeling.

“It’s you…” She stared at him questioningly. “I never thought…face-to-face?”

Yes, it’s me. His lips tightened but he could say nothing.

“How are you real? Why didn’t you tell me?” Intoxicated by moonlight and his scent she reached to caress his cheek.

She startled herself. Confusion darkening beautiful blue eyes as she bit her lip.

He felt the tremble of her fingertips as they touched his skin. Yes, don’t stop. He blew a relieved breath, already moving his cheek into her hand.

Colors burst behind his eyelids. A vision overpowered them. Her vision. Candlelight shining over rows upon rows of books. A library.

Flames danced in the massive fireplace burning next to her. He stared at her just as intently then as he did this moment. Peering into her soul. His hands were unimaginably warm on her lower back and holding hers as they moved in step in the memory.

Dancing. Elation bloomed through every fiber of their bodies. No music. Just the two of them.

Laughing, he twirled her. Long skirt spinning out around her as he pulled her back against his chest. Using her own arms to wrap around her middle as he dropped soft kisses to the slope of her white shoulder.

A shining gold flower on the mantle glinted.

She sighed in pleasure.

Knowing she’s safe. Deragan recalled that day. That’d been the late 1600’s. Right after I built Rosewynn Manor for her.

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