FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter I've Gone Daft

Perhaps I’d rather not know. He instantly regretted the question but was too confused to take it back.

“I saw one of the maids.” She explained slowly. Eying him as though he were the one behaving strangely.

“Yes. You said that.” He growled. “Saw her what?”

“W-with a man…She made sounds.” Riaura peeked at him from beneath lowered lashes. “I-I want to know…” Her fingers traced the lines of his tunic up to his collar. She gripped it and pulled him down to her.

When Alazar’s gaze fell to those heavily lashed green eyes and felt the grip on his shirt tighten he was drawn in irresistibly. When did she become so decisive?

Her lips hit his roughly before he generated an answer. His thoughts floated away on the breeze as he was lost to her softness. “Are you sure of what you want?” He murmured blearily against her lips.

“Most certain.”

“You understand this isn’t something you can simply take back if you regret it? Not something I can return to you if you miss it?”

“I’ll not want to.”

“It’ll change you.”

“Most things have.” She countered. Look unfaltering. “I want it to be you, Alazar.”

“I truly don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Well…You do too much thinking…” She said thoughtfully. “I will choose someone. And another man wouldn’t be you…” The threat worked beautifully. “What if-what if…”

He clearly saw how she maneuvered him but was helpless against the jealousy tightening his belly.

“Fine. Have it your way.” His lips fell to her neck as he worked the laces on the back of her dress. Expertly letting the blue sleeves slip to her elbows.

“Mmm…I intend to.”

“But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He gruffly freed her from the fabric.

They became a flurry of cast aside clothing and bared skin, roaming hands, and soft kisses tracing curves and contoured lines.

In his rush, Alazar accidentally tore the shoulder of her gown. He looked at her to see if the sudden violence startled her. He found her unbothered as she frantically worked the laces of his tunic. Pushing it over his shoulders to run her fingers over the lines of his chest.

As she traced the scar running down his cheek, he guided her to the soft bed of moss beneath them.

Asking only once more if she was sure, before speaking softly to her. Walking her through what’d happen. Hoping she wouldn’t be scared.

“Riaura.” He paused the ministrations of his lips.

Groaning softly, she tipped her head to look at him. Her heavy lids reluctantly lifting. “Hmm?”

“Are you certain?”

She nodded dreamily.

He drew a steadying breath. “Do you understand this doesn’t mean love?”

I don’t’ want to say it but the words needed speaking.

She winced at the severity of the comment. “That seems a rather cold way to put it.”

Yes, it probably was too harsh.

I’m sorry. Before he could apologize she’d continued.

“But I do know the maids speak of the deed endlessly whilst you never hear the footman breathe a word. I understand it’s viewed differently by both.” She said hollowly. Blinking back rising tears.

He was instantly contrite. I haven’t seen her cry in years. He realized. Now I’m the cause. That’d never been the case before.

“I understand.” She looked pained.

“Do you want me to stop?” He arched away from her, frozen. Nearly hoping she’d say yes as he stared down at her.

She adamantly shook her head and pulled his head back to her collar where he could return to kissing the delicate bones and-he suspected, distract him from the emotions on her face.

She knows what she wants. He allowed himself to relax and become lost in the warmth of her skin.

She panted with desire. Golden skin sweating with need.

There was no part of her he found displeasing from the daunting suppleness of her thighs to the silken smoothness of her hair, lightly scented with roses. She smells like spring.

And tastes like honey.

He took his time making her yearning mount. Savoring the feel of her. When the moment of pain came, he held her tight to his shoulder where her teeth sank so deeply, he was certain he’d have another scar to accompany the rest she so frequently asked about.

“I haven’t the faintest idea why she chose me. Devil take her, for a terrible choice! If I could, I’d take it back and never have touched her.”

“Of course, I’d not want it to be someone else!”

-Alazareth telling Sebastian

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