FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Jeopardizing All I'd Planned

Then the vision was gone. She bit her lip as tears flooded her eyes. “It’s you.”

His heart ached at the sight of her pain. He gave a sudden indrawn breath and reflexively turned his cheek further into her palm.

“Who are you?” She breathed. “How do I know you?”

I wish I could tell you. I wish I could tell you everything.

Retracting her hand, she eyed it as if it were foreign. Something that’d betrayed her.

God I’ve missed her. Deragan was startled to realize unexpected levels of emotion already affected his blood pressure, heat, heart rate. If I don’t stop this, I’m going to change shape. Right here. Right now.

Catching her wrist, he pulled her from him suddenly. “Don’t.” Too harsh. “Please.” Broken words were all he had. Dark eyes turned pleading as he looked at her.

Something in her gave and shattered. Abruptly her legs became useless, crumpling beneath her. His arms cradled her, catching her weight as he lowered her to the ground. Dropping to his knees as his eyes roved her face.

Beckoning and dangerous his scent, sandalwood and rain, called to her. Warm and inviting, it made her reach to trail a finger down his chest.

“What am I doing?” Her blue eyes followed the path of that finger as if shocked at her own actions.

I’m not making you do it.

It’s your subconscious reaching for me. And God, did he want to reach back.

But he drew away. Retreating from her. I have to.

It’s too early. I’m going to scare her.

She won’t understand. He swallowed the lump in his throat.

She rose to a sitting position. Skirt folding around her legs in a glimmering pile. She wrapped her arms around herself. Hair bright against the softness of pale shoulders, forming a halo around her small white face.

Stepping forward to offer comfort he forced himself to stop. She doesn’t know me. He swallowed.

Small and vulnerable, she looked up at him while quiet tears slipped down her face.

And he fractured. Falling to his knees in-front of her, he cradled her face in his palms pushing his forehead to hers. Come back to me.

I’m yours.

Light bloomed around them, illuminating darkness, frosting every shrub and tree silver. Her shimmering skin generated a smaller dose of the same light. Growing impossibly brighter by the moment.


Watching Worthington tormenting her had been unbearable enough, but this? To see tears on her face, pain in her eyes. It’s too much! Jaw tight his back straightened as hot fury flowed through him.

Vengeance.I’ll beat Simon Worthington until there’s nothing left!

But he was diverted from that intent by the stench of Cimmerii growing stronger from the party behind him.

They’re surrounding the house. Worthington had held the party as a trap so he could have it completely surrounded by Cimmerii. Or Radix bid him to. No matter the reason or whose intent, it’s what is happening.

Deragan remembered that Meralee Carter and Lucien were both back in that mansion. Unaware of the descent of Cimmerii.

“I have to go…” Gathering strength he stood. Twisting he looked back at the light of the house. Brushing past her he swallowed hard as his hands tightened into fists.

She caught his leg.

Freezing he slowly looked down at her.

Her wide eyes shone like sapphire jewels.

Full of new hope.

“Thank you.” Her voice was soft.

Lifting her chin with his finger he saw wisps of hair dancing around it in a sweet breeze. And imagined her catching them in her fingertips to tuck behind her ear and twist the tendril against her neck as she always had in lives before.

Extraordinary lavender eyes watched him unblinkingly.

Time stopped for him. He was transported to when they had talked most of the night, fluffed pillows under their heads and blankets warm. She had done that soft gesture to get the hair from her face then too. Gazing at each other they’d finally fallen asleep.

Our last night together.

For decades I suffered without her. Missing her unbearably.

“Always.” He murmured.

If I tell her now, she might draw from it. I could lose precious time. Push her towards the demon.

Forcing himself to rise he left her, legs rigid under him. Swallowing hard he struggled to keep walking.

If I don’t go now I won’t at all. It took every ounce of his strength. Pushed on by the odor of Cimmerii drawing around them, as Nonis poured through the trees in the distance heading for the Worthington Mansion.

I need to get away from her, or they’ll kill her in-front of me. His step faltered when she pled for him to stay. Wincing he ordered himself forward. Dragging his body away. Each step excruciating.

He knew she’d follow. I can lure her back to the safety of the group. Apart from me. I can’t enter with her, it’ll jeopardize her.

I can figure a way to get them all to leave together.

Lucien will watch my back.

Managing enough will to rise, Nora followed. Running through the woods to keep his tall frame in sight.

“Come to me.” He whispered to her. Knowing she couldn’t see him. He was too far ahead.

Twice something tugged at her skirts and fabric tore, but she assumed it was just loose branches on the forest floor.

She pursued Deragan doggedly. Staring across the naked lawn at the looming mansion. Unable to spot his silhouette.

Laughter from the Ball carried to her on a shallow breeze. Lilacs bordering the property offered their scent, intermingling with the smell of night.

Come on Sweetheart. Get inside. You’ll be safe in the group. As long as you’re not next to me.

Ronald and Mac Turner as well as several ladies stood on the glossy wooden steps near the door. A bottle dangled between Ronald Turner’s fingers, his voice was slurred.

Courtesy of Mac no doubt. Deragan thought in disgust.

Nora forced her way through them despite scathing objections. Heedless of the consequences.

Deragan had gone back in but vanished into the crowd. Knowing Nora followed, he used magic to cloak him from the memory of those he passed. People looked through him as he pressed through.

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