FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter My Vow to Get Her Back Here

He lunged and changed shape in the air. Becoming as dark as midnight silk. Fur flowing out through his skin to surround his glowing gaze. Nose stretching until it formed a snout filled with sharp teeth.

He loped to catch up to Calisto. Sniffing the wind until catching her scent. Weaving around a tree he caught her trail in the dirt. Seeing the last track of her slipper he spotted it in the nearby bushes. Where she cast it aside.

Following the trail further made it feel fresher. The smell of lilies more potent. I’m getting close.

He pictured her walking. Tugging the twisted remains of the braid which had contained her dark hair, free as she muttered about the men. And regretting going, no doubt.

Which was my fault. He winced. Blinking green eyes with furred lids. I shouldn’t have asked her to come. She knew what’d happen.

He swung a wide circle, so he wouldn’t top a hill and suddenly find her right in-front of him. Giving her time to spot him. Swinging wide of the trail he cut her off. Hearing a crunch, he watched her come into view. Gold dress already sullied by mist and mud. She clung to her wrap, shivering. Her blue eyes were wide and fearful. Red lips swollen, from chewing them.

At least her dagger is put away.

It’s no wonder she’s cold. The dress was just a filmy fabric. Ill-equipped for chilly weather. She looked impossibly willowy and delicate under her wrap.

Calisto. He wanted to call out to her. To apologize.

She trusted me, and I led her into a trap. What if I shattered all the tenuous trust I’d built?

What if she thinks I knew what’d happen? If I set it up? He swallowed, unsure what he could say to her.

She may never trust me again.

She took her next step. A bare foot squishing into mud. The white seam of her dress drug. She held the gold skirt up to step.

It was tattered where trees had caught it.

Torn with indecision on whether to speak to her or not, he changed from the wolf. Back rearing up. Snapping at the center before collapsing into a flat line. Fur fell in heavy clumps that vanished before touching ground. Blinding pain seared through him. Burning through his joints and into his face, as his features flattened. Crushing his skull bones.

Raese woke roughly. Sitting bolt upright and breathing heavily. Covered in a sheen of sweat. Horrified at that grinding feel of bones snapping. Rising, he moved to the window and pushed open glass windows. Evidence he was still in the Paladines rather than Dread Country where glass couldn’t be made because of the warm, humid climate. He blew a breath. Taking in the cool air, he looked at stars winking from a night sky. Beautiful…

He felt a small, cold hand at his side. Jumping at first, he quickly recognized the tiny, chilly touch curving around to palm his belly. Her weight pressed along his back.

There you are. He sighed, unwinding. I’ve missed you…

“Calisto…” He whispered putting his palms over the tiny cold hand he couldn’t see. But there was pressure and something his hands rested on separated his own touch from his stomach. He felt her cold breath along his shoulder blade. He imagined her standing there. Caressing his spine soothingly.

Always here to comfort me just when I need it most. Nearly feeling the cold cloth of a sleeping gown brushing along the back of his legs. Sweetheart…

Stay with me. He sensed she tried to answer him. Longing to talk with him.

“I…Think I’m remembering…” He whispered.

He felt a long cold breath against his skin as she reacted. Relief?

“I don’t understand how I could’ve forgotten you. Us…What happened to us?”

Please tell me. Tell me anything!

Did you die? He turned and saw the hazy outline of her face, streaming tears.

He reached for her, but his hands only passed through. Making them both wince. I don’t understand how this works? A moment ago you felt real, cold…Now I can’t touch you?

“Are you dead?” He asked.

She shook her head adamantly. Blue eyes blinking and mouth moving frantically fast. But he couldn’t hear the words she so badly wanted to tell him.

What? What is it?

I can’t hear you! He was desperate to though.

“Can I get you back?” The feverish yearning in his heart demanded he ask, though he feared the answer.

She continued her impossibly fast movements.

“I can’t. I can’t…Understand you.”

She pointed to her head and nodded gravely.

“I can? I can get you back?”

She nodded once more. Faster.


She talked too fast again.

His shoulders slumped. “I don’t understand you. I wish I could. I don’t know what to do!” He reached to cup her cheek. Imagining what it would’ve felt like to touch her smooth rounded cheek rather than only feeling a cold gust of air.

She tossed her head in what was obviously a wail of frustration.

“I know! I know, My Love.” He nearly sobbed. Wincing at seeing her suffering.

She pointed at her head and shook it.

He frowned at her, puzzled. What?

“No head?”

She hopped in excitement arms flailing.

No head.

She prodded toward his chest.

“My heart? Use my heart? Think with my heart!” He realized.

She nodded.

“I’ll stop avoiding sleep, I swear it! I’ll try harder to remember, to figure out how I can get you here.” He vowed. “With me.” It was his turn to prod his chest.

She nodded hopefully. Eyes filling with additional tears. As she pushed a hazy palm to his chest.

He covered it with his own but felt only cold air as his fingers landed against his own chest.

Her image flickered.

“I will. I vow!”

Her mouth opened as though that was hugely significant to her. As though she understood what that meant to him.

I never break a promise. I must’ve never broke one to her. He realized. Good.

But she was gone.

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