FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter Lorna at the Wilhelm Ball

He decided against killing them all. Deragan would be very disappointed.

And in truth, Raese’s purpose was to kill true evil. And these people, though malicious as hell, were no eviler than Calisto herself. They’re afraid of her.

They knew what she was. They know what she’s capable of.

His eyes were still set on the woman. A black-haired Dread of some wealthy standing, by her garb. She’s some kind of Firoque, Radix’s servant. He was sure.

The king grunted. “Well I should kill one of you for heresy, but I haven’t the patience to destroy my festivities for your wordplay just now.” He gave Raese’s profile a long study. Then spoke to the lady. “However, I’d not want to be you Lorna, alone on these roads, anytime soon. He looks fit to gut you.” King Lareth turned in a sweep of his robes.

In disgust, Raese left the Ballroom and the Dread Castle entirely. Aiming out into the darkness. Eyes glinting green to reflect the light of the rising moon.

Wolf’s eyes.

He lunged and changed shape in the air. Becoming as dark as midnight silk. Fur flowing out through his skin to surround his glowing gaze. Nose stretching until it formed a snout filled with sharp teeth.

He loped to catch up to Calisto. Sniffing the wind until catching her scent. Weaving around a tree he caught her trail in the dirt. Seeing the last track of her slipper he spotted it in the nearby bushes. Where she cast it aside.

Following the trail further made it feel fresher. The smell of lilies more potent. I’m getting close.

He pictured her walking. Tugging the twisted remains of the braid which had contained her dark hair, free as she muttered about the men. And regretting going, no doubt.

Which was my fault. He winced. Blinking green eyes with furred lids. I shouldn’t have asked her to come. She knew what’d happen.

He swung a wide circle, so he wouldn’t top a hill and suddenly find her right in-front of him. Giving her time to spot him. Swinging wide of the trail he cut her off. Hearing a crunch, he watched her come into view. Gold dress already sullied by mist and mud. She clung to her wrap, shivering. Her blue eyes were wide and fearful. Red lips swollen, from chewing them.

At least her dagger is put away.

It’s no wonder she’s cold. The dress was just a filmy fabric. Ill-equipped for chilly weather. She looked impossibly willowy and delicate under her wrap.

Calisto. He wanted to call out to her. To apologize.

Everyone’s gaze was drawn to the sudden appearance of the weapon. Causing a hum through the room. When he spun it in his hand, the crowd dividing him from Calisto were thrown apart. Hitting walls and toppling furniture. Scattering them like little wooden toys. Splitting them, gave her a path to flee outdoors.

Catching up her skirts, dagger in hand, she bolted.

Reaching the door, she grabbed her wrap from a stunned footman. Hesitating only briefly to look over her shoulder. Blue-purple eyes glinting as she gave Raese a long look.

“What was that?” King Lareth demanded. Stepping from the dais onto the Ballroom floor to approach Raese. Furious his demand to know what occurred had gone unanswered.

“That was the beautiful Dread. And these-” He pointed at the men still pinned against the wall or floor, staring bemusedly at the king draped in regal red and purple robes. “were attempting to accost a woman in the Dread Country King’s Ballroom.”

“That’s a fierce allegation…TreeCutter.” He assessed Raese.

There was a gasp throughout the crowd.

Raese pulled off the mask over his green eye to meet the king’s glower. “Nonetheless it is a true one!”

The king turned to a few women standing on the edge of the ballroom floor. Well within eyeline of what’d occurred.

“Were these men ungentlemanly on my Dancefloor?”

The women looked at each other worriedly. A few of the younger ones biting their lips.

A raven-haired woman stepped forward and shook her head adamantly. “Of course not, Your Highness!”

The King’s eyes moved to her. “Do continue, Lorna.”

“They were merely talking, and she started shouting.” The woman persisted with the lie. “They came to see what was going on.” She pointed to Raese. “Then this one came along shoving them around in her defense.”

“Is that so?” The King asked tonelessly. “You know it’s heresy to lie to the king?”

“I do.” She said solemnly. Unflinching as she boldly deceived the king.

She’s clearly seen scarier things…Such as Radix. Raese suspected.

Raese felt an abrupt hatred for these people. People that’d lie cruelly at the Dread’s expense. Making her sound crazed after they treated her as no more than a common whore.

Raese’s teeth ground. He considered lighting the Dance Hall on fire. Make them all pay for their malice.

He decided against killing them all. Deragan would be very disappointed.

And in truth, Raese’s purpose was to kill true evil. And these people, though malicious as hell, were no eviler than Calisto herself. They’re afraid of her.

They knew what she was. They know what she’s capable of.

His eyes were still set on the woman. A black-haired Dread of some wealthy standing, by her garb. She’s some kind of Firoque, Radix’s servant. He was sure.

The king grunted. “Well I should kill one of you for heresy, but I haven’t the patience to destroy my festivities for your wordplay just now.” He gave Raese’s profile a long study. Then spoke to the lady. “However, I’d not want to be you Lorna, alone on these roads, anytime soon. He looks fit to gut you.” King Lareth turned in a sweep of his robes.

In disgust, Raese left the Ballroom and the Dread Castle entirely. Aiming out into the darkness. Eyes glinting green to reflect the light of the rising moon.

Wolf’s eyes.

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