FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter 1720 DERAGAN - Mera Envisions a Predator

Meadowbrook, Grier Country (The fallen found for five years)


Deragan peered around the corner of a stone building. The narrow alley road eclipsed by Phalanx Forest, shadowing him as he trailed Nora.

He’d noticed her getting up earlier lately. Sneaking to read during tutelage hours. Bedroom candles brightening earlier in the eve. She should be curious. It’s her connection to our past. To whom she was.

It was invigorating for him to know a part of her hungered for that past as much as he did. Or at least the good pieces of it.

This morning she’d already walked little Beth and Airon to the tenderage. Now she strode the intersecting cobbled roads, nose in the volume. Flipping the pages back and forth. Brow growing more furrowed. Gnawing her lip, she looked for something.

What’s she trying to find? Leaning forward he watched intently.

Her head shot up and her back went rigid. The morning carried a biting chill. Glistening frost lingered, marking everything. But she was so warm steam rose from her breath and shoulders.

My nearness is already affecting her temperature? She’s usually not sensitive so fast.

She looked straight at where he crouched in the shadow of the buildings.

Shit. Startled he slinked backward to meld into the forest.

Eyes widening, she shivered.

She saw me. He was sure. As the wolf.

As much as he knew he should, he was too mesmerized by shimmers of light trapped in those purple-blue eyes, to look away.

For a heartbeat their gazes locked. Hers terrified.

Finally, she broke the look and crossed the empty intersection at a jog. Pale blue dress blowing in the breeze as she sprinted toward the tutelage, heart pounding as she frantically looked to passing coaches for help.

Meralee and Anna awaited Nora in the stone turn out, bordering the tutelage. Same as they did every day. In-case it was one of the rare days Nora actually arrived on time. The girls talked mindlessly-at least Anna did. Mera listened and tried to look attentive.

But she suddenly felt numb. Fumbling to sit on the stone wall encircling the tutelage grounds. Separating from her body, her mind was forcibly drawn over grass meadows and rambling houses. Cobbled roads sped beneath her in a blink. Seeing the wolf didn’t stop her. She drew close enough to stare into the slitted pupils of his yellow eyes. As closely as if she knelt to stare down his velvet snout.

Strange human feelings emanated from it as it followed Nora. Longing. A need to protect.

Mera stood in the turn out, staring down the empty road.

No matter how loud Anna yelled, or how hard she shook Mera, Meralee couldn’t react. Frozen in her dreamlike state.

Turning her head slowly, Mera finally looked into the worried eyes of her friend.

Valerie gasped. “Meralee!”


“Your eyes are white!”

“We need to find Nora.” Mera said emotionlessly.

“Okay.” Anna nodded wide-eyed. “Okay…”

Nearing the tutelage, Nora saw her friends coming up the road to meet her.

Anna waved.

Moving slower, Mera watched the road behind Nora as if looking for something.

Over her shoulder, Nora saw only empty streets shining silver in bright sunshine. Giving Mera a searching look resulted in a blank expression.

Nora gave Anna a questioning look.

“Mera said we should come find you.” Anna tossed the darker girl a confused look.

Still watching the road and studying trees and houses beyond, Mera ignored her.

Nora longed to ask what was wrong but knew Mera would be annoyed with Anna there. Anna was utterly incapable of secrecy.

The three of them entered the tutelage. Pointedly ignoring glares and whispers from the ladies that use to walk with them.

Not noticing a man entering behind them and quickly veering to point his back in their direction. Close enough to hear their conversation even over the jumble of voices.

Anna made a disapproving sound, realizing neither of the other two ladies were listening to her prattle. Anna cleared her throat. “Anyway, the Hallow’s Eve Ball...It will be momentous!”

Nora groaned.

Mera elbowed her. “Might be good for you.”

Anna’s face lit. “You could meet someone Nore! You haven’t been courted since...Ronald Turner!” She made it sound terrible.

It is terrible. Deragan agreed. Red.

Rounding a corner, they saw him shove two smaller tutelage boys into the wall.

“And what a prize I missed.” Nora commented. “How did I ever let that one go?”

Anna laughed. “Still, it’s been...forever…Why is that anyway?”

Nora opened her mouth to answer but Anna cut her off. “Don’t you want to be pursued? It’s a rite of passage to have a beau court you. Long walks in the park, curricle rides, lovely spring days in the company of a gentleman who’d one day like to wed you...” She sighed. “Without it you may nurture some deep-seated detriments to your later years.”

Did that girl just spout something with a glimmer of depth? Deragan was faintly surprised.

“Anna. Anna!” She interjected when it was obvious the redhead wasn’t taking a breath. “I need to borrow your dream interpreter.”

Anna’s brows lifted. “Can’t.”

At Nora’s confused look she gestured next to her. “Mera’s got it.”

Glancing sideways Nora saw Mera studying the floor intently.

Anna whispered to Nora. “She has been like that all morning.”

“What’s with you, Girls?” Anna’s voice rose. “No one even cares when I go on about that book for months than suddenly you both want it the same sennight?”

They rounded the corner into the hall toward tutoring and Deragan caught Nora mutter under her breath.

“I should’ve stayed outside with that animal.”

Deragan twisted to cast a look over his shoulder down the hall. Glimpsing Simon Worthington in a cluster of five ladies gushing over him as he met Nora’s look.

His eyes locked on her.

Yes. You should’ve. Deragan saw the look on Worthington’s face from where he stood in the crowd. Watching her over their heads. You were safer with me.

Groaning inwardly, Nora spun on her heel and went the other direction down the corridor.

Apparently with no intention of going to tutoring again today. Deragan noted. Not disapproving of her decision.

Worthington’s eyes narrowed. Flashing orange so fast no one caught the strange orange-red glow.

He’s more dangerous then she knows.

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