FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter A New Pet

Tev watched its back and caught the movement of a narrow wing trying to unfold. Hopping onto the broken leg, he leveraged higher to catch the wing in his teeth and dropped his body as dead weight. Hearing the wing rip violently in wicked spurts.

The shrieking creature reared around to viciously swipe at him, but he lunged sideways and skid under its arm before jumping high to catch the elbow of the other. Crunching through solid bone. Snarling.

The Sarabi stumbled on its ruined leg and Tev jumped toward it as it came down. Fleeing from underneath, with part of the Cimmerii’s black throat still dangling from his mouth. It wheezed, struggling for air.

Tev charged the women next. To drive them inside where they’d be safe from future attacks.

And to keep the little one from seeing what the Sarabi would become as it died…

The crone shooed the girl inside and slammed the door, bolting it.

Satisfied, Tev loped a circle and returned to the crumpled body of a man that spasmed several times. Attempting to breathe through the gaping hole in his neck. Clawing clumps of grass and dirt in the hand that still worked. Dragging his body sideways.

Shame. He thought. Had I had time…I could’ve changed you…

Tev contemplated putting him out of his misery but remembered how he had bit anxiously at the little girl’s soft arm. Sinking in short triangular teeth despite her desperate screams.

He sat, content to watch it suffer. Only moving when he felt something along his back. He spun and nipped the tiny arm snaking over his shoulders.

She squawked but realized he’d not made contact.

What are you doing back out here, Child? He eyed the drenched little girl.

“What is it?” Her eyes moved to the dying man. “Why’d he look like that?” Her voice was unafraid.

Tev snarled and bared teeth as he looked back at her.

“Do not pretend.” She waved a little hand dismissively. “You saved me. I know you did.” She petted along his head despite all his threats, before patting his thick shoulders.

“You’re My Friend, I know it. My Wolf.”

What the Hell is happening?

She slid to the muddy ground to lean her back against his side.

He eyed the top of her purple-haired head a moment in confusion.

It was not long before her small hand wandered out from between them to pet down his back soothingly.

Have I been adopted? Tev wondered ruefully. She pets me like some lost puppy. But a glance at her huge turquoise eyes peering at him and he didn’t have the heart to chase the scared little girl off.

Perhaps I’d like some company. He grudgingly admitted.

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