FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter CHAVIAS - Hunting the King of the Assassins

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border


It was several months later. Months of raids in which Chavias arrived days too late. Storehouses were cleaned out. But other buildings that’d contain food were conspicuously left standing until Chavias got there and burned them to cinders.

When Chavias entered, he found food gone but without the building being devastated, he sensed that food had been stashed aside for the villagers. So, when Chavias burned the structures the extra stores wouldn’t be depleted. Savage.

Tonight, Deiti came as the evening arrived. The smell of the NetherRunnel river floated to him on the night breeze. The sound of a soft mountain rain teased his ears as Deiti drained him until he felt too weak to stand.

Sated and sleepy, despite knowing what’d likely come, he couldn’t resist the peace of an encroaching slumber. Surrendering to the escape.

Shortly after he dozed off, Okine woke him in his habitual fashion. Blade into my torso. It was a rusted straight blade plunged into the soft tissue above his collar. Fortunately, the side opposite my heart.

This night is starting off swimmingly. He growled in pain. Lurching off his cot to escape Okine’s reach. He stumbled across the room to hang on the bars of the door to balance himself in his reduced state.

“What do you want, you worthless whoreson?” Chavias grunted. Weakly cupping the top of his wounded shoulder.


“Grand. What?” He growled.

Okine’s eyes narrowed. “Defiant. Slave.” Contempt filled those two words.

He’ll tell Radix. Like the coward he is.

Despite his constant suffering, Chavias was consoled by the sight of Savage so many months ago. It’s good to know he’s out there alive.

And that he hasn’t forgotten me…Chavias admitted to himself. Realizing he missed the boy like a pseudo-son.

“What’s your damn detail tonight?” He demanded.

“Armor. Blades. We go.”

“You’re going?” Chavias reared back. Radix rarely sent Okine and Chavias on the same mission. Knowing they didn’t trust each other.

Nor do we operate as any kind of a team.

Not like I and Savage did. They’d been nearly one person. Serving each other’s backs as a single unit. Like me and the knights once did…

Okine left and Chavias had no choice but to stumble from the stone chamber along the corridor to the black expanse where weapons, shields and armor were kept. He found his molded leather and pulled on the armor. Tying the leather thongs that held it in place.

Whatever this mission is, if Radix is sending both Okine and I, then we’re confronting something Radix considers a substantial threat.

Please don’t be the Captain.

Chavias was even more surprised when they reached the entrance and he saw the size of the swarm of Cimmerii awaiting him. Including a number of Firoque, the creatures still half-human. Carrying weapons themselves.

And when he stepped beyond the entrance, he discovered Radix himself, gray robes billowing in a light summer breeze.

Chavias eyed the old demon warily. What are we doing?

“Come warlord.” Radix snapped his fingers, beckoning Chavias to his side.

Hating every step, Chavias obediently went. Knowing he could sink his blades in Radix until he looked like a pincushion. It’ll do nothing. He’d pull them out and heal.

Chavias had tried before. Many times. And suffered immensely for his efforts.

Blue Lark Guild, Dread Hideout

They took the jagged road through the Black Mountains. Crossing high ridges before cutting down the rim of the Black Mountains to enter the Netherlands. Chavias caught the winking lights beyond the dark trunks and knew they were the glimmering hearts of dancing fairies. Common in the Netherlands.

We’re heading for the Dread Hideout. Chavias recognized this Northwesterly course as the cautious route into the Merwood. Avoiding main roads so we can get the jump on something…Or someone…

Acharius? His stomach dropped. He knew of no one else in the Dread Hideout. But it doesn’t make sense. Every other time Radix wanted one of the Forever Knights killed, he’d sent Chavias alone. Knowing those missions severed off bits of Chavias’ soul.

This is too many Cimmerii for even that archer. Masterful as Acharius is this is an overwhelming force for one man.

Too many could get killed in pursuit of whatever their target was. Radix wants something rather badly. But to Chavias’ surprise, they went far beyond where he knew Meredith House was. All the while Chavias prayed, Acharius wouldn’t confront the massive troupe of Cimmerii flooding into the Dread Hideout.

If he intercepts us, Radix will cut him down without slowing down.

What’s he want so bad he’s willing to risk this many Cimmerii? Chavias was astounded by the small army surrounding him.

There’s no way Radix would come on a run to raid storehouses. And there’s precious few of those in the Dread Hideout. This corner of the Netherwood was broken from the rest of Grier by the villains, highwayman, assassins for hire, bounty hunters, and their prey.

To Chavias’ shock, the Merwood split open and revealed a new structure Chavias had been unaware existed.

Thadeus cawed as he flew in circles above them.

Keeping me in view. Chavias watched the crow fondly. Knowing the bird wouldn’t land on his shoulder unless it felt safe from the Cimmerii.

Unless I feel safe.

Chavias focused on the structure ahead of them. It’s recent.

Stone still shined. With no cracks in the mortar sealing it together. The crisp wood still sharp and vibrant. Fresh with the wax weather coating. An outer perimeter glistened with iron spikes, wet with the earlier rain. The doors were reinforced wood and it looked like there would be a second set within. Iron spears were built into the walls to point horizontally across the doors. Making it so only one man could walk between them and through the doors, at a time. Moving carefully to avoid the sharpened tips pointed at him from both sides.

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