FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter TEVERIUS - White Wolf

Northern Netherwood, Netherlands


Since that strange meeting on the road, Teverius watched over the strange purple creature. Radix would prey on her if he happened upon her.

And she…Who hasn’t the sense to fear anything!

If she does sense otherworldly things. Radix will want her.

On nights like tonight, her hair appeared black until moonlight caught it. He peered around a tree and across the meadow. He saw her twirling and laughing. Pulling excitedly at layers of skirts. The crone stood outside their shack watching her. Leaning heavily on a long staff.

“Do you like the clothes, Dear Girl?”

“I love them!” She cheered. “I’ve never had such pretty colors before! I love everything here!” She beamed brightly at the old woman. “You must teach me everything, so I may get such pretty things for myself!”

“I sell potions, Dear Girl. Would you like me to show you how to mix them?”

“Indeed!” She bounced exuberantly.

Despite himself, Tev chuckled.

Startled when the little one’s head spun to eye the trees. He ducked behind one. Whipping the edge of his cloak to capture his white hair. Pulling it from view in a smooth motion.

Her vivid violet eyes darkened to turquoise as she studied the grove of trees where he hid.

How’d she hear? His sound was soft. And they were opposite the meadow. An impractical distance.

She heard me over her own chattering? Impossible.

“What is it, Dear?” The crone queried.

“A man. I heard a man laugh.” She said decisively. Dashing away his assumptions.

“Come. I’m sure it’s nothing.” But the old woman put a hand to her shoulders and led her back to the shack. Glancing fearfully over her shoulder.

His eyes narrowed on her.

What does she fear?

It worried him what the woman feared. What would hurt her or the child?

I need to stay close until I know…

Less than a fortnight later, Tev discovered what hunted the woods around Gilwynn Village. He’d kept near the crone’s strange little shack. Close enough to hear if something went wrong.

Something is going wrong now.

The little girl was screaming.

Rushing toward the back of the shack, Teverius reached the rickety wooden bridge crossing the NetherRunnel behind the house. He lunged over. Passing the cow pen, he skidded into the clearing before the front door.

A huge Sarabi had bit into the girl’s arm. The crone gripped her other arm, shouting unintelligibly.

The girl’s shrieks cut the air as she jerked her arm from the jaws of the beast. A thick drop of blood fell to the puddle of water at her feet.

Tev’s gaze trailed the movement with unbridled fury.

Rain pelted the dark clearing before him. The louder the tiny one’s screams became the harder rain poured.

Tev hardly noticed. Ripping the gold broach from his cloak, he let the wind carry the cloth off his shoulders. Floating hauntingly to the shrubbery behind him. Snagging on a bush and billowing in the gale.

He took to all fours. Loping toward the three. White hair melded with the bright fur coating his flank and climbing his back. Ribs tightened with a crunch. Making him gasp for air as he leapt a log and crossed into the clearing.

The Sarabi tossed its head upward.

It’s caught my scent.

The black creature spun to face him.

Good. I don’t like attacking from behind.

Tev loped to them as a wolf. Better equipped to take on the Sarabi then the lumbering cat he preferred. Though it did have nicer claws it lacked the stamina…

The Sarabi’s focus was riveted on Teverius.

Come here you, big dumb beast. Tev’s watchful gaze was intent as he awaited the monster. Glancing beyond the torentuous rain, his brow furrowed as he looked at the girl clinging to the crone, shivering.

The Sarabi licked drooling jowls.

Horrible creatures… Nearly the size of a horse but uglier. Giant red and orange eyes glinted as it reared onto thick back legs, tossing its spindly ones forward to run at Tev.

An atrocious adversary. But slow, nonetheless.

However, Tev hoped this one couldn’t fly. Some can. He knew.

Tev’s pupils dilated to see his opponent. Does it have wings?

He’d been surprised by Sarabi wings before and it had nearly cost him his life as the creature coasted over him and raked his back with vicious claws.

The little girl beyond the charging Sarabi whimpered. Tucking her face into the crone’s robes.

Good. She shouldn’t see this violence. He jerked his snout rapidly to invite the attack.

The Sarabi chittered gleefully. Charging faster.

Tev let it get almost upon him before lunging to the side and veering under the animal. Sliding sideways through mud then twisting onto his belly to catch a bony leg in his jaws. Jerking violently and pitching sideways generated the satisfying snap of the Sarabi’s thin leg.

It shrieked.

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