FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter The Tale of Ezra

Making her eyes narrow. She leaned forward to order. “Tell me. Or I’m leaving this instant.”

Sucking in his cheeks in annoyance he decided to tell her. “Fine.”

He met her look steadily. “Because of my sister.”

Her face scrunched up in confusion.

“Ezra. She lived here.”

“I thought you were from the UpperLands?” She frowned.

“I couldn’t leave her. I found a Dread.” He swallowed. Tapping table with a finger. “I went back for her and she chose to come here through a Dread portal. She chose the Isle to live. Because she loved it. I built Sabias House for her. Then the raiders came…”

And killed her.

“What about the rest of your family?”

We were orphans.

“There was no one else.” He explained.

We only had each other.

“You speak of her in the past tense.”

“They killed her.”

“So why do you still protect this island?”

In her honor.

“To look after the descendants of her friends and those that loved her. It’s all I’ve left of her.”

“How does time effect you?” She asked shrewdly. Leaning forward to ask.

“That’s hard to explain…”

Good question. He massaged his chin thoughtfully.

“We don’t seem to age. We call ourselves immortal. But we can still die. A fierce enough injury will still kill us.”

“Good to know!” She slapped the table.

He glared at her.

“I’m kidding.” She grinned.

Is she? He couldn’t tell for sure. And he’d not witnessed this rare flare of humor afore.

“What do you think about time in general?” She queried.

“I think it steals everything.” He said morosely. “That’s one thing I’ve learned over the years.”

“Hmm.” She tossed her hair over her shoulders.

“Time gives you whatever you put into it. It is not limitless, but is only limited by what boundaries we set.”

Her brows lifted in surprise. “I thought you mindless brute.”

“Why, thank you.” He lowered his head in deference.

So liberal with the compliments. He thought ruefully.

“And what of society?” She quirked a challenging brow.

“It’s necessary to provide dictates of what is expected behavior and group evolution, but some rules are put into it, based on mere preference of the strongest leaders.”

“Exactly.” She proclaimed.

Apparently, I said the right thing for once.

“I thought you didn’t believe in any conventions.” He remarked.

“Why would you think that?”

“I couldn’t help but notice how you spur suitors, defy matrons and are more than willing to publicly slap a persistent courter.”

“I didn’t slap you.”


“I wasn’t that persistent.”

Her brows lifted skeptically.

He laughed.

“You’re not as dumb as I thought.”

“I believe you said that.”

“No dumb is even a step up from mindless brute.”

“So, I’m ascending in your favor?”

“That’s a liberal statement.”

He shrugged.

“Perhaps…” She admitted grudgingly. “A mite.” She pinched her fingers together to reflect only a tiny bit.

“I’ve given you many of my secrets tonight.”

“Tell me something about you, that people don’t know?”

She looked to her hands at the table. Interweaving them and tapping her thumbs along the jagged wood.

“My brothers mostly raised me. My father has a fondness for Haze Flower.”

An addictive powder generated from the flower found in the Netherlands near the Battling Border.

“That’s unfortunate.” He said sympathetically. “But it does explain your willingness to kick or throw a right hook.”

“They never really taught me to spar.”

“Probably feared you’d use it.”

“I would’ve!” She said defensively.

“Do you know how to wield any weapons?”

“No.” She looked sullen. “They’d not teach me.”

“Probably feared it’d ruin your ladylike image.” He said sagely.

She scoffed and then her cheeks puffed as she fought laughter but it finally ruptured out.

Laughing with her a moment he impulsively offered. “I could teach you how?”

“You’re not afraid I’d use it against you?” She gave him a sideways look.

“Not afraid. Just dead certain you would.” He chuckled.

Making her smile again. Chocolate eyes sparkling with dancing lights. Interest brightening her face. “Would you really?”

“Absolutely. Every woman should know how to defend herself. It would’ve helped you in your recent endeavor. Rather than your rather pathetic attempts…”

“What!” She nearly toppled the table. Her hands flattening over it as she glowered at him enraged. Then her expression changed, and she crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re goading me.”

“I am.”

“Who began calling you the Fogdragon?”

“The people of Browning. For obvious reasons.”

I show up as the dragon in the fog. It’s a rational nickname.

“I suppose you appreciate the ominous sound of it?”


“And the simplicity.” He shrugged. “What else do you want to know?”

“Why did you choose the Templars?”

“I heard how fierce they were in battle.”

She scoffed. “Why does that not surprise me?”

“I like to win.”

“I noticed.”

I won you. You just don’t know it yet.

“Will you tell me what happened with the raiders?”

He sighed. I don’t want to.

But I will.

“Ezra had grown into a lovely young woman. Accomplished smart and nearly as good looking as her big brother.”

Mera rolled her eyes Heavenward.

“I built the House deep in the trees thinking the inconspicuous location would isolate her from her harm.”

I was a fool.

“But it meant she had to walk the distance to Browning and when I was gone she was alone.” Sorrow tore through him at the memory.


“They followed her from Browning. They hurt her. Stole her goods and raided the house. Taking everything they could carry.”

“And she died?”

“She was dead by the time I returned from LandingTown. Her friends had to tell me and showed me the grave.” His voice cracked. Thick with raw emotion. He shifted. Voice hardening. “I hunted them all down. I killed everyone in righteous retribution. Then I vowed I’d never let someone hurt anyone else on this Isle. It’s mine to protect.”

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