FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter Hearing of the Forever Knights

“How is it I’ve never heard of you in Grier?”

“People in Browning keep my secret in return for my protection.”

“Wise people.”

“Good people.”

“Jeresine…” Mera’s lip jerked derisively.

“She’s a good girl.”

“Is she?” Mera asked skeptically.

He gave a helpless gesture. “That’s not my business. I don’t meddle in her personal affairs.”

“You reign over them like a Lord over his people.”

“I wouldn’t say that.”

“Why not?”

“Because I know every one of their names. Their trades, their skills. I’ve spoken extensively with all of them.”

“What about when intruders come to the Isle.”

“The townspeople terrify them with myths of my presence, and I make an occasional entrance for them to glimpse me. Keeping the peace.”

“And the fear.” She said knowingly.


She gazed deeply into his brown eyes. Her thoughts impossible to read from her face.

When he began to creep into her mind she lifted a finger.



“I can feel it.”


“Reading my thoughts. I felt Derrick Black doing it before too.”

“And sometimes I felt it when I was alone in my chamber.” Her eyes slitted on him.

He felt a slight stain burning his cheeks.

“As I thought.” She sneered. “You were spying on me.”

“I was. My Captain ordered me to.”

“Did he order you to watch me change.”

“I did not look.”

Though I’d really really desired to. I refrained…

“Better not have.” She hissed.

“I vow it.”

“Can I trust your word.”

“More than most.”

“But wholly?”


He stood, pulling her hand into his as he rose.

Her body stiffened then, and she refused to stand from her chair. Giving him a venomous look. “Are we back to you dragging me about?”

Wasn’t my intention. I was asking.

He gave her a lopsided grin. “No, My Lady.” He dropped warm lips to the back of her hand. “But I’d hoped the honor of escorting you to your chamber would be mine.”

She laughed then, unable to stop. “Don’t think all your charm conceals the fact that you still want to make sure your captive is carefully tucked in her chamber, My Lord. Think me no fool.”

You’re completely accurate.

Shrewd little Quiller-cat.

“My Lady, you’re no man’s fool.”

Despite herself a half smile quirked her lips. As she rose.

But instead of pulling her, he folded her hand over his arm to escort her up the creaking steps. Putting his over it.

In-case she tries to bolt. He’d not let go.

“No charm intended. You’re clearly any man’s equal.” He walked her to her chamber. Reaching her chamber door, he released her hand for her to walk inside and round to face him. Hand on the door.

He offered her a polite bow. “Should you have any unsettling dreams, you must knock on the wall. I’d happily join you, My Lady. My conscience wouldn’t allow you to suffer any discomfort.”

“Ironic.” She lifted a dainty brow. Brown eyes blinking haughtily. “Coming from the man who abandoned me alone in the woods.”

“I didn’t abandon you.”

“Didn’t you?”

No. I was never more than a few steps behind.

“You were following me?”

“I had to ensure your safety.”

“And that I outwitted the rest of them so you could win the game?”

Win the woman. He mentally corrected.

He gave her a bold wink and flash of white teeth. Before stepping back enough she could close the door. Knowing she’d not miss him tossing the latch on the outside of the door.

“You’re a dangerous man, Lucien Sabias!” She called through the door.

I’ll take that as a compliment. Despite that she means it as an insult.

“Sleep well, My Lady. We have much to discuss in the morning. And in a fortnight’s time we’ll welcome visitors.”


Before he could answer, the innkeep walked up with his hands linked behind his back. Nodding toward the lock. “To your specifications?”

“Well done.” Lucien pushed a coin into his palm. “Let’s pray it’ll hold her.”

True to his word, Lucien Sabias was the gentleman. Letting her rest through the night as he lay in the room next door. He heard the rattle of the shutters as she tried to tug them open before realizing they were nailed shut. He heard the grating sound of her working a nail out.

When he heard two clink to the floor he became nervous. How long is she willing to keep at it.

But her sigh indicated her surrender. Then he heard the creak of the cot and knew she’d given up.

For tonight.

Meralee shook out the blanket. Inspected the cleanliness of the bed before climbing in fully clothed. She was only there a moment before the shutters creaked. Rattling slightly as twining streamers of mist crept in.

She blew a breath and the cold made it crystallize above her. She sat up. Tensed for an attack.

“Lucien?” She choked out the whisper so quiet that he soon decided he’d not heard it, form the otherside of the wall.

The mist formed the delicate frame of a woman dancing across the room to twirl above Mera’s head.

Then the familiar shape of the dragon the mist had shown her before, formed.

The two shapes neared each other. Seeming to dance together as they spun around each other before melding into one mass. Then the mist sighed and slowly crept out on the wispy tendrils of a breeze.

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