FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter LUCIEN - To the Lion's Head

Lion’s Head Tavern, Isle of Wight


Lucien Sabias guided Meralee Elaine Carter to the Lion’s Head Tavern.

She followed him reluctantly.

He tightened his grip on her hand reassuringly. Almost there.

“What tavern is this?”

She knows what one it is and what it means.

He didn’t answer. Merely pulled her faster.

As the trees broke, the sign hanging from the tavern was visible. Depicting, of course, a Lion’s Head.

“Oh, no!” She cried. Locking her heels and tugging at his hand. Trying to pry it off hers.

“Come now, Miss Carter. It’s almost over.”

I’ve nearly won this little affair.

And your waspish hand in marriage. Not sure yet how much of a prize that’ll prove to be.

It may earn me a quick death in my sleep.

“The devil it is! I’d rather be six foot under then be won in some game!”

Charming chit. He gave her a quick look.

“Would it appease you if I proposed on bent knee?”

“Appease!” She spat. “The word appease should never be used in any sentence discussing a marriage proposal!”

He floundered. Probably a poor word choice.

There was a great wrestling match as she tugged at him, trying to dead weight drop. But he was strong enough to easily drag her. So, she switched to actively kicking at him and squealing like a skinned animal.

Helpful. He thought dryly. Turning backward to clutch her arm with both hands.

“No!” She turned and tried to just walk away.

Trying to drag me? It was laughable.

Though she was tall and strong, she still weighed only about half as much as him and his body was well-honed. Rippled with large muscle.

And I’m dragging a skinny woman like the worst manner of rogue.

Fortunately, they know me. He fumbled for the handle of the tavern. Kicking it open behind him as he pulled her like a disobedient child while she crouched low to the ground. Digging in her feet as she screamed no.

As though I intend to violate her. Annoyance flared in him.

“I’m not trying to hurt you, Woman! Cease your screeching.”

Glancing over his shoulder he found the entirety of the tavern eerily silent as everyone stared at him, jaw agape.

The smoky room was far warmer than the chill outside. Once he got her over the stoop and through the doorway he released her to turn and declare, “This woman is Miss Carter. And I, Lord Lucien Sabias am the one that brought her here.”

I’ve won.

The barmaid at the counter was frozen with a tankard hovering over the counter. She nodded. Shock written over her face.

Lucien rounded and crouched before Meralee who sat on her rear just inside the door. Glaring hatefully at him.

Like she wants to run me through.

“Jig is up, My Dear.” He grinned and gave her a bold wink. “I’ve won. We’re here.” He offered her a hand up. “No need to fight any further. I’ll let the other men know they can go home.”

She slapped his hand aside. “You do whatever you wish. I’ll decide when there’s no need to fight. I’m disinclined to wed a man I hardly know.”

He shrugged. “Simple enough to remedy. Come get to know me.” He offered his hand again.

Again she swatted it away.

Damnable hellion. He glowered threateningly.

She upturned her nose impertinently. “Offer it to me again. See what happens.”

She’ll slap it away again. Got it.

Remembering her demanding a drink at the Wanted Man he went to the counter and asked for an ale. Returning to where she still sat plopped in the doorway.

Looking as though I murdered her puppy.

He leaned over to offer her the tankard. Eyes narrowed in anticipation of her potentially swatting it all over him.

Instead she jerked it from his grip and climbed to her feet. Stalking to a table.

He sauntered behind her.

Ale. He noted to himself.

A peacekeeper with her. He’d remember that.

“So…” He slid into a chair next to her. Reaching and snagging a damp rag from a tray as a barmaid passed, he scrubbed the table before Meralee. Gesturing for her to set her drink down.

She looked at him askance.

Surprised I have a gentleman’s bone in my body likely. Fair. Sometimes it surprises me too.

She set her drink down slowly.

“So, what would you like to know?”

“Why are you doing this?”

“My Captain ordered me to.”

“You’re a knight?”


She frowned skeptically.

Doesn’t believe me. He recognized.

“Why would he do that?”

“To ensure you were protected.”

“What?” She squawked. “What would your Captain care for me?”

“You are a friend to his mate.”

“Mate?” She shook her head in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“Nora Bishop.”

“Nora isn’t anyone’s mate!”

“Oh, yes she is.”

“Who? I would know if she was being courted.” Mera was nearly shouting.


“She is. By her husband.”


Perhaps I should slow down.

“Let’s get to that later.”

“I don’t want to get to it later!” She cried. Slapping the tabletop.

“Drink your ale.” He pointed. Showing her it teetered from her disrupting its perch.

She lifted it and took a hearty dram. Beautiful slim throat working.

Lucien blanched. Perhaps a bit quickly.

He caught the rim of the cup and guided it back to the table. “What else would you like to know.”

“Why-why are you a dragon?”

He sat back and sighed. Explaining to her what’d happen and watching the disbelief settle over her face.

“You’re lying.” She said.


I don’t lie.

“How is that possible?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never known.”

“Why here.” She gestured around the tavern.

“The Lion’s Head?” His brow knitted.

“The Isle of Wight.”

His gaze dropped and he shifted uncomfortably.

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