FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter An Unwelcome Guest

Tev frowned as he gave her a sharp look but saw the facetious light dancing in her eyes. She’s teasing me.

“As I thought!” Rhyers declared. Walking down the hill and gesturing for them to follow. “Come! Join me for lunch. It’s a glorious day!”

“He’ll tell, Sebastian.” He gave her a sideways whisper.

“What does that matter.”

He’ll tell everyone the untruth and taunt me mercilessly.

“Bast will never let me here the end of it.”

“Let them think what they wish. I like them thinking it was you that pursued me.”

Tev stopped walking to glower at her. But it wasn’t!

Her mischievous grin killed his arguments.

Fine. Let them think what they wish. He fell back into step with her. Rolling his eyes Heavenward.

But he yelped and jumped forward, when she unexpectedly reached around to give his left buttock a firm squeeze.

He glanced back to give her a dark look. Walking a bit faster.

She lifted her brows flirtatiously. That grin still firmly in place.

Impertinent wench. He thought. His frown dissipating into amusement.

The afternoon passed personably. Rhyers was always an entertaining host and Serdephe was soon telling him stories about Teverius that had him groaning.

Rhyers gestured frequently for his servants to refill their wineglasses.

Why is everyone trying to intoxicate me? Tev sipped liberally. It was excellent wine. Sweet but with a full-bodied flavor. Far from the earthen flavors of elven wine.

Rhyers chimed in with his own stories at Tev’s expense.

Much to his chagrin. “Well we must soon be moving on or I’ll have partaken too far of your excellent wine.”

“No!” Serdephe caught his hand. Tugging him down toward her. “I don’t want to go yet. I’m having so much fun here!” She gestured to Rhyers.

Rhyers was grinning down the table. “Stay, Little Brother. You’re welcome to visit overnight. I’ve plenty of well-kept chambers for surprised guests.”

“Uninvited guests.”

“Happily-welcomed nonetheless.” Rhyers gestured broadly. “Come. Stay. Look at her beautiful face.” Rhyers tossed a hand toward Serdephe. “Would you see that joy fade from her eyes. Overtaken by sorrow and disappointment that she’d miss out on my excellent wine and great conversation?”

Yes. But he stared down at her pleading face and felt himself give.

“Fine.” He slumped back into her chair. “But only until the morn.”

“Grand!” Serdephe clapped cheerfully. Lifting her wine glass to her mouth again.

How much as she drank?

She get’s a tad lascivious when she overindulges. He glanced at her and she met his look over her glass.

Uh oh…

There was a knock at the door. Rhyers rose and skid his chair back.

“No need.” He waved his butler away as he crossed the foyer to answer the door. “No.” Was all he said and swung the door. Attempting to close it. But a valise was jammed in it before it could latch.

“No.” He leaned over to mutter in the crack. “Bad idea.”

“’Tis a great idea!” A woman declared.

Who is this that has Rhyers so flustered. Tev’s curiosity drove him from the table to the foyer for a better view.

Rhyers was leaning on the door. His boots skidding over the marble as he attempted to push it close. Shoving at the valise with his other hand.

“Let me in!”


“Bodin, you’re being churlish!”

“I won’t have it said you spent the night in my home!”

“You spend the night in my home all the time!”

“Oh, he does?” Tev queried. Brows lifting in delight that the tables had so perfectly turned.

“Your servants are all witnesses to my appropriateness! No one will believe mine since they’ll think they’re merely being discreet!”

“Come Rhyers, do let the poor woman in. You are positively being a wretch in front of the ladies.” He gestured back where Serdephe furtively poured the remainder of Teverius’ wine in his glass, while he was up.

Lady might be overcredited. But he was starting to laugh.

What manner of women do we have here?

One trying to push her way into a gentleman’s home and a wine stealer at the table…

Rhyers was glaring darkly at him. “Why don’t you help me close the door?”

“Not a chance.” He strode over and pried the door open with the lady’s assistance on the otherside.

Skidding Rhyers back on the smooth floor. “Dammit, Tev. You’ve no idea what you’re interfering in!”

I do.

“I must see this woman you’re so hell-bent on refusing entrance!”

I’ve never seen you so rude.

Tev had half-expected to see some over-fed, money hungry mistress insisting on Lord Rhyers’ attentions. Instead he found a highly attractive, very petite woman with a charming face.

“What’s wrong with her?” He gestured to her length while giving Rhyers a puzzled look.

“Everything.” Rhyers grunted. Straightening his overcoat in agitation as she entered the foyer. Valise in hand. Calling to her driver to move on.

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