FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter Meeting Rhyers

“You speak often of your alpha’s aggression and capability of violence. Why does he allow that?”

“He’s also wise, a tremendous strategist, and he has an innate sense of when to let us lie and when to command us. It’s why we follow him still.”

“He does sound an amazing man. He exudes an intimidating aura.”

Tev gave a cold laugh. “That’s putting it mildly! He’s almost always calm but when he is incited…” Tev shook his head. “It’s not a pretty sight. I’ve seen him crush grown men with his bare hands.”

“You almost make him sound awful.”

“No, I admire him. And have great appreciation for what he must do to remain alpha. I can imagine no other Forever Knight leading us.”

“Can you imagine if Mardichi did?” Serdephe giggled.

“We’d all be sodden wretches.” Tev laughed. Dragging a palm down his face.

Sobering, he added. “The Captain thinks we may need the Fallen’s help to unlock Raese’s memories. If we’re right and he can no longer recall us.”

“That makes sense.” She nodded pensively. “He wants him undisturbed, so you’ll know where he is when you need him. The Captain doesn’t want to alarm him. I see the logic in that.”


Rhyers Hall was their next stop.

As they topped the hill overlooking the expansive Hall, Ser gasped. “Wow!”

It is an impressive sight.

Rhyers Hall was as extravagant as its owner. Rhyers had spent a long time designing the architecture of the structure. Fortunately, this part of Mane which bordered Grier, possessed consistently mild weather. Usually sunny or carrying only a slight chill. Unlike the southernmost half of Mane which was dusted in dense needle trees and a perpetual snow.

At least it has been for the last few years. For whatever reason.

Rhyers Hall had an elaborate, tan stone, circled drive embracing a three tiered fountain pouring crystal clear water. Making a soothing burble. The house had four jutting peaks. One on each corner. The roof was dark, but the outer walls of the Hall shined with fresh paint and some manner of turquoise stone inlay seaming down the front like tiny streams. Walls of windows covered each floor with massive sliding doors which were left open.

They’re almost never closed. Not unless Rhyers is partaking of his Knight Sleep. Then the doors are rolled closed, the shutters locked and bolted and the house can quickly become a fortress.

He designed it well. And the burbling fountain helped mask his magic from Radix’s trackers.

“Welcome.” A voice whispered from behind them.

Serdephe whipped around. Her dagger slipping into her hand from somewhere under her skirt as she rounded.

“Where do you keep that thing?” Rhyers’ brows lifted. Eying her form-fitting purple dress.

“Don’t you worry about that, Rhye.” Tev put a hand on his chest. Stepping between them.

Ser was flushed. Furious that he’d somehow snuck up on them.

He does it to the best of us.

“Don’t feel bad.” Tev reassured. “We never hear him either.”

“I don’t like it.”

“None of us do.”

“That’s why I’m the tracker.” Rhyers bowed exaggeratedly. Swinging his hand in a flourish.

In full spy guise. Tev noted.

Ser took in the sight of him standing there in immaculate green overcoat and breeches. Over a gold vest framing a perfectly folded cravat. And a loosely pinned wig was precariously balanced atop his head in thick layers. She eyed it like something that’d crawled from under her bed.

“What is that?” She pointed. “Some manner of nest?”

Tev snorted in laughter. Nearly!

Rhyers groaned and tugged a few pins removing it to eye it in his hands. “I wish it were that useful…”

He hates that thing so much.

“What is it?” She plucked at it disdainfully.

“They call it a wig. A requirement for any respectable Lord of Mane Country.”

Poor sod.

“I’d move away.” She blurted. Eyes huge.

Tev tossed back his head laughing uproariously.

Rhyers nodded grudgingly. “I’ve thought about it.”

Her eyes fell to his dirtied bare feet. “But shoes are not required?”

Tev followed her gaze to Rhyers customarily bare feet. Yes, they are. But he hates them even more than that damnable wig.

He wiggled his toes in the healthy grass. “Shoes are absolutely required but I struggle with that as well.” He shrugged. “I heard someone coming and scented it was someone I didn’t recognize. And an odd Cimmerii scent.”

Demon Dogs. Converted Targue. Their smell is less potent now that they serve us instead of Radix. Their telepathic link no longer rotting them. Tev gestured to the Dogs sitting at her feet.

Groomsman lazily lapping with a dual tongues which moved in rotation, along the bark coating on his back. Making a horrible rasp.

“I should’ve known.” Rhyers laughed. “I haven’t smelled them in some time.” He gestured to Serdephe. “Now I know why.” A dimple appeared as he offered her a lopsided smile.

Not what you think.

“Yes, My Wolf gave them to me, long ago.” She shot Tev an adoring smile.

“Oh, I see…”

“No, you most certainly do not.” Tev interjected.

They weren’t a gift for a lover. I wanted to protect her.

“Oh, I beg to differ.” Rhyers straightened with a cocky grin.

You can go right straight to Hell.

“What is he saying?” She asked Tev innocently.

“He’s saying I gifted them to you, to charm you.”

To seduce you. To lure you to me.

“Didn’t you?”

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