FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter Rhyers' Desires

“Such as?” Tev queried.

“Yes, Bodin. Such as?” She chimed in.

Bodin? He vaguely recalled that was Christophe Rhyers’ middle name. Why does she call him that? She must know him well.

Odd. I’ve never heard of her.

“She’s the most stubborn, infuriating…”

Oh, he’s fond of her.

“Guest.” She interjected. Dropping her valise on his foot. “I’m happy to be your guest.”

“You were just saying how you enjoy unexpected guests!” Tev said cheerfully. Earning him a scathing look from his brethren.

“You were?” Ebony asked. “Care to introduce us? Or have all your few remaining manners abandoned you?”

It seems so. At least where this woman is concerned…

“Marcus Teverius this is Ebs-Ebony Marshall-Miss Marshall.” He corrected quickly.

Ebs? He has a nickname for this woman.

“Oh, you do like her!” Tev murmured under his breath as he lowered over her hand. So quietly only Rhyers could’ve heard it.

Just then Serdephe emerged from the Dining Hall and caught Tev holding the woman’s hand. His lips pressing the back.

“What is this!” She shrieked. Flying across the foyer in a rage.

“Oh, no!” Tev rounded and caught her shoulders.

Ebony retreated a step. Eying the wild woman with huge dark eyes.

“Kissing a woman’s hand when introduced is convention?”

“What is convention.”

“A ritual amongst the gentry.” Ebony explained slowly.

“You!” Serdephe pointed an accusing finger. “Are after him!”

Ebony’s brow furrowed as she looked from Tev to Rhyers.

Clearly confused about which ‘him’ Ser means.


“She wants him.” Tev pointed with a thumb over his shoulder.

“I most certainly do not!” Ebony cried.

“See!” Serdephe said. Eyes darkening as she struggled against Teverius’ hold to get around him to Ebony. “You want, My Wolf!”

“Your wolf?” Ebony asked. Utterly befuddled. She gave Rhyers a puzzled look. “Are they drunk.”

“Likely. But that isn’t what’s happening here. Her nickname for him is Wolf.”


“Don’t know yet.” Rhyers shrugged.

But you suspect.

So this woman doesn’t know what we are…Interesting. Tev averted his attention back to the struggling woman fighting his grip.

“She’s not trying to seduce me, nor I her, Ser.” He reassured.

“Is she mentally ill?” Ebony whispered sideways to Rhyers.

Not in the least. She’s keenly alert. Tev wanted to defend.

“No. This,” Rhyers gestured in a ring to all of them. “is what happens when you show up unannounced in the dead of night.” He said accusingly.

“So this is my fault?” She asked incredulously.

“Most certainly. You should go.”

He was shuffling her valise toward the door with his foot, meaningfully.

“I most definitely am not! She’s merely upset because she believes I’m here for the wrong man.”

“What in the devil does that mean?”

Ebony caught his collars and yanked him down to her level. Roughly pressing her lips to his. Winding her fingers in his smooth dark hair. Hanging free over his shoulders.

Serdephe quieted. “Oh…They’re adorable…”

“See?” Ebony pulled back to give him a long look.

“I hope you made your point?” Rhyers’ gaze narrowed on her.

“I think I did.” She lifted her valise and aimed for the stairs. “Now show me which chamber will be mine.”

Assertive little beastie. But a glance at Serdephe showed that the presentation had done its’ job.

Serdephe now watched them like they were cute baby animals.

The complete opposite of the feral creature she’d been a moment ago. And she calls me the wolf?

Rhyers followed Ebony Marshall like a beaten hound. Shoulders slumped in defeat as he drug his feet up the steps.

Well she certainly knows how to maneuver him. Tev was very interested to hear who this woman was. In the morn.

They returned to the table and finished their meal of sweet potatoes and fresh fish baked and crumbed with seasonings.

He and Serdephe jokingly fought over the last of the wine.

Tev finally opted to pour the remainder of it in his goblet under the condition he’d share it with her.

She beamed.

Upstairs, they could still hear the couple arguing vehemently.

“He really doesn’t want her here.” Tev commented as he stared at the floor above.

“I’ve found with men that, that is a sure sign that he enjoys her company.”

“I suppose there’s some truth in that.”

He’d care little for her reputation nor would he view her as a disruption if he cared not a wit for her.

“You’re surprisingly clever, my Little Huntress.”

She nodded. Finishing his wine and setting the glass down.

He frowned as she set it back on the table. “Robbed!” He declared. “I’ve been robbed.”

“You said we were sharing.”

“I don’t think that means the same thing to each of us.”

“It means that what you have, you give to me, does it not?” She blinked innocently.

He scowled.

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