FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter LUCIEN - Wouldn't She Love To Escape

The Ship Ezra, Isle Waters, Ardae


Time aboard The Ezra passed differently. Lucien knew from so many years at sea. One of my favorite pasttimes. Other than coasting the sky.

Meralee tried to keep track of her days by counting the times the sun peered through the cabin’s round portal. She tried the door often. Putting her feet against the wall and prying the handle so hard it began to squeak and bend. Fearing she’d be trapped inside if it dislodged completely, she’d surrendered.

Meanwhile, Lucien stood next to the wall outside the door. Watching the stairs. Chewing on a dried chunk of meat, arms crossed over his chest. Listening to the door creak and her shuffling around.

Even if you make it out. I’ll be here to ensure you get no further.

But try away. It gives me something to do. For days he’d listened to her huffing and pacing. Losing some of that vicious fight.

Lucien often sent her down warmed buckets of water for bathing. She refused them. Kicking them over.

He’d wander in. Look at the floor and shrug. Her mess. Her problem.

Which only enraged her more.

He sent her down food.

She tossed over the platter, terrifying the sailor who’d brought it to her.

The first day the man had rushed out eying Lucien. “That’s no woman, Cap’n. That’s a She Dread!”

She Dread. He thought chuckling. Apt.

I like it.

Eventually after slipping enough times, she was forced to use part of her dress to mop up what she could. Cold and annoyed she refused to rest except when she could no longer fight it.

Fearing what might happen to her if she did.

Oh, I’d want you fully awake for what I’d do to you. He thought of her lovely fine figure and wondered what she’d sound like in the throes of bliss. I could get her there.

If she was drunk, blindfolded, tired and under a love spell. A rueful side of him checked his ego. Reminding him of how she’d dealt with men approaching her in that crowded ballroom. Decisively sending them away, tails tucked.

It was perhaps a fortnight later that Meralee Carter finally managed to fall into blissful slumber, rather than the snippets of sleep she’d been getting, only to be awakened by her tormentor mere hours later.

Hello, She Dread. Lucien’s warm masculine scent wafted into the cabin.

She moaned contentedly in her sleep.

He found himself leaned over the side of the bed and toying with a silky brown tress. Testing its softness between her fingertips.

But as she moved, she tugged it free of his grip. Startling her to full wakefulness as her head rolled to see his silhouette sitting in the chair next to her bed in the dark.

“What do you want?” She spat. Lurching up at finding someone so close.

She’s so much softer when she forgets her walls.

He eyed her disheveled hair jutting at all angles. Dark blotches under her eyes and a highly unwelcoming glower. “Good to see you got your beauty sleep.”

“I can’t get beauty sleep with someone always lurking about!”

She’d need a good deal more to accomplish the goal anyway. He thought amusedly.

“Good morning to you too.” He drawled sardonically.

“It will be a lovely morning when you kindly release me from this horrid ship and your-charming presence.” She smiled sweetly. Sarcasm dripping.

He gave a lopsided smirk. “And this is me being charming. Wait until I’m not.” The gold hoop in his ear caught the sunlight. Tossing a strip of light over her features.

“Why are you standing over me?”

He loomed like a dark shadow. Face shaded where the sun coming in the portal couldn’t shine on it. He shrugged.

“Still avoiding the sunlight, I see?”

No. Just prefer to be around you when you’re awake. He gave her a dark look.

“Scared your evil flesh will sear if exposed to it?” She arched a haughty brow.

You wouldn’t be so lucky, She Dread.

“No.” He gave a slow smile. “Afraid I might melt.”

“Why in Ardae would you? Are you a Dread?” Her eyes rounded. Brows scooting up her forehead.

“No.” He shifted the stick of dried meat to the side of his mouth to give her a cocky grin. “Because I’m made of only the sweetest things. Care for a taste?”

“Oh I’d love to sink in my teeth.” She threatened. Baring them. Chocolate eyes sparking defiantly.

Go ahead. Get feisty. It only amuses me…

“Funny…” He drawled. “So would I…” His gaze flashed warm amber as he clicked his teeth in a chomping motion.

She gasped. Dropping back to the bed.

He lowered over her to whisper near her ear, chests inches apart. “We disembark tomorrow.” He noted she nearly leapt at his words. Eager to be off the ship.

It won’t be all you hope it will. He smiled maliciously.

“I’ve brought you something.” He lifted a shining emerald dress for her to view. Draping it over his other arm in glorious satin folds. “Your old one is rather tattered and…aromatic.”


“Are you saying I stink?”

To high Heaven!

“I’d never say such to a Lady.” His teeth flashed. After a pause he added. “So, yes…”

You’re no lady.

She gasped in outrage. “Perhaps, I’d be less aromatic, had I been allowed to bathe instead of sent buckets!”

I wouldn’t trust you with anything more.

“Ah, you wound me.” he placed a hand over his heart as though pained. “It was for your safety only, my dear. I couldn’t allow your pretty head to drown, now could I?” A corner of his mouth lifted wolfishly.

Or be glimpsed by my men.

They’d have yearned for a taste of such a juicy morsel.

“I may’ve tried. Merely to escape your presence!” She retorted.

Tough words for a woman about to be prey scampering through the woods…

“I know.” He smoothly dodged the rays of sunlight and exited the chamber. “No such luck though, My Dear.”

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