FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter Dancing With Her Men

“Word would quickly spread of how clumsy you are. First falling just in the door then tumbling over men’s feet. You’d have no suitors then.”

“Whoa as me.” She mimicked the motion he’d used earlier, putting a delicate hand to her breast in feigned horror. “Whatever would I do?”

He glowered at her and her hand fell away.

“I have none now. They see you over all the time and fear you’d either chase them away or that you and I already have an ongoing affair.”


“You and I?” He squawked. But he had to admit he was only partially surprised. He’d often gone to her Manor unescorted while she was unchaperoned to visit and had been somewhat aware of what the perception was.

Especially since I’m a known rogue.

His fear had been that men would start to treat her with disrespect. But on the rare occasions that occurred, Rhyers had called them out to duel by swords.

Something I’m quite good at. Typically only outdone by my own kind. It wasn’t arrogance on his part. He’d won countless duels over the years and earned the reputation.

Rhyers chuckled into a glass of punch as he watched the young buck nearly dragging her onto the dance floor. Eyes shing with adoration as he stared at her. And the glassing of her eyes told him how mundane she found the task of indulging her suitors.

Good. It satisfied him she found them boring.

The rest of the ball proved uneventful. But after enough young women had surrounded him, he found himself easing toward the door to make a polite escape.

As he turned to go he crossed an unexpected obstacle and tripped. Glancing down he glimpsed a darkly slippered foot.

A small one. His eyes flashed sideways and he saw Ebony standing to the side of him with a smirk. Tripping, he took two long steps and caught himself. Righting his posture, he stiffly tugged his overcoat back into place before turning on his heel.

Ebony covered her mouth in feigned shock that he’d nearly fallen. But her eyes sparkled. Triumph clearly written there.

Enjoy it while it lasts…

“Lord Rhyers.” Rebecca stepped forward to cling to his arm.

Ah, hell!

“Are you okay?” She fawned over his sleeve. “’Tis quite unlike you to lose your footing.”

Please stop touching me.

“Indeed.” He straightened his neck and checked his wig. Pulling his arm from her grip a big roughly. Unsurprised to find it still pinned in place since it took nearly a hundred pins to hold it there to begin with.

“Do be careful on the way out.” Ebony called. “One wouldn’t wish you to fall and hurt your face.”

Except for her, of course. He didn’t miss the implication.

“Oh no!” Rebecca proclaimed. “Not your face!” She shot him a concerned look. Clutching his arm again. “I truly must walk you to your carriage. In-case you are lightheaded! We cannot have Lords falling down on the walk.” She purred softly.

She may try to topple me, from the look of her. He eyed her askance.

“Surely not!” Ebony called.

She does not need your encouragement! Rhyers shot her an annoyed look. Jerking his head to indicate she should follow so he wasn’t left with Rebecca.

But Ebony only waved dully.

She knows what I met. His eyes narrowed on her as he continued to toss her pleading looks. While Rebecca chatted absentmindedly.

As they reached the door, he turned out of Rebecca’s grip and bowed over her hand. “I truly cannot accept such a lovely escort. I wouldn’t think of ruining the reputation of a lady I had no thoughts of marrying.” He kissed the back of her hand.

Take the hint.

Noticing Ebony had stiffened, but unsure why just that moment.

I’m dodging this sword blade here. He eyed the pretty blonde staring at him adoringly.

“I’m quite well now.” He straightened. “Right on my feet. Thanks for such sweet concern…”

Rebecca beamed. “Of course. You just call anytime you’ve need....Of anything…” She batted her long lashes expertly.

Rhyers straightened, tugged down his overcoat again, spun on his heel and headed out. What an awful girl.

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