FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter The Hunted

As night fell that evening, Lucien shouted across the deck.

In response, his sailors brought The Ezra to a jolting halt.

The thudding and yelling of seaman crossing the deck had Mera staring at the boards above her, awaiting word of what was happening.

Dying of suspense. Lucien sensed it from the deck. Ordering a man below deck to talk to apprise her while he listened attentively from above.

The sailor threw the cabin door open and shouted that they’d docked.

“Excellent, My Good Man!” She clapped cheerfully in rapid concession. “Where at?” She cheered before adding sternly. “I need to know where we’re docking.”

Trying to maintain control.

Good luck, My Dear. You’re about to lose all remnants of it. A dark smile curved his lips as he moved to assist his men working to secure the lines and lower the boarding dock.

“The Isle, of course.” The sailor blurted. Taken aback at his own words. Making it obvious they’d cost him later.

But Meralee was stunned into near silence.

Yes. The Isle of Wight. The vanishing Isle…

It was a body of land that was particularly hard to locate because it tended to drift. Making it rare that people visited without purpose.

Hard to make an escape.

She has no idea why were here. She’s going to be furious. He thought with great anticipation.

“It’ll be alright, Mum.” The sailor said forcefully. “We’ll be disembarking soon.”

She won’t be nearly as excited then.

“You’re incredibly helpful.” She declared with a slight purr.

There was momentary silence as the sailor had some inner struggle. “I-You’re-you’re…Beautiful!” He declared awkwardly. “I’m leaving.” He muttered before quickly closing the door.

The man usually has more grace. Lucien paused tying off the mast in surprise.

It wasn’t until after dark that Lucien allowed Meralee to the deck.

Without me.

I wish to watch this unfold from a vantage where I can see her face. And avoid the screech she’s going to loose. He admitted.

A groomed sailor she’d met previously, greeted her at her cabin. “Are your things packed, Mum?”

Lucien stood at the edge of the dock, opposite the wall from them. Listening. He flinched. Poor man. I should’ve sent someone more malevolent.

She grunted. “Oh, you mean all my fancy dresses?” She raged, no doubt gesturing around the empty cabin. “Or my superfluous number of undergarments spilling out of my heaping pile of valises?”

All of which she has none of.

The man took a slow step backward. “Cap’n gave you a gown or two?” He said weakly.

“Oh yes, he did!” She crooned. “How courteous of you to mention that all I currently own, he’s given me!” Her voice turned violent. “Thank you so much for pointing it out!”

Poor sot. Run while you can.

“I just meant to ask-that you… you do have something to keep you clothed?”

“Why? Were you hoping I didn’t?”

He should leave.

“It seems there’s no safe track for this conversation, Mum.” He backed from the entrance.

Stepping around him, she entered the hall. Shoes clicking as she peered around the empty corridor and toward the deck, whose only occupant was the young sailor she’d met that day.

“Where is he?” She demanded.

Me. Lucien could just see the man’s torso over the starboard side of The Ezra.

Putting his hands behind his back, the sailor tightened his lips and shook his head.

Good man.

“Well you’re no longer helpful.” She dismissed acidly. She found the deck devoid of human life.

They’ve been dismissed to enjoy the taverns. They need not know what happens here tonight.

If that wasn’t odd enough, she gasped when she reached the docking ramp. “What is this?” She turned shocked brown eyes to the sailor.

Black horses were aligned in perfect symmetry at the bottom of the ramp. Filling the dock. Blocking her view of every direction. Each rider was completely clothed in white satin. Shimmering in the dusky moonlight. They were complete with hooded capes and masks to conceal their noses and eyes. Leather scabbards draped every hip.

Yes, She Dread. They’re Knights…Lucien had carefully plotted the intimidating scene. If it’s to be a game. Let’s make an interesting one…

Mera’s confusion was written all over her pretty face as she turned to the sailor next to her. “I demand to know who these men are!”

Demands. Shouting. Barking orders…None of it’ll save you now. Lucien’s lips parted over his white teeth.

“These…” The sailor gestured grandly to the mounted soldiers. “Are your suitors.”

Well done. Lucien commended the brave sailor. He has to be inwardly quaking at the look on her face.

Her jaw dropped comically. “No…” She mustered words. Turning fully to the sailor. “Don’t make me kill you! Be truthful. What is this?” She gestured to them. Voice cracking.

Oh, he was truthful.

Disembark little vixen. The hounds are ready to hunt.

“It appears.” Lucien declared. Rounding the boarding dock to place a boot on the bottom. Standing between her and the mounted knights. “That this little game is about to begin.”

He flicked amber eyes up to her from beneath lowered lids.

She glowered. Putting fists on her rounded hips. “I do not want to play!”

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