Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 3


The next day when Skye wakes up, she finds that Alpha Sebastian is in her room, alongside Dr. Graylen. “Alpha?” she whispers, sounding confused, “what are you doing here?”

“I’m here for you,” he answers bluntly.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re my mate.”

“What? That’s not…what do you mean?”

“Do you not know what mate means?”

“N…no, I m…mean I do.”

“Good, since you’re well enough to leave the hospital, you’re coming with me.”

“What about Gray and Theo?”

“They’ll be staying with me too.”

“O…okay, I’m ready.”

“Is that all you have?” he asks, pointing at her bag.


“Alright, come on.”

He begins to walk out of the room and towards the exit of the building. Skye does her best to keep up with him. Once they’re outside, she gets into his car. “Gray and Theo?” she asks softly.

“They’re at the house already,” he answers.

“O…okay.” The rest of the drive is silent.

Once they’re at his house, Skye quietly gets out of the car and follows him into her new home. “It’s so…” she whispers, “it’s so big.”

“Please show Skye to her room,” Sebastian tells his housekeeper.

“Of course, sir,” she answers. She turns to Skye. “Follow me.” Skye nods and begins to follow the housekeeper upstairs. “Here, we are, this is your room.”

“Oh,” Skye whispers, “er thank you.” The housekeeper leaves and Skye cautiously walks up to her bed. She lays down on it and sighs. “It’s so soft,” she thinks. It doesn’t take long for her to drift off to sleep.


Sebastian sits down in his office at his house and sighs. “Was this the right call?” he asks himself, “What if Angela is wrong about my mate? It’s unlikely, I suppose. Angela is good at guessing people’s characters.”

A little while later his housekeeper tells him that dinner is ready. “Okay,” he says, “I’ll go and get Skye.”

He leaves his office and walks up to Skye’s bedroom. He knocks on the door. “Skye?” he calls out softly, “It’s dinnertime, are you hungry?” There’s no answer. He peeks into the room and sees that Skye is fast asleep on her bed.

He enters the bedroom and gently shakes her awake. “W..what?” Skye mumbles softly as she wakes up.

“It’s dinnertime. Are you hungry?”


She sits up and slowly makes her way out of her room. Sebastian follows quietly behind, watching her as she limps to the dining room. “Mama!” the twins blurt out upon seeing their mother.

“Hello,” Skye answers softly, “are you hungry?”


She laughs softly before sitting down at the table. Sebastian sits down across from her. The housekeeper quickly serves them the meal that she had made and leaves the room afterwards.

Gray and Theo begin to eat enthusiastically. Skye quietly picks at her food, seemingly uninterested in it. “Are you not hungry?” Sebastian asks her.

Skye blushes and doesn’t respond right away. “W…what is it?” she eventually asks.

“Halibut. It’s a type of fish.”

“O..oh.” She begins to nibble on the food. Gray and Theo finish their food and run off to play somewhere.

Sebastian watches quietly as Skye slowly eats the food in front of her. After eating about a third of the food on her plate, she pushes the plate away. “I’m full,” she tells him. She stands up and stumbles a bit. She steadies herself by leaning onto the kitchen counter.

Sebastian simply watches her quietly. She blushes and excuses herself to her bedroom. Once inside the safety of her new bedroom, she flops down on the bed and sighs sadly. She stays on her bed until her stomach begins to gurgle, which prompts her to run into the bathroom.


Sebastian is sitting in his office, looking through paperwork. “We need to check on mate!” Kai insists.

“No, we don’t!” Sebastian answers.

“Mate needs us!”

“No she doesn’t!” He continues to argue with his wolf until eventually he stands up and walks upstairs to the bedroom he’d given to Skye. He knocks on the door. There’s no answer. He knocks a second time, still no answer. He opens the door and walks into the room, finding that Skye isn’t there.

An unpleasant noise comes from the bathroom. He walks over to the door and flings it open before walking into the room. Inside the room is Skye, who has her head in the toilet. “What the hell?” he says, loudly, “What are you doing?”

Once she manages to stop vomiting, she looks up at him, and blushes. “Uh…Alpha…” she mumbles, “I’m s…sorry.”

“You didn’t answer my question!”

She flinches and lowers her gaze. “I was throwing up…”

He sighs, looking quite annoyed. “If you need anything tell Alice, she’s the housekeeper.” He leaves the room, leaving Skye confused and scared.


The next day, Skye wakes up and runs to the bathroom again to vomit. Alice suddenly appears next to her. “Honey, are you alright?”

“N…no,” she whispers, “I d…don’t f…feel good.”

“Why don’t we get something into your stomach and then see how you feel?”

“O…okay…” Alice helps her to the sink, where she washes her hands and rinses her mouth out. Afterwards, they head downstairs, where Alice prepares her some toast and herbal tea.

“Here you go, honey.” She places the food in front of Skye.

“T….thank y…you…” Tears begin to fall from her fall as she begins to nibble on the toast. “I’m s…sorry. She tries to wipe her tears away, but they just continue to fall.

“It’s alright, dear.”

“Is h…he s…still here?”

“Afraid not, miss. He’ll be back around lunchtime though.”

“O…okay, t…thank” She manages to eat a piece of toast before excusing herself to the living room. She places her tea on the small table near the couch, before laying down and closing her eyes.

She wakes up when Alice begins to shake her. “Honey, wake up,” she says, “the alpha is here for his lunch.”

Skye sits up and rubs the sleep out of her eyes. “O…okay, w…what’s for l…lunch?”

“For you, chicken and rice.”

She follows Alice back to the kitchen, where Sebestian is already eating his lunch. The smell of his food wafts over to her and she pales. She covers her mouth, trying to prevent herself from vomiting all over the floor, while looking around frantically for a place where she can throw up.

Alice steers her into the downstairs bathroom, where she promptly vomits her breakfast up into the toilet.


Sebastian appears near the doorway.“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks, still sounding annoyed, “It isn’t normal to throw up like this.”

Skye’s eyes fill with tears. “I…I…I’m…”

“You’re what?” he asks, angrily. She shakes her head and runs out of the room. He runs after her by the time he gets downstairs the back door of the house is open and Skye is gone. “Dammit!”


Skye runs out of the house and into the forest. After running for a while, she stops and summons Cairo, and her white liger, Haku. She buries her head into Kohaku’s back and sobs. “He’s g…going t…to r…reject me w…when I t…tell him I’m p…pregnant!”

She continues to sob into her liger’s fur, unaware that something is approaching her. Cairo suddenly lets out a growl. Two women come out from the bushes in front of them. “What are you doing in vampire territory, wolf?” one of the women asks.

“V…vampire?” Skye replies. When the woman nods, she pales.

“Did you not realize that you crossed over territories, wolf?”

“N…no, I’m s…sorry.”

“Come with us.”

Skye keeps her head down and quietly follows the woman. Cairo and Haku follow behind her. Eventually, the two women lead her to a Victorian style house. Skye’s eyes widen as she follows the two women into the house. Before entering the building, she releases Cairo and Haku, allowing them to return home.

“Asher? Blair?” Where were you?” a woman asks as soon as Skye and the two women enter the house.

“We were hunting mom, calm down,” one of the women answers.

The older vampire sighs. Asher, who is this?” She gestures to Skye.

“We found this wolf on our territory,” Asher states, proudly.

“Oh really? Why didn’t you tell the guards?”

“Mom! I can handle myself!”

“Come with me,” Asher’s mother says to Skye. Skye pales and follows the woman into an interrogation-like room. “Sit.” Skye sits down. What were you doing on vampire territory?”

Skye whimpers softly before answering, “I d…didn’t m…mean to..”

“You didn’t mean to cross over territories?” Skye nods. “Are you not able to smell where each territory starts and ends?”

“I c…can’t. I…I’m a hybrid.”

“Of which sort?”

“H…half wolf, h…half w…witch.”

“I take it your witch side is the stronger of the two?”

“Y…yes, f…for n…now.”

“What were you running from then?”

“My m…mate.” Skye begins to fiddle with her fingers.

“Why were you running from your mate?”

“I…I…I’m…I’m pr…pregnant and it i…isnt’ h…his. I…I d…didn’t w…want i…it! H…he m…made m…me!” She begins to cry.

The older woman’s expression softens. “My name is Miriam. I am the vampire queen.”

Skye’s eyes widen. “Q…queen?”

“Yes, queen. The two women that brought you in were Asher, my daughter, and Blair, her girlfriend.”

“Oh…” She glances nervously around the room.

“Come with me.” Miriam stands up and starts to walk out of the room. Skye stands up and begins to follow her again. Miriam leads her to a bedroom. “Rest, we can talk more in the morning.”

Skye looks uncertain around the room. “I…is it o…okay f…for to s…stay here?”

“Yes, it is.”


“Don’t worry, no one will give you any trouble and if they do they’ll have to face me.”

“O…okay, goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” Miriam leaves the room.

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