Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 4

Miriam’s Perspective 

Miriam leaves the bedroom that she had shown Skye to. She walks back to where she last saw her daughter. “Mom!” Asher exclaims, “What’d you do to that wolf?”

“She’s in one of the guest bedrooms, sleeping.”

“Mom, she’s a wolf, not a guest.”

“She’s a hybrid. Her wolf side is the weaker of the two. From what I can tell, she didn’t even realize she crossed over to our territory.”

“And you don’t think she was lying?”

“No, she seemed very distraught.”

’ “Does she know that vampires don’t sleep?”

“I’m not sure. She seemed exhausted though, so I thought it’d be best to let her rest before returning her back home.”


As the sky becomes darker, Alice urges Sebastian to search for Skye. Eventually, he reluctantly decides to go and look for Skye. He informs Alice where he’s going and asks her to please watch the children. Afterwards, he runs outside and shifts into his wolf form.

“Must find mate,” Kai thinks, “Where is mate?”

It takes a while for Sebastian to finally pick up Skye’s scent. It leads all the way into vampire territory. He shifts back into his human form. “Must get mate!” his wolf yells, “Must protect mate!”

“Kai, we can’t go into vampire territory! We’ll start a war!”

“Mate, isn’t safe with vampires!”

“I know that, but we can’t just barge into their territory. That would get us both killed!”

“Must mindlink mate!”


Skye wakes up a few hours later with a terrible headache. “Winter?” she asks her wolf. “What’s going on? Why does my head hurt so much?”

“Mate, is trying to mindlink us,” Winter answers, “mate is worried about us.”

“Could you stop the pounding in my head? I’ll send him a message using magic.”

“I’ll try.”

Skye stands up and writes a short letter on a napkin.

Alpha Sebastian,

I’m safe. I accidentally entered vampire territory. I spoke with the vampire queen. She was very understanding. Please stop trying to mindlink me. It hurts my head a lot to minklink with anybody.


She folds the napkin and summons her phoenix, Ash. “Ash, please take this to Sebastian,” she instructs the bird. Ash nods and flies out the window, disappearing into the night.


Sebastian paces around for a while, trying to mindlink his mate. Suddenly a phoenix comes out of nowhere and lands closeby. It drops a folded napkin next to him. He eyes the napkin suspiciously, before bending down and unfolding it. On the napkin is a short letter from his mate.

Alpha Sebastian,

I’m safe. I accidentally entered vampire territory. I spoke with the vampire queen. She was very understanding. Please stop trying to mindlink me. It hurts my head a lot to minklink with anybody.


Sebastian lets out a sigh of relief. “She’s safe, Kai. Stop mindlinking her. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”

“I want mate. What if mate doesn’t come back.”

“That would solve the problems I’m having, but I know she’ll return. She wouldn’t have left her pups here alone.”


The next morning Skye wakes up and runs to the bathroom to vomit. As she’s vomiting into the toilet, Miriam comes into the bedroom. “Skye?” she asks, “Are you okay?”

“I…I’m f…fine!”

Miriam comes into the bathroom. “You don’t look fine. She kneels down beside Skye and pulls her hair back. “There, there, just let it all out.”

Once she stops vomiting, she whispers, “S…sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” Miriam reassures her, “It’s not like you control the need to vomit.” Skye blushes. “Are you hungry?”

“M…maybe a l…little?”

“Follow me, I’ll take you down to the kitchen.” Miriam leads her downstairs to the kitchen, where there are people bustling about.

“V…vampires eat f…food?”

“Yes, normally, it’s rare steak or something else that’s rather bloody.” Skye pales. “Er, anyway, what do you want to eat?”

“Yogurt or a s…smoothie.”

“Is that it?”

“I c…can’t e…eat too m…much in the m…morning, I’ll e…end up v...vomiting in b..back up.”

“Ah, well, what would you like in your smoothie?”

“Strawberries, blackberries, or blueberries and milk. I’m s…supposed to g…gain m…more w…weight.”

“Ah, yes, you’re a tiny thing. Sit, I’ll be right back with your smoothie.”

Skye looks startled. “You’re making it?”

“Yes, is that a problem?”

“You’re the queen!”

“Yes, don’t worry. It isn’t too much trouble.”


Miriam disappears. The sound of a blender can be heard and then she comes out with a smoothie in her hand. “Here, sweetpea.”

“T…thank you,” Skye whispers, taking the smoothie from her. She begins to sip on the smoothie.

Sweetpea, how old are you?”


“Are you going to go home today?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“Honey, you really need to talk with your mate. You never know what he’ll do.”

“I know, I’m scared too.”

“That’s normal.”

“I’ll go home today.”

“That’s good to hear.”


“What is it, sweetheart?”

“I d…don’t know h…how to g…get b..back.”

“Yes, I suppose you wouldn’t. Don’t worry. I’ll come with you and make sure you get back safely. Finish your smoothie and then I’ll walk you back to the territory lines.”

“O…okay.” Fifteen minutes later, Skye finishes off her smoothie. “I’m r…ready.”

“Alright, follow me.” As Miriam is guiding Skye to the end of the vampire’s territory, they run into Asher and Blair.

“Mom, where are you going?”Asher asks.

“I’m taking Skye back to the wolves’ territory.” Asher raises her eyebrow at her mother. “Don’t you give me that look.”

“You’re just gonna let her go home after she trespassed onto our territory?”

“Yes, I am and you won’t change my mind.” She turns back to Skye. “Come on, sweetpea. Let’s get going.”

“O…okay!” Skye responds.

Eventually, they reach the end of the territory. “This is the farthest I can take you, I’m afraid,” Miriam states.

“T..that’s okay. T…thank you.” Skye calls for Cairo to come out. She nuzzles into him before asking, “Cairo, do you know how to get home from here?” Cairo lets out a chuff and nods. He lets Skye climb onto his back and then he begins to run back towards their home.

When they arrive at the house, Skye gets off Cairo and quietly walks back into the house. “Alpha?” she calls out softly.

Sebastian comes barreling into the room. “Skye!” he exclaims, sounding relieved yet irritated, “Are you okay? Those vampires didn’t hurt you, did they?”

“N…no, they didn’t.” She looks down at the floor. “I…I’m sorry, I ran away.”

He sighs. “You can’t run away like that when we’re trying to communicate with each other.”

“I’m s…sorry.”

“Now, you’re going to tell me what’s going on with you.”

Tears start to fall down Skye’s face. “I c…can’t.”


“Y…you’ll r..reject m…me.”


Skye begins to wipe the tears away from her eyes. “See?” she whispers, “You can’t even deny it, because it’s true!”

“I already know what’s wrong! Angela told me when you were still in the hospital!”

“W…what?” She pales.

“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”


His expression is unreadable. “Who’s the father?” he asks. Skye lets out a soft whimper and doesn’t answer. “Skye, who’s the father?”

“A…A…Alpha N…Nathan.” She looks away, afraid of what his reaction will be.

“You’re carrying his baby?”

“Y…yes. I d…didn’t h…have a c…choice. I h…had to, H…he t…threatened to hurt T…Theo and G…Gray.”

His expression still remains unreadable. “Okay.” He begins to walk away from her.

“A…Alpha? Are y…you angry?”

“I don’t know. I’m going out, don’t wait up for me.” He leaves the house and heads to his car.

Skye stays where she’s at for several minutes. Eventually, she walks up to her bedroom, flops onto the bed, and begins to cry.

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