Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 2


A few hours pass without hearing anything from the doctor. Eventually, Sebastian gets impatient and walks to the young woman’s hospital room. “Doctor,” he mindlinks her, “I’m outside of the woman’s room. I need to talk to you now.”

“Coming, alpha,” Dr. Graylen responds. She comes out of the room. “What can I help you with, alpha?”

“I want an update on her condition.”

“She has pneumonia.”

“Pneumonia? Wolves don’t get pneumonia.”

“Yes, well, it seems like she may be a hybrid.”

“What sort of hybrid?”

“I’m not sure. I haven’t exactly had time to ask her. Alpha, she’s very unwell right now and extremely frightened. We need to be patient with her.”

He frowns and says, “I know. She doesn’t have a scent though. As alpha of this pack, no scent is a bit concerning.”

“She may be hiding her scent.”

“Why? She’s safe here.”

“Perhaps, her wolf is doing it unconsciously for safety reasons.”

He sighs again. “Alright, just keep me updated and let me know if she does anything suspicious.”

“I will.”


Skye sleeps for a few hours before waking up. She leans over the side of the bed and throws up. Dr. Graylen comes rushing into the room when she hears the noise. “Oh dear,” she says softly, when she sees the mess Skye has made.

“I’m s…sorry,” Skye whimpers, as she uses her hands to shield her head, “D…don’t h…hurt me.”

Dr. Graylen’s expression softens once again. “I won’t, I promise.” She cleans up the mess Skye made and places a trash can beside the bed. “There now if you throw up again, you won’t make a mess.”

“Thank you,” she whispers.

Dr. Graylen places a cool cloth on Skye’s forehead. “You’ll start to feel better once the antibiotics take effect.”


“What is it, sweetheart?”

“Ha…ve to tell you some…thing.”

“What is it?”

Skye gently places her hand on her stomach. “I…I…I’m…there’s…” Skye looks flustered.

Dr. Graylen sits down next to her. “Take your time, sweetheart.”

“A b…baby,” Skye whispers softly, “there’s a baby.”

Dr. Graylen looks startled. “Where?” Skye doesn’t respond, instead she gently touches her stomach again. “You’re pregnant?” She nods in response. “The father?”

“I d…didn’t w…want h…him. I d…didn’t w…want i…it. H…he m…made m…me.” Tears silently begin to fall down her face. “I d…didn’t w…want i…it, b…but I h…had t…to.”

“Sweetheart, why did you have to?”

“He w…was g…going t…to h…hurt G…Gray and T…Theo.”

“Are they his as well?”

Skye nods, looking sad. “I’m s…s…scared.”

“Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe here. He’d be pretty stupid to try and take someone off our pack lands.”

Skye suddenly remembers that she’s on enemy territory. She whimpers softly. “The alpha?”

“You’ll meet him soon. Once you’re well enough.”

“Will he hurt me?”

“No, of course not.”


Dr. Graylen raises her eyebrows. “But what?”

“I’m from the Nightingale Pack,” she whispers.

“Ah, yes. Alpha Sebastian hates the Nightingale Pack alpha because of how poorly he treats his omegas, as well as a number of other things.”

“I’m not an omega.”

“You aren’t?”

“I’m less than an omega.”

“No, you aren’t.”

“But Alpha Nathan said…”

“Alpha Nathan isn’t here.” Skye lets out another soft whimper before going into a coughing fit. A few minutes pass before she stops coughing. “You should rest,” Dr. Graylen states gently, “I’ll come and check on you every once in a while.”

Dr. Graylen

Dr. Graylen leaves the room, allowing Skye to rest. “Alpha,” she mindlinks, “I need to speak with you. Meet me in my office, please.”

“Alright,” the alpha responds.

Dr. Graylen waits in her office for the alpha to come in. A few minutes later, there’s a knock at the door. “Come in,” she says. The alpha walks in and shuts the door. “Alpha Sebastian…”

“What is it you wanted to talk to me about? Is it about the young woman that was brought in?”

“Sort of.”

“Go on.”

“According to her, she’s from the Nightingale Pack.”

The alpha’s expression changes to one of anger. “What was someone from the Nightingale Pack doing on enemy territory? Do you think she’s a spy?”

“No, she’s absolutely terrified of Alpha Nathan. She told me that he told her that she was less than an omega, which probably explains the condition she was found in.”

“What’s she doing right now?”

“She’s resting and no you can’t go and interrogate her yet. She’s still extremely unwell. You going to see her will only worsen her condition.”

Dr. Graylen watches as her alpha’s expression darkens. “Fine. Let me know immediately when she’s well enough for me to talk to.” “Of course, alpha. I’ll let you know if I learn anything new.”

Her alpha simply grunts in response. Dr. Graylen sighs and begins to make her rounds.


Two weeks pass before Skye is well enough for the alpha to come and meet her. “Sweetheart,” Dr. Graylen says softly, “Alpha Sebastian is coming to talk with you.”

“W…with m…me?” Skye whimpers, “W…why? Am I in t…trouble?”

“No, he just wants to ask you some questions.”


A few minutes later, Alpha Sebastian comes into the room. He sits down next to Skye. “What’s your name?” he asks.

“S…Skylar,” she whispers, “S…Skye….”

“What were you doing on my territory, Skye?”

“I w…was r…running away. I d…didn’t mean t…to enter your t…territory.”

“What were you running from?”

“A…A…Al…Alpha Nathan.”

“What did he do that warrants running away?”

Skye looks nervously at Dr. Graylen before answering. “H…he h…hurt m…me.”

“How long were you a member of the Nightingale Pack?”

Skye looks startled by his question. “I w…wasn’t a m…member.”

“What do you mean you weren’t a member?”

“I w…was n…never a…accepted into the p…pack.”

“So you aren’t a rogue?”

“I g…guess not.”

“The children that were found with you, are they…”

“Don’t hurt them! They have nothing to do with me trespassing! Please don’t…”

“They won’t be harmed.”

Skye looks relieved. “Please, I don’t want any trouble. I’ll leave as soon as I’m well enough to.”

“Do you have somewhere to go?”

“N…no, n..not really.”

“Then you and your children are staying here.”

“Oh, I don’t want to trouble you.”

“You aren’t. It’s not safe out there, especially for two young children and their mother.”

“I’ll manage, I always have.”

“No, you’re staying here.”


“Are you a hybrid?”




“What sort of hybrid.”

“Half wolf, half witch. My w…witch s…side is s…stronger r…right n…now.”

Alpha Sebastian’s eyeballs bulge out of his head. “You’re a witch? Are you able to use magic?”

“Yes, but I don’t use it very often.”

“Why am I not able to scent you? Are you hiding it?”

“Oh, er…sorry.”


The scent of strawberries and roses fills the room as Skye lets her scent out. “Mate!” Kai, his wolf yells. His expression changes to one of disgust. “She is not our mate,” he tells his wolf. He leaves the room in a hurry.

Dr. Graylen

Skye looks up at Dr. Graylen. “Did I do something wrong?” she asks softly.

“No, I’ll go talk to him,” Dr. Graylen answers. She excuses herself from the room and follows her alpha downstairs to the lobby of the hospital. “Alpha,” she says, “what are you doing?”

“Getting away from her!” he yells angrily.

“Who? Skye?”


“Did she do something to offend you?”

“Yes! No! I don’t know!”

“Alpha, with all due respect, what the hell is going on?”

“She’s my mate!”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“She’s a hybrid!”


“A witch killed my father!”

Dr. Graylen’s expression softens. “I know, but Skye is not like other witches. Hell, I doubt she’s ever met any other witch.”

“That doesn’t make it better!”

“All I’m asking is for you to give her a chance. I know that part of you knows that Skye is nothing like those bitches that killed your father.”

“Angela, please, just butt out for now. I need time.”

“Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you though.” Dr. Graylen walks back to Skye’s room.

“Is everything okay?” Skye asks, still looking worried.

“Yes, everything is okay. He’s just a bit stressed right now.”

“Oh, okay.”



“Have you by chance gotten your wolf yet?”

“Yes, her name is Winter. I can’t shift into her yet.”

“Why not?”

“She says that we’ll be able to shift once our mate marks us.”

“Hmm, so if your mate happened to be nearby, would you be able to tell?”

“No.” She looks sad and gently touches her stomach. “I doubt my mate would want me anyway. Who would want a mate who’s pregnant with someone else’s baby? Not to mention the fact that I have two other children.” She laughs listlessly. “Also who would want a mate who has severe scarring all over her body, plus I’m a hybrid, I’m part witch and wolves hate witches. I’ll be surprised if he accepts me.”


“It’s okay! I…I accepted a long time ago that my mate would reject me. I’m going to rest now.”

“Alright, I’ll be in to check on you in a while.”

Skye nods and Dr. Graylen leaves the room. She starts to leave the building, stopping briefly to let the receptionist know that she’d be back soon. She drives to the packhouse and walks to the alpha’s office. She knocks on the door. “Alpha, it’s Angela,” she says, “may I come in?”

“Yes,” he answers.

She comes into the room. “Alpha, I talked to Skye….”


“I asked if she had her wolf and if she was able to sense her mate.”

“What was her answer?”

“She has her wolf. She isn’t able to shift yet and she isn’t able to scent out her mate either.”



Sebastian’s eyebrow raises and he looks at his friend. “And what?” he asks.

“She…she’s already accepted that her mate will reject her.”

“What do you mean?”

“She doesn’t think her mate would want her because she already has two children that are from a man that isn’t her mate, she’s a hybrid and well you know how wolves generally feel about witches. She also asked who would want her when she has scarring all over her body…”

“Is that it?”

“Yes, alpha.”

His eyes narrow. “You’re lying,” he states.

“Well, there was one other thing…”

“Which is?”

“Alpha, it really isn’t my business to tell you…”

“Don’t make me use my alpha command on you.”

“She’s pregnant.”

“What? Does she know who the father is?”

“Yes, they were not in a relationship. She did not want anything to do with him. She didn’t have a choice though. He threatened to harm her boys. Alpha, are you going to…”

“I don’t know. I just need time to absorb…”

“...that fact you’re mate is half witch?”


“Sebastian, what are you going to do about your mother?”

“I don’t know how she’ll react. I don’t think it’ll be good, considering my mate is part witch.”

“Considering you don’t even know how to react doesn’t help.”

“I’ll figure it out, Angela. Please just leave for now.”

Angela nods and leaves his office.

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