Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 29


The next day Sebastian wakes up before Skye does. He goes downstairs to find Alice, who is serving Gray and Theo their breakfast. “Alpha,” Alice greets him, “would you like your breakfast?”

“Yes, please,” he responds.

Alice sets a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast in front of him. “Is Skylar still asleep?”

He nods, not wanting to speak with food in his mouth. When he finishes his food, he asks Gray and Theo, “Do you want to go to the park today?”

“Yeah!” Gray and Theo answer.

“Okay, we’ll wait until your mom is to see if she wants to come with us.”

“Yay, mama!”


Two hours later, Skye finally wanders downstairs. “S…Sebby?” she asks, “W…where are you?”

“I’m in the living room!” he answers, “Gray and Theo are with me!”

She limps into the living room. “Mama!” Gray and Theo run up to her and hug her.

“Mama, feel better?” Gray asks.

“Y…yes,” she responds.

“Mama, come to the park with us?” Theo asks.

“O…okay, I’ll c…come with you. I n…need to eat something f…first.” Her eyes wander around the room.

“What are you looking for?” Sebastian asks.

“S…Silas and C…Celeste?”

“Mom has them. She’s upstairs.”

“O…okay, I’m going to go e…eat now.” She leaves the room and goes into the kitchen. “A…Alice?”

“Good morning, Skylar,” Alice answers, “How are you feeling?”

“B…better, my fever is g…gone.”

“That’s good, did Sebastian ask you if you wanted to accompany him, Gray and Theo to the park?”

“T…Theo did, I need to something first.”

“Yes, you do. What would you like to eat?”

“I d…don’t know.”

“Porridge won’t upset your stomach too much. I’ll sweeten it with sugar.” Skye nods and sits down at the table.

A few minutes later, Alice places a bowl in front of her. “T…thank you.”

“Be careful, it’s hot.”

Skye blows on the porridge before putting it in her mouth. “Mhmm, good.”

“Do you like it?” Skye nods. She manages to finish the porridge off, although it does take her several minutes to do so. After she finishes eating, she limps back into the living room. “I’m r…ready.”

“You ate?” Sebastian asks.

She nods, “P…porridge.”

Sebastian looks satisfied. “Okay, Gray, Theo, are you ready to go?”

“Yes!” the boys answer.

“U…uh,” Skye murmurs, “d…do y…you t…think C…C…Charlotte w…would come?”

“We can ask her if you want,” Sebastian answers. Skye nods. “I’ll be right back then.” He leaves the room and heads upstairs to find his mother.

“L…let’s get your s…shoes on,” Skye says to Gray and Theo. She finds their shoes nearby and sits down on the floor. “S…sit down, s…so I can put your s…shoes on.” Gray and Theo look at each other before begrudgingly sitting next to their mother. She puts their shoes on. “N…now we can l…leave when S…Sebby g…gets back.”

A few minutes later, Sebastian and Charlotte come downstairs with Silas and Celeste in their arms. “Ready to go?” Sebastian asks.

“Yeah!” Gray and Theo shout, excitedly. Skye nods her head and they head out to the car.


When they get to the park, Sebastian helps Gray and Theo out of the car before grabbing one of the younger twins. “Skye?” he asks, “Are you coming?”

“Y…yes,” she answers, slowly exiting the car.

They make their way towards the playground. When they reach the playground, Gray and Theo run off to play. Skye sits down on a bench, completely out of breath. “Skylar?” Sebastian asks, “Are you okay?”

“Y…y…yes,” she answers, “I’m j…just out of b…breath.” She pants for a few more minutes before finally catching her breath. “S…sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, it’s normal for you to be out of breath after recovering from an illness, right mom?”

“That’s right,” Charlotte states, her attention on Silas and Celeste.

“H…have they been g…good?” Skye asks.

“Yes, they’ve been no trouble at all.”

“A…are they eating w…well?”

“Yes, honey, don’t worry too much. Alice and I have been taking good care of them.”

She deflates. “S…sorry, I c…can’t help”

“I know, honey, it’s okay.”

“Mama!” Gray yells, “Come play with us!”

Skye sighs tiredly. “I’m c…coming!” She limps over to where Gray and Theo are playing. Sebastian watches quietly as she starts to chase Gray and Theo around, while limping.

“Her limp is worse today,” Charlotte observes.

“Yes,” he answers, worriedly, “I’m going to go and play with the kids, so she can sit and rest.” He gets up and jogs over to where his mate is. “Skylar, go and sit down. I’ll play with them for a while.”

“B…but…” she whispers.

“Skylar, your limping is more noticeable today. Now go and sit down before you worsen your injury.”

She looks at Gray and Theo. “Mama hurt?” Gray asks, curiously.

She smiles at her son. “Gray, Theo, r…remember when mama h…hurt h…her l…leg?” The boys nod. “Mama’s leg injury is h…hurting right n…now that’s a…all. W…will you play with S…Sebastian so mama c…can r…rest.”

The boys nod and run over to Sebastian to play with him. Skye sighs, and limps back over to where Charlotte is. “Skylar, don’t look so upset,” Charlotte says gently, “It’s not your fault that you can’t play with them the way you want to.”

“I c…can’t e…even r…roughhouse w…with t…them l…like t…they want t…to!” Skye exclaims, clearly upset, “I’ll e…end up h…hurting m…myself if I d…do.”

“They understand to some extent. They don’t want you hurt either.”

Sebastian picks Gray and Theo up and begins to roughhouse with them. The boys giggle gleefully as they play with him.


Skye watches quietly as Sebastian plays with her boys. “H…he’s so g…good with t…them,” she whispers, sadly, “I w…wish I c…could be l…like that.”

“Honey, you are good with them. They love you and trust you. You have bonded with them, just not in the normal way.”

“W…what do y…you m…mean?” Skye looks even more upset.

“Skye, I didn’t mean that in a bad way. You kept them safe from Alpha Nathan. You didn’t let him hurt them, you took beatings for them, if that’s not love I don’t know what is.”

“I g….guess so, I d…didn’t t…think a…about t…that.”

“Of course, you didn’t. You don’t want to remember what happened at The Nightingale Pack.”

Skye nods her head in agreement. She takes Silas from Charlotte and begins to softly talk to him.

Eventually, Sebastian comes back over with Gray and Theo in his arms. “They’ve tired themselves out,” he says, “are you ready to go home?”

“Y…yes,” Skye answers. She gives Charlotte Silas, afraid she might drop him when she stands up. They head to the car, the drive home is quiet.


When they get home, Sebastian carries the boys to their room. Skye follows him to say goodnight to them. “Goodnight, Gray,” she says softly, kissing his forehead, “Goodnight Theo.” She kisses his forehead and leaves the room, quietly closing the door on her way out.

“Skylar,” Sebastian says.

“Eep!” she yelps, startled by him.

“S…sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I need to talk to you about something. It’s a pretty serious topic.”

“O…okay, i…is it b…bad?”

“Not exactly, you probably won’t like it though.”


“It’s about Alpha Nathan.”

The color drains from her face. “W…what h…happened?”

“Nothing yet. He’s still in the dungeon, paying for everything he’s done to you.” He pauses, giving Skye a chance to digest the information he’d just given her, “I thought that maybe you should decide what happens to him.”


“Yes, you. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought that it would give you closure. You know, close a chapter of your life.”

“K…kill h…him.”

“Are you sure?”

“Y…yes, h…he w….wouldn’t b…be a…able t…to h…hurt a…anymore p…people i…if h…h…he’s d…dead.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want.” She nods. “I’m going to go handle that now, okay? I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

She looks alarmed. “N…no! H…he’ll hurt y…you!”

Sebastian looks at her. “No, he won’t. I promise. I’ll call you as soon as he’s gone, okay?”

“Be c…careful.”


He leaves the house and heads to the dungeons, where Alpha Nathan is. He walks into the cell that Alpha Nathan is in. “Well,” Sebastian says, “I finally got to ask Skye what to do with you?”

Alpha Nathan laughs. “What’d she tell you to do? She’s too scared of me to do anything!”

“Are you sure about that?” He pulls a sharpened dagger out and spreads wolfsbane on the end of it. “She told me to kill you! She never said I couldn’t have a little fun before doing so!” He drives the dagger into Alpha Nathan’s leg, severing one of his tendons. “How does that feel? Hurts, doesn’t it? I’m sure you’re feeling the same pain that Skye felt when you partially tore her tendon, but didn’t do anything about it! She has a permanent limp because of you!” He pulls the dagger out and stabs him in his hip.

“She also broke her hip at some point when she was with you. It still causes her pain to this day!” He yanks the dagger out again. “Last, but certainly not least…” He stabs him in his eye. “This is for taking her sight in one of her eyes. How does it feel? Hurts, huh? Too bad I don’t care.” He yanks the dagger out and stabs the bastard alpha in his heart.

Alpha Nathan’s eyes widen and he lets out a gasp before falling to the ground. Sebastian scoffs at him, removes his dagger, and then kicks his body to the side before leaving the cell. Before he leaves the dungeon, he stops and tells the guards, “Throw his body to the rogues. He doesn’t deserve a proper burial.”

The guards bow their heads to their alpha and Sebastian leaves. He calls Skye as soon as he’s out of the dungeons. “Skye, it’s over,” he says, “he’s dead.”

“R…really?” Skye asks, not quite believing him.

“Really, you don’t have to worry about him abusing you or your children ever again.”

“T…thank you, S…Sebby!”

“I’ll be home soon, okay?”



Skye places her phone down and begins to cry. “Skylar?” Charlotte asks, worry showing on her face, “What’s wrong?”

“I…it’s over,” Skye whispers, “h…he’s d…dead. H…he c…can’t h…hurt me a…anymore.”

Charlotte hugs her. “That’s wonderful news, honey. Is Sebastian on his way home?”

She nods as tears continue to fall down her face. Eventually, the back door opens and Sebastian calls out, “Skylar?”

Skye gets up and hobbles out to him. “T…thank you,” she whispers, burying her head into his chest.

“Don’t thank me,” he answers, “it’s what that bastard deserved.” He looks at her and sees that she’s crying. “Skye, why are you crying?”

“I’m s…so g…glad, it’s o…over.”

“Me too, Skye, me too.”

'.” He hangs up and makes his way towards his house.

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