Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 28


Charlotte carries Skye up to an empty bedroom. “Honey, I’m going to mindlink Angela to come. I want to make sure this is a stress fever and not an actual illness fever.” Skye doesn’t answer. “Angela?” Charlotte mindlinks her, “Could you come upstairs? Skye has a fever, I think it’s just because of stress, but I want to make sure.”

“Of course, Luna,” Angela answers. Minutes later, there’s a knock on the door. “Charlotte, it’s me,” Angela says, “may I come in?”

“Yes,” Charlotte replies.

Angela comes into the room and walks over to Skye. “Skylar, are you awake?” she asks. Skye mumbles something too quiet for anyone to understand. “I’m going to take your temperature, okay?”

Skye opens her mouth and Angela sticks a thermometer under her tongue. It beeps a few seconds later. Angela takes the thermometer out of her mouth and looks at it before sighing. “She has a fever alright.” She hands the thermometer to Charlotte.

“Oh dear,” Charlotte says, sounding worriedly, “that’s offly high.”

“Let me examine the rest of her, so I can determine if there’s something else going on. Charlotte, could you help her sit up?”

“Yes.” Charlotte sits down and carefully helps Skye sit up. She leans into Charlotte’s shoulder as Angela listens to her lungs and heart.

“Everything sounds normal. Her pulse is a bit faster than it should be, but that’s probably because of the fever. Keep an eye on her, if her fever gets any higher she needs to go to the pack hospital.”

Charlotte sighs, “Thank you Angela, you can leave now if you have somewhere to be.”

“I’ll take my leave then.” Angela leaves the room.

“C…Ch…Charlotte?” Skye murmurs.

“What is it, honey?” Charlotte answers.

“H…head h…hurts.”

“I’ll give you some pain medicine. You need to eat something with it, so it doesn’t upset your stomach.” Skye shakes her head, trying to tell Charlotte she doesn’t want to eat. “Honey, you’ll make yourself sicker if you don’t eat. How about soup? Would you eat some soup?”

Skye hesitates, “F…feel b…better?” she eventually asks.

“Yes, the medicine will help you feel better, but only if you eat something with it.”


“Alright, I’ll be right back with your food, okay? Lay back down.” Skye lays down again and Charlotte leaves the room. When Charlotte returns, she has a tray that has a bowl of soup on it. “Here, honey.” She sets the tray down and gives Skye two pills. “Take those, and then eat your soup, then you can rest.”

Skye puts the two pills in her mouth and swallows them with water. “B…Bleh,” she mumbles. Charlotte sits on the bed and holds the tray steady for her as she eats her soup.

Halfway through eating, Skye begins to fall asleep. Charlotte laughs softly before moving the tray out of the bed. “Honey, rest,” she says, “you ate a decent amount. You can eat more when you wake up.”

Skye proceeds to bury herself within the blankets on the bed before curling into the fetal position and falling asleep.


Sebastian is waiting for the three other alphas to determine his punishment. Eventually once they’ve all agreed, Alpha Silverstein says, “Alpha Sebastian, we’ve all decided that we’ll let this indiscretion go this time.”

Sebastian is stunned. “Why?” he asks.

“Well,” Alpha Sorrentino answers, “it’s mostly for Skye’s sake not yours. She was so distraught about your punishment, she made herself ill. The only condition we want you to do is to take care of her. Make sure that the bastard that abused her pays for what he’s done.”

“Alright have, he’s still paying for what he did to her as we speak.”

The other alphas nod and the meeting ends. Sebastian heads upstairs to the room his mother and Skye are in. “Mom?” he says, entering the room.

“Sebastian?” his mother answers, “Is the meeting over?”

“Yeah, they decided to let it go this time, since there were other factors that lead me to not tell them.”

“That’s good. Skye will be relieved.”

“It was for her sake not mine. They were…surprised that she made herself ill, overthinking what might happen to me.”

“Ah, so they’ve become enchanted with her, just as you and I have.”

“You can say that.” He looks at Skye, who’s still asleep. “How is she?”

“Still feverish. Angela isn’t too worried, as long as her fever stays the same and doesn’t worsen.”

“If I’d known how worried she was about the meeting, I would’ve reassured her more.”

“As would everyone else. Nobody knew how anxious she was about it, until she made herself ill.”

Skye stirs and rolls over before sleepily mumbles, “S…Sebby…” She mumbles some more before rolling over again.

Sebastian walks over to her and sits down beside her. “It’s okay, Skye. I’m right here. I told you that I wouldn’t get hurt.”

Skye unconsciously reaches out and grabs onto Sebastian. He looks startled at first, but lays down next to her in response. She moves closer to him and rests her head onto his shoulder.


A few hours pass and Skye finally wakes up. “S…Sebby?” she mumbles.

“I’m here,” he answers, “I told you I would be unhurt, didn’t I?”

“W…what happened?”

“It was decided that I’d be given a warning this time.”

Skye looks relieved. “T…that’s g…good.” She slowly sits up and shakily stands.

“Skylar, lay back down, you’re ill.”

She blushes. “I. h…have to g…go to the bathroom.”


“I’ll help you,” Charlotte states, standing up.

They carefully make their way to the bathroom. Charlotte leaves the room to give Skye some privacy. “C…C…Charlotte?” Skye calls out a few minutes later, “I’m f…finished.”

Charlotte goes back into the room and helps Skye back into bed. “Honey, let me take your temperature again,” she says. Skye lets Charlotte take her temperature. The thermometer goes off and Charlotte looks at the numbers. “Good, your temperature has gone down. You’re still running a low fever, but it’s much better than it was earlier today.”

“Skye,” Sebastian asks, “do you want something to eat?”

“O…okay.” “I’ll be right back with some food for you, okay?” Skye nods and Sebastian leaves the room.

Skye sits up again. “Honey, what’s wrong?” Charlotte asks.

“L…leg h…hurts,” Skye whispers.

“Oh, let’s get you up and moving around. A few minutes won’t hurt.” Charlotte gently assists Skye in walking around the room.

Sebastian comes back while Skye is walking around the room. “Skylar?” he says, alarmed, “Why are moving around?”

“L…leg h…hurts,” Skye answers.

“Oh.” He sets the tray of food down on the bedside table. “I got you some food.”

“T…thanks.” Charlotte helps her to the bed , where she begins to eat the food that Sebastian had gotten her.

“Does she still have a fever?” he asks his mom.

“Yes, but it’s a low one, much better than when I first took her temperature.”

“That’s good.”

They sit in silence as Skye finishes her food. “F…Finished,” she whispers, setting her utensils down.

“Let’s go back to the house,” Sebastian says, “I’ll carry you.”

He picks her up and makes his way downstairs, his mother following quietly behind. Once they reach their house, Sebastian carries her inside and up the stairs. Gray and Theo follow him up the stairs and into their mother’s bedroom.

“Mama okay?” Theo asks.

“She’s okay,” Sebastian answers, “she’s just a little sick right now. Do you and your brother want to say hi to her?”

“Yeah!” Gray exclaims, trying to climb onto the bed.

Sebastian laughs and lifts Gray and Theo onto the bed. “Mama!” the boys yell.

Skye opens her eyes. “Gray, Theo,” she says softly, “did you have fun with Alice today?”

“Yeah!” they answer.

“That’s good.”

“Mama feel bad?” Gray asks.

“I’m o..okay, I j…just h…have a b…bit of a f…fever.”

“Mama rest!” Theo states.

Skye lets out a laugh that slowly turns into a cough. “O…okay, I’ll rest. Do y…you and your b…brother want to s…stay with m…me or d…do you want t…to p…play more with A…Alice?”

“Stay with mama!” the boys answer.

Skye nods and lays down on her bed. The rest of the day is spent resting.

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