Flying Without Wings

Chapter Chapter Seven

I sat staring out of a grimy window and down to the river below. Bastian sat close to me, his dark eyes were also watching the river flow, he had a black backpack nestled between his long legs just like the night before. The bag was moving and writhing every time we turned a corner or went over a speed hump, the black bag had life inside it. Bastian looked exceptionally handsome tonight in a suit that Audrey had picked out for him that very day, she had insisted on paying for everything and dragging us to only the best boutiques in Cullen. The fine handmade suit was midnight blue with antique silver buttons and matching cuff links. He wore a charcoal grey bow tie and matching waistcoat over a crisp white shirt, the colors were cool and the look sophisticated. His shoulder length black hair was once again in a tight topknot but of course little beads of sweat were starting to creep across his forehead. He hastily wiped his perspiration away with the back of his hand and lent forward to pat his bag. On my other side Audrey sat, I didn’t know why we all had to pile into the back but I couldn’t help but smile at her, she was happily warbling along to the classic tune playing on the radio, apparently not feeling any of the nerves, insecurity, or fear that I was about the evening. She was dressed beautifully as always. Her shapely, if not a bit chubby legs were covered in black opaque stockings with a seductive seam stitched up the back. She once again was wearing red heeled Mary Janes that matched the red silk shift dress she had picked out for tonight. Her bosom was covered with strands of grey and black pearls that clattered together as she sung and swayed to the tune, she was also still wearing the pocket watch that didn’t seem to work. Her faux fur coat tonight was black as ravens’ feathers, she seemed to have one in every color and I was glad she opted for the cruelty free option. The coat had two large fluffy pockets which her hands were plunged into searching for a match to light her spiced cigarette. At the boutique she had insisted on buying me a new outfit for the Secret Garden Party as well telling me that how we look is how people see us and that was important. I had chosen a canary yellow lace dress. It was short and backless with long sleeves and a high neckline. It really hugged my hips, I did feel fabulous wearing it. My chest too had been adorned with chains of gold and strands of amethyst which sat heavy around my neck. Audrey had also insisted on buying me a stunning faux fur coat of iridescent maroon with a high collar pulled tight around my neck. My outfit was made complete with delicate, black, finger-less gloves that I really did adore. Together the three of us looked really quite spectacular.

“We just need to make a quick stop, pullover here will you.” Audrey ordered to the cab driver before saying to me with a wink. “I thought we might want some backup so I have invited a dear friend of mine along.” She pointed to a man loitering on the curb.

I popped my head out the window to see Montgomery standing on the pavement. He too had dressed up for the party and looked very dashing, his threadbare coat and shabby tartan hat had been replaced with long tails and a top hat. He wore all black even the crooked and dinted walking stick he had on the tram had been replaced by a straight black polished one. He got into the front seat and instructed the driver to carry on. The scent of sweet whiskey permeated the cab and mixed with the scent of Audrey’s spiced cigarettes, I didn’t like cigarettes or whiskey but god I loved that smell together.

“Dear friend? Didn’t you meet each other last night?” I whispered to Audrey.

“Well yes precious in a way but a lot can happen overnight; you of all people should know that… How are you darling? Ready for a night of fun?” She handed Montgomery the invitation to read and held her hand on his shoulder.

“I am ready, I’ve been waiting for this night for a long time.” Montgomery growled staring ahead.

I whispered to Bastian that this cab ride was just as bad as any tram ride we had been on.

“Not really,” he replied staring at Audrey who had again started to warble. “They are both as mad as the other clowns on the tram but you have never looked so beautiful. That dress looks amazing on you and I love the way this long curl cascades down your spine.” He slid his warm hand under my coat and ran a long finger down my naked spine. I gave his leg a quick squeeze and caught Montgomery’s eye in the mirror, after holding his grey gaze for a few moments I stared out the window again, this time with a little smile on my face.

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