Flying Without Wings

Chapter Chapter Six

We sat transfixed starring at the closed bedroom door, Marvillo was the only one who made a sound. He let out a long low growl and cautiously crept towards our bedroom door, his little black nose was to the wooden floor and he dragged it sniffing deeply until it was squeezed underneath the door frame. From the other side it would have looked like a little round of liquorice was poking through. He let out loud and impatient snuffs, begging us to get up and let him out or for the person to come in and expose themselves.

“Postman?” Bastian whispered weakly. I couldn’t believe my ears, I somehow knew it would be Audrey standing on our doorstep. My mind was racing, had she heard me say her name and then appeared downstairs within seconds? Had she followed us the night before and just been sitting on our stoop waiting to hear us stir? How did she know where we lived, or that I needed to talk to her? How did she know what an Angha was and, Knock, knock, knock. My train of thought was once again interrupted by the three solid knocks.

“Yoouu whoooo I know you three are in, I have brought you a little breakfast.” Audrey’s irresistible husky voice rang up permeating through our closed window.

I quickly slid out of bed and slipped into my satin dressing gown, I couldn’t find the tie so grabbed a scarf and wrapped it around me tying it tight, semi descent I looked to, Bastian he was still motionless in bed eyes wide. He was lying on his stomach but his head had swizzled around and he was staring at the closed door as breathless as I was. With one hand he was holding back his hair, the other hand was reaching for the bedside table...Knock, knock, knock. Three more quick knocks were enough to get him out of bed too. He threw back the warm white duvet and spun around naked looking for clothes to pull on. He grabbed a pair of blue tracksuit pants from the floor and scooped up Marvillo, the pup was barking incessantly and beating his long leathery wings in angst Bastian tried desperately to calm him down. I wrenched open the door and ran down the steep, crooked stairs. Audrey’s silhouette was distinct through the stained glass window of our front door, with the big curve of her bust and the height of her hair it couldn’t be anyone else. It was obvious even through the red glass that she was wearing another puffy faux fur coat and the gesticulation of her sucking on another spiced cigarette as she waited for us to let her in was unmistakable. Bastian passed me in the hallway and let go of Marvillo he hovered beside my head protectively. For such a young dog he had a lot of bravery and loyalty in him. Bastian unlocked the front door slowly, he looked back at me still bewildered then gave it a soft pull, the door swung open and the bright morning sun splashed into the hallway, its warm light bathed the hallway and the morning air was fresh and sweet on my face.

“Morning children,” Audrey cooed stepping over the threshold with a flourish. She swept into the hallway and planted a red kiss on Bastian’s cheek as she passed him. I hadn’t even had time to brush my hair and Audrey looked like she could go to the theatre. “I have egg muffins and some strong black coffee from that sweet little milk shop on the corner. I didn’t think you would mind if I popped by, there are some things I think we should discuss and I didn’t have the patience to wait for you to come to me Bea.” She stood in the hallway waiting for us to speak, we didn’t so she went on. “…after those cocktails, which I’m sure you both had quite a few of, I thought you might need a little breakfast.” Audrey held out a brown paper bag and a tray with three strong coffees. I gestured her towards the kitchen, my mind was still unable to form words, Bastian looked as stunned as I felt and even Marvillo had stopped barking and was silently hovering above us all. This bizarre woman we had barely met the night before strolled into our house as if we had been friends for years and had had a brunch planned. I looked to Bastian for some sort of reassurance or a sign this wasn’t all a dream but he just shrugged his bare shoulders and busied himself locking the front door again. “Come in you lot, I didn’t think you would be so unwelcoming.” Audrey sighed pulling out chairs. Feeling the blood return to my legs I followed her into the kitchen mumbling that I was sorry. I pulled out plates and coffee mugs and sat down in my chair. “So how was the party? Did you like Zenasia? Piece of work isn’t she.” Audrey fluttered her long eyelashes, surveying us both.

“Sorry, how did you know we lived here?” Bastian cut in, I was glad he had found his words, it was like a little reminder that I could speak too, and I had a lot to say.

“Is it because I said your name? Did you hear me, are you magic too?” I asked, all my questions spewing out at once..

“Magic? Ha, oh no dear, there is no such thing as magic, you simply must have said my name as I arrived at your door, a pure coincidence I assure you, and your address is online, you should really be more careful about what you put on the internet.” Her eyes twinkled audaciously as she sat back and took a long sip of steaming black coffee. She had grabbed my favourite mug, it had purple and gold flowers painted on a claret metallic background. It annoyed me that she was lipping it and leaving big smudges of red lipstick, but not as much as all my unanswered questions..

“But,” I began.

“Enough about me dear, tell me about the Secret Garden Party.” Audrey said with a little less twinkle.

“How did you know we were going to a Garden Party, secret or not?” Bastian probed, he was as suspicious as I was, luckily.

“Oh for heaven’s sake it doesn’t take a genius you two, being on that tramline and carrying an Angha puppy, it was obvious really a fool could figure it out.” Audrey had had enough of our pestering and turned her attention to Marvillo. “Hello darling.” Marvillo hadn’t yet warmed to Audrey (although neither had we) and he was still cautiously hovering in the kitchen doorway. “Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. I haven’t seen a schnauzer Angha for quite some time.” She smiled at him plunged her hand into her tiny tasselled purse and pulled a pair of black horn-rimmed glasses out, she slid them on her button nose and beckoned Marvillo forward.

“That’s what Zenasia said when she saw him.” I said carefully.

“Ah well yes,” Audrey turned back to me loosening the black scarf tied tight around her neck. Her already big eyes were enlarged by her glasses, “and what else did she say?” For the second time that morning I repeated the evening’s events in detail, I still wasn’t sure if I trusted Audrey, but if Zenasia was on one side and Audrey on the other, I knew I would side with Audrey. “So nothing has changed on Hyacinth Street I see, Gomez is still tracking down Angha’s and Zenasia is still charming their people to give them up.” Audrey sighed taking off her glasses and hastily stuffing them back in her purse, I never understood older peoples vanity with glasses. It is like they would rather not be able to see properly then be seen with glasses on, my generation on the other hand loved glasses, it was another accessory, I had a feeling that half the people sitting at cafes with their flat whites, beanies and glasses didn’t even need them to see.

“What does she want with the Angha’s? And who is Gomez?” Bastian asked looking up from his own still full mug of coffee. He had as many unanswered questions as I did.

“I can’t say for sure what she is doing with the Angha but Gomez is her right hand man, I’m sure you would have seen him at the party.” Audrey said biting into her eggy muffin, the yolk burst out of its white and dribbled down her chin, embarrassed she grabbed a tea-towel to dab her face.

“I didn’t meet anyone called Gomez,” I said taking a bite of my own exploding muffin. “Not that I spoke to everyone that was there, and there were a lot of people. There was this big guy called Bear though, he seemed to be present for Zenasias’ every beck and whim.”

“No Gomez? Now that is interesting, and lots of people you said? That’s concerning, I was hoping you two were the only newbies, business must be good. I assume she has summoned you there again tonight? May I see the invitation?” Audrey held out her hand expectantly. Her long polished fingernails clicked in anticipation.

“Yea I’ll just go grab it.” Bastian said. He left the kitchen at a jog and I could hear him thumping up the stairs taking them two at a time. Marvillo went along too, he had to flap along to try to keep up with Bastians long stride. When he was gone I turned back to examine Audrey. I could tell she was doing the same to me. As I had predicted she was wearing another faux fur coat. This time it was the most magnificent purple with gold trim and large gold buttons. Her nails were painted gold to match the trim and her face was done up as elegantly as the night before. Her jingling chains had been swapped for a pocket watch that was not ticking and just like Zenasia, each finger was adorned with a sparkling gem.

“That’s a lovely dressing-gown dear.” Audrey had a mischievous glint in her eye.“ I noticed Bastian is barely dressed too,” she picked up the edge of my orange scarf and let it flow through her fingers. “Did I interrupt the two of you err…oh good you’re back Bastian.” She held out her hand and read the invitation several times as Bastian settled himself back at the table. “Interesting, very interesting.” She said nodding her head and smiling.

“What’s interesting?” I asked thickly with a mouth full of egg.

“There is a flaw in this invitation…by the way this reads it looks like I’m now obligated to come to the party tonight too, I am sure Zenasia never meant for this to be an open invitation for whomever reads it.” A smile stole to Audrey’s lips.” Put a shirt on Bastian, let’s go get you something dashing to wear.”

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