Flying Without Wings

Chapter Chapter Eight

Bastian and I waited out the street as Audrey paid the cab driver from her tiny tasseled purse. I huddled in close to Bastian, the sun had set and with it all the warmth of the day. I watched the driver as he took the fare, he had a sad look on his face and was staring up at the vine covered walls of house number 36. “I feel like I’ve been here before, before I lost a part of my self. Such a long time ago.” I heard mumble to himself, he caught my eye and hastily blinked a tear out of his eye. I tried to ask him what he meant but he quickly pulled out from the curb and drove away without another word. I could see his deep brown eyes looking up into the rear view mirror and back at the house. I watched the cab driver until he disappeared into the darkness of the night, I was silently urging him to come back. I wanted to help him, and for him to help me – help me understand what all this meant.

“How many sad souls has this tart taken?” Montgomery muttered angrily, he had heard the mumbles of the cab driver too.

Bastian took my hand and gently pulled me through the little gate that kept the house’s dark secrets inside. He bent down and let Marvillo out of his bag once we were safely inside the gateway. Marvillo’s long leathery wings were not tied to his body tonight, as soon as his paws hit the ground he took flight. He didn’t fly away he just zoomed around us happily doing somersaults in the air and snapping at our ears playfully. I was aware that Montgomery and Audrey were hanging back waiting for us to climb the stairs first, and I was glad. I felt it was important that we went up there alone first, just the three of us as one bond, one unit and one soul, I felt it would protect us from whatever lay in wait inside. At the top of the steps I was again face to face with the bronze lion head. I lifted the metal knocker and dropped it with a dull clonk on the robust menacing face. The hinge of the knocker squeaked and ring thudded but no other sound could be heard. After a quiet minute Bastian pummeled his fist on the door, eager to end the anticipation and silence, the two caused each other after all.

Enter sung out a magnificent voice just like the night before, now that I had met her, I knew the voice was Zenasia’s and I knew it was fake. Montgomery scoffed from behind us. “What a load of baloney.” He laughed crossing his arms but still keeping at a distance.

The great oak door swung open letting music and light burst out of the great house and into the dreary night. The brightness blinded me and I had to blink a few times to readjust my eyes to the artificial light. I could see the outline of a great figure standing in the doorway. The figure could only belong to Bear, once again he was dressed in a tuxedo 3 sizes too small for him but tonight it was in the most brilliant shade purple.

“That is definitely not Gomez but that is his suit that this man has been squeezed into, I should know I bought it myself,” Audrey hissed from behind us. “Hello sir here is our invitation.” She chirped loudly and finally came through the little gate, she waltzed up to Bear with a flourish and handed him the invitation, she was very close to his face and watched his expression as he read it. He started to frown as his little green eyes darted suspiciously at the paper, Audrey began to stroke his great purple arm. “Thank you ddaarrlling.” She cooed still fondling his arm. A goofy, toothy grin broke across Bears squashed face at her touch and he moved to let us all enter.

“Ahh is that Beatrice and Bastian.” Zenasia’s voice came echoing from the level above, she did love to make a grand entrance, I wondered whether she ran upstairs every time someone was at the door just so she could come down again. She twirled out to the top of the stairs and stood surveying us with her hands on her hips and a big black smile on her face. Tonight she was wearing an outrageous lime green fitted bodice with a shocking hot pink full length skirt. Her hair was in the same tight short curls as last night and her chest and fingers still sparkled with gems. She started to descend the stairs but stopped in her tracks upon spotting Audrey and Montgomery. “Audrey, Montgomery what are you two doing here?” For the first time since I had met her I saw Zenasia’s facade crack, she lost her cool, even if only for a moment.

“Oh we received an invitation, you do need to work on your wording darling sister, or anyone will be able to come to this little charade.” Audrey laughed mocking Zenasia

I looked at Bastian, he had read my mind and with eyes wide he mouthed sister?

“Well then the more the merrier I always say. And how did you meet Monty? If I’m not mistaken you didn’t know each other that long ago, let me guess... You are still seducing any old man that looks at you twice?”

“How dare you, at least I’m not stealing people’s lives.” Audrey shouted for the first time since I had met her. She too lost her cool, calm, seductive persona and looked a bit too much like Zenasia when she was mad, they knew each other’s weak points and were going straight for them. But Zenasia didn’t blink.

“Oh no not their lives sister, just a part of them they never deserved to have. They didn’t appreciate their Anghas' as much as I do, or they would never have given them up.”

“Is this a party or what? Where’s the bar at?” Montgomery growled sick of the bickering. He stormed towards the Secret Garden Party room. He knew where he was going and wasn’t at all alarmed by Zenasia, Bear or anyone else for that matter, he had been here before.

“Where it always was hunny, I’m sure you remember the way.” Zenasia quickly trotted down the steps and swept across the entrance hall towards us with a big smile back on her face. She put her hand out to pat Marvillo but he flew out of her reach and gave a low rumbling growl. Audrey scoffed and stroked his coarse black fur, her eyes were locked on Zenasia. Marvillo didn’t like Zenasia and hovered above our heads protectively. Zenasia just shook her head laughing and looped her arms between mine and Bastian’s. “He will come around to like me eventually, they all do. I’m so glad the three of you came back and I’m so sorry to see you have gotten mixed up with my bitter older sister and that drunk old man. But don’t worry, I won’t let their outdated view on things ruin our night.” Zenasia swept us towards the garden room leaving her sister behind. She didn’t invite her in but didn’t try to make her leave either. Now I really was confused and desperate to understand what was really going on in this strange house, but even more I wanted to know what it meant to have an Angha.

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