First Eclipse

Chapter 33

Fauna kept her eyes squeezed shut. The stinging from the drops wasn't as bad as the burn from the powder, but it wasn't pleasant either.

"Why don't you go down and ask Crystal to make Fauna something to eat and some tea." Em said quietly.

Fauna tried to open her eyes, but the light hurt, so she closed them again.

"I will be right back," Tim said.

She lay there listening to him go down the stairs. When she couldn't hear his boots on the steps, she turned her head. "Why did you send him for tea you know I won't drink?"

The bed shifted, and then Em touched her arm. "Because the way he stands there looking at you is killing me slowly."

"What do you mean?" She shifted so she was sitting up more. She clasped her hands in her lap so she wouldn't touch her face. It was itchy. She'd already knew from when Em wiped it off that touching it hurt. "It's hard to explain. First, he blames himself that it happened to you..."

"That's ridiculous."

"It is. I know you've been out of it, but except for a half hour when they went to chase down some people they think were behind the box, he's been standing here looking at you."

Fauna remembered earlier, but it was foggy at the same time. "It's a little foggy."

"Yeah, well, pretty sure he gave you the maximum dose."

Fauna touched the side of her neck, feeling for where he bit her. She couldn't find any.

"There are tiny red puncture marks." Em said quietly. "Nothing like the movies make bite marks look."

"Our life feels like a movie lately."

"Was there a time when our lives felt normal?

Fauna leaned her head back against the pillow. "No. Did they find the one that put the box there?" She still couldn't believe she thought there had been an animal in it.

"I don't know. Tim hasn't heard back from anyone."

Fauna wanted to open her eyes and look at her. The tone in her voice was hiding something. "What else is going on?"

Em sighed. "I'm worried about Capri."

Fauna reached and hoped to connect with her arm, but her hand touched the bed instead. "Did you pick up something?"

Em scoffed. "With Capri? I never could. I'm talking about her behavior. Ever since she found out about Astara, she hasn't been herself."

"It must be hard to find out you have a sister but don't remember them." Fauna cringed. "And she's not exactly a nice person." "Knock knock."

"Paisley." The bed shifted as Em got up.

"I was coming over to meet Nova and thought I'd see how you're doing."

Fauna could tell she was standing in the doorway. "I think it's getting better." She lied. It still felt like there was gravel in her eyes when she tried to move them.

"It took Autumn a day to get through the drops and see." Paisley sighed. "She had Michael's blood though."

Fauna put up her hand. "No blood, please." She made a face.

Paisley laughed. "I get that. The first time Arius offered, I was, hard pass."

"Any word on those guys they think are responsible for the box?" Em asked.

"I just told Tim." Paisley had moved into the room. Fauna had never thought about locating someone by hearing before, but now she figured out she could. "They're not masterminds. That much we know. They don't know how you thought an animal was nearby, and they had no idea about the powder."

Fauna clasped her hands together. It wasn't the news she wanted to hear.

"Those locations-" Paisley must be sitting on the chair now."--we've been tracking down from that camera control room. We found one that had more pictures of everyone." "Define everyone." Em's tone was all business again.

"All of us from Alterealm, Liri, Nova, you gals-the scary part is Liri's were taken while she was in Solrelm." Paisley's breath hitched. "There are quite a few we're trying to identify." "How many are we talking about?"

"In total or unidentified?"

"Unidentified." Em answered quickly.

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Paisley exhaled loud enough that Fauna heard it. "At least twenty-all but a few are women.'

"So, you're thinking these other people are also necessary to stop this whole evil scheme?" "Yes."

"Can you tell where they're taken? Which realm?"

Fauna smiled. "Em has to analyze everything."

"If it helps, she can analyze them to death. I'll get you copies."

"Oh, please."

"There's something else about them..."

"The people or the photos?"

"The photos. It took us a bit to figure it out. Some have an x on the back of them."

"What did you figure out?" Fauna tensed.

"Well, those of us with a mate have an x."

"They'd have a harder time to get both you and your mate," Fauna said. "Which I'm guessing is why they noted who has."

"Yeah, and it's even harder with my family; we're all connected through a bond."

"I don't see anyone trying to abduct all those men." Em said. "Also, this means they are watching everyone closely to know."

Fauna shifted. "If you can find all the people in those photos, it will ruin whatever plans they have."

"That's what we thought, too." Paisley's voice changed direction. She must be looking at the door now. "You just need to get better so you can help us find them."

"I think Fauna needs to rest." Tim was back.

"Well, yeah, I didn't mean right away." Paisley must have stood up because her voice direction had changed again. "I'm on watch with Felix. We'll be lurking on top of buildings in the area."

"On watch?" Em was moving closer to the door.

"Yes. After the box, we think they'll try something else, so we're keeping an eye on the neighborhood. Firo said for them to make Fauna think there was an animal in the box, they had to be close enough to observe her when she went looking for it."

"You think they're watching us?" Em sounded upset.

"Should I stand overwatch outside?" Tim was beside the bed.

"No. We're staying hidden. You stay here and keep an eye on Fauna. There's enough of us scattered through the neighborhood to keep watch."

"Capri's barrier will warn us if anyone gets too close."

Fauna interrupted Em. "If the twin has the same powers as Capri, she may be able to get through it."

"I didn't think of that." Em said quietly. "I'm going to see if Ava can reach out to Princess Aireese; maybe she can help Capri do something this Astara can't get through." Fauna nodded.

There was silence, and it was unnerving that she could see what was happening.

"Get some rest, Fauna. I'll see you later." Paisley's voice was outside the room now.

"Thank you." She wasn't sure if she was still there or not. "Tim?"

"Yeah?" He was beside the bed.

"This is getting out of control."

She heard him put something on the nightstand.

"We'll get through it." His voice was hushed.

Fauna wished she could see his face because she didn't know what that tone meant and wanted to.

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