Fated Mates

Chapter Fates

The next morning unfolded in the warmth of the breakfast table, the aroma of freshly cooked meals lingering in the air. I greeted my parents, their smiles reflecting the love that bound us as a family. My brothers were absent, likely patrolling the borders, ensuring the safety of our pack.

As I enjoyed the morning feast, my father broached the topic of my impending exams. The prospect of freedom and the anticipation of turning eighteen resonated within me. The possibility of finding my mate, whether within our pack, as a charming stranger, or even as Sebastian, fueled my excitement.

Amidst the chatter, my father’s words redirected the course of my thoughts. “You’ll have to stay at Sebastian’s pack for your warrior training under the alpha,” he announced. Sebastian, having concluded his affairs with our pack, was on his way to establish connections with the adjoining pack. My exams, coinciding with his departure, presented a unique opportunity.

As the reality of the proposition settled in, my father continued, “Once Sebastian returns, your exams will be over, and he won’t be able to stay any longer. I suggested you travel with him for two months. By the time you’re ready as a warrior, we’ll celebrate your birthday together. What are your thoughts on this?”

The idea lingered in the air, and my mind wavered between the comfort of home and the prospect of adventure. The notion of training under Sebastian, discovering the intricacies of his pack, and, perhaps, unveiling the depths of our connection held a certain allure. My wolf, too, seemed to echo a subtle approval, sensing the untold chapters that awaited us.

With a mixture of excitement and uncertainty, I looked at my father and replied, “I think it’s a fateful decision, and I’m ready for the journey that awaits. Training under Sebastian, celebrating my birthday with both packs, and who knows, maybe uncovering the mysteries that destiny has woven for us.”

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