Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter twenty two

Sarah's POV

Everyone had gone their separate ways so I went up to Blade's room and chill. Watching on his laptop. This is the closest thing I can get to him while he's away. It was great hearing his voice again.

My heart fluttered by the thought of him. I miss Blade. Everything about him I miss. His touch, his voice, his presence.

Knowing that he's okay and with Roland makes me better.

My mind wondered off as I'm not paying attention to the movie I have on. It can't take away the fact that he's not here. I want him back. With me.

I never noticed someone walks in when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me.

"He's going to be okay. I promise you," Keir replies. "He's a strong tough guy that will always save the day."

"Thanks Keir."

"Your welcome Sarah."


Today's the day I have to make up my mind. Trust me it wasn't easy deciding whether I stay and let everyone I love harmed, or I sacrifice myself for everyone.

Taking me three days to decide was hard but I finally got my answer. It's gonna be hard accepting my answer. The others definitely won't approve but what other choice do I have? I couldn't tell the others fearing they will force me to do the other option.

I don't want them hurt more than already what's going on.

I told the others I'm going for a walk alone for awhile. All of this is getting to me.

I walk in the cloudy day as the wind blows around. The trees dance to the wind as the leaves turn red, yellow, and orange and falling peacefully. The breath of fresh air is amazing.

As I walk towards the path where he said to meet, I hum Legends Never Die.

One reason, everyone in the hunters team were a legend. They took care of everyone in this town and kept the vamps in order. Until we lost most of them, including father. That's why they're legends. They'll always be remembered.

Second, the Vanetts, Marshal, and Dean make a legend. What they did will forever last one the families that were effected, and will always have an effect on us.

Lastly, us. The Tandlers. We've created history. What we did and what we'll do to these people. We'll bring them down and give justice to the citizens.

It's one of my favourite songs that's I listen to on my own time.

I settle at the path but he's nowhere to be seen so I lean against a tree and wait.

The wind picks up it's speed as the sky gets darker with the clouds clumping together. I close my eyes letting myself be free. Feeling relaxed. Closing my eyes I smile at the nature flowing pass me.

"You seem peaceful."

I pry my eyes open glaring at the person who dares interrupt me. "I was until you interrupted me."

"Sorry," he chuckled. "Now, I want my answer."

I take a deep breath. This is it. Whatever I say changes everything.

"Sure, I will come with you. Just leave everyone else alone."

A smirk creeps onto his awful face. "Of course I will honey. I'm a man for my word."

I stay still unsure what I'm supposed to do now.

"C'mon, let's go home, introduce you to everyone. They'll be ecstatic that we'll get a new member."

Waking towards me he takes my arm but I rip it away from him.

"I'll follow."

He chuckles. "Of course, though if you try anything, the deals off. Which includes trying to escape. I won't hesitate to kill you and the others if that happens."

"Don't worry, it won't."

We walked in silence not really in the mood to talk to him.

We came up to the home. Creepy as ever.

I never thought I'd be back here. Walking inside it's just how I remember.

The windows are blocked off meaning no light seeps through, only the electricity lights. Everything in the home is dark in general, no colour just black and a lot of white for the walls. The furniture seems old, like decades old. Although it isn't destroyed.

The family is scattered around the home doing whatever. They didn't seem to notice us which is good on a level. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. He said that they'd be ecstatic when I came but no one seems to be running up to us. I found it weird in a way but still happy they we're not being bothered.

He led me to the basement where I doubt anyone is. He lead me down a hallway where the doors are fully shut. The light twitched above us as the brown walls illuminated the light. We come up to the end where a metal door stands and a keypad that's beside it.

Carl typed in the key pin and the door unlocked.

"Go inside."

I walk in first into the dark room. Carl flicked the lights on.

It's a small room with chains nailed to the wall at the back with a mattress with stains and a thin brown blanket and a stained pillow on the right. The walls are made of stone bricks with cracks embedded in them. The ground is concrete and no windows are here.

"This is your new home. You will be staying in this room."

"What's with the chains?"

A sly smirk appears. "Here let me show you."

Grabbing onto my arm he drags me over to the chains and locks them around ankles.

"Now that your chained, you won't be leaving us."

"What the fuck? Get me out of here!"

"No can do. This is your decision. Hope you have a good night."

With that, he left the room locking the door behind him.

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