Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter twenty three

Roland's POV

We were less than a mile away to reaching our destination. The radio is on in the background so silence doesn't completely fill the truck. Blade is on his phone keeping himself occupied. Even though he's got me, I'm not always that entertaining.

We were supposed to get there a couple days ago but we got caught up in a town where people wouldn't stop bothering us, then there was a robbery that, of course, we had to deal with.

Honestly, if we could sleep, we would.

I saw the rundown sign that's says "Welcome to Woods Burg."

I drive through the town that we once lived in. The town still looks the same. An oldies style little town with everyone wandering about.

I drive through the town reliving memories. In my preferable vision Blade looks out the window as we zoom by everything. I bet he's reliving these memories as well.



Driving through the neighbourhood where we used to live. Kids are walking with their parents on the sidewalk laughing and enjoying themselves.

"You know, we never got to do that. Walking with our family and being happy," Blade piped up after being silent for the past hour.

"I know, we never were a happy family. Just one sad abusive one."

"Yeah, if I ever have kids, I would definitely protect them, love them with all of my heart."

"I would too."

I pull up to our old house. It's still burned to a crisp. Ash and rubbish everywhere.

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said your house was burned down."

I took a moment of silence when he said "your" house, meaning my home, not his.

"Yeah, a mysterious fire. No one knows how it happened. Some say accident while others say on purpose. I still think someone tried to kill us in the fire, not realizing that we're vampires and that can't kill us."

"Well, the crest isn't gonna appear itself so we better start searching."

We get out walking towards the rubble.

It still smells of charcoal. We start by digging around the rubble at top. It took us hours upon hours. We found nothing.

We looked like idiots as we got looks from people. They didn't know who we were.

"Hey! What do you think your doing?" A woman, looks no later than mid thirties, her red hair thrown into a messy bun with yoga pants and a pink shirt, yelled at us.

"Searching for something," Blade replies.

"Your trespassing! I'm calling the cops!"

"Go ahead, this is our property by the way," Blade replies.

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is."

"I'm calling the cops! I know them so well that they're gonna kick you out and fine you! I know everything here!"

"You know nothing! Call the cops! I don't really care!"

I can tell he wanted to swear but kids were around. We ignored the Karen and got back to work.

She didn't like that idea and marched right over to us.

Karen started abusing poor Blade. "Would you stop hitting me?"

Blade backed up while holding out his arm to protect himself. "Hey, stop!" I say.

She wouldn't stop.

"I won't stop until you get off this property!"

Blade had enough and just pushed her off, but instead of stumbling back since he's stronger than her, she stumbled and fell into the ash.

"What the fuck?! Why are you so strong?!"

"I'm a vampire Karen."

"My names not Karen!"

"Well I don't know your name and you are acting like a Karen, so Karen good bye."

"My names not Karen and your not a vampire! They're fictional characters!"

"I'm not even gonna argue with you."

Blade walks back and we try to continue again but she wouldn't stop nagging at us.

This mission became harder. We dug down deeper when we hit the basement. We ignored the Karen and she eventually gave up but the cops came.

We stopped digging when they came and had to talk to them while Karen is smirking on victory in the corner.

"Look officer, this used to be our home when it burned down months ago. We're looking for something that belongs to us," I say.

"What would be that something?"

"A family crest that belongs to us but we lost it in the fire. Its in a fireproof and bulletproof glass so it should still be there," I exclaimed.

"Ahh, I see. You're the Ramose's?"

"Yes," Blade replies.

"IDs to make sure you really are?"

Blade and I pull out our IDs showing them to the officer.

"Okay, we'll sadly your crest isn't here. We took it and sold it to a museum for safe keeping. It's worth millions of dollars."

I'm shocked!

Why the hell would they do that?!

"What museum did you sell it to?" Blade asks.

"The Clorien Museum."

"Where would that be?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"Well why not?" I mutter.

"Thanks we'll be on our way to get it."

Blade and I left while the cop was talking to that Karen.


Blade and I left while laughing at her.

"My god she was annoying," I say in between laughs.

"Yep, thank god her punches never hurt."

"That's a pro for being a vampire."

We left town never looking back.

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