Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter twenty one

Blade's POV

When I got home from school, my parents are arguing again. Their voices echoed through the home. I sigh walking further into the home. Placing my backpack down on the couch I head into the kitchen for a snack.

Their arguments usually leads to father abusing mother in some ways, or ends with mother screaming at the top of her lungs when they do it. That's how Roland and Daisy were born. They were accidents. Honestly, I would hate to be told that I was an accident. It would shatter my heart knowing that I wasn't supposed to be apart of the family.

Taking out an apple I head towards the living room snatching my bag from the couch and heading towards my room.

When I got upstairs I can't hear anymore arguing but my mother screaming 'oh yes!' to my father. Yep, they're at it again. Closing my door and throwing my bag on my bed, I sit at my desk logging in to my laptop. Opening Netflix I continue watching You. It's about this guy, Joe, stalking this girl, Love Quinn hoping to get together with her. He promised himself that he wouldn't fall in love with anyone else after he killed another girl he loved, Beck. Since no one could have her, he killed her feeling no remorse at all, or so I remember.

It's a really good show. I recently discovered it when I was bored the other day. I'm still being neglected by my family. Father still praises the others except for Roland. he would still come into my room for peace or to get away from father. I don't mind. As long as he isn't harmed then it's okay.

As I'm watching You and doing homework, my bedroom door swings open. Glancing back Celeste walks in with Roland crying. "Why's he crying?" I ask. The little three year old waddles over to me. "What's wrong Roland?" I kneel down to his height. He rubs his eyes as he sobs. I pick him up resting him on my lap holding him tight. "Celeste, what happened?"

"He misses you."

"Oh, do you now?" I peak down at Roland calming down. I wipe away his tears bouncing him up and down with my leg. "You miss me?"


"Well I miss you too."

I tickle him and his laughter rang through the room. I laugh along with him. I didn't notice but Celeste has left the room. We settle down and I continue on with my work. I didn't realize that You was still playing so I paused it, exited out of the show since it's way too inappropriate for Roland. Instead I clicked on Paw Patrol for him to watch. He seems to enjoy it so much that he sings along with it and cheers when they saved the day.

"Go Wubble!" I smile to myself as I do my homework. I finish up my Social when a knock pounded on my door.

"Come in!"

My mom walks in. "Dinners ready."


She left the room. "Dinners ready buddy." I close my laptop after pausing the show. I carry him down to the dining room where everyone was digging in. I sit in the deserted chair with Roland on my lap. Of course, mother took him from me.

Roland didn't like that idea as he starts a fuss. "Bwade!"

"Roland, it's okay. I'm right here."

"Bwade!" He sobs.

"Shut him up Andrea."

"I'm trying." Mother hushes him while rocking him side to side but it's not working.

"Mom, I can take him," I offer.

"No eat your dinner."

Roland screams louder and all I want to do is rip him out of her grasp.

My heart broke for him. "Mother, please. I'll feed him. He'll quiet down."

"Blade, just eat your food," she scowls at me. "I said shut him up!"

"Carl I'm trying."

"Well trying isn't doing it!"

I've had enough. "That's it!" I pound on the table. I stand up abruptly taking Roland with me. Heading into the kitchen father yells at me to sit back down. I didn't listen. Grabbing Roland some apple sauce, I walk upstairs to my room.

I don't care if I eat I need him to eat. Locking the door, I sit at my desk as I feed him. Luckily he settled down when I took him.

He rips the spoon out of my hand to feed himself as I hold the cup. "Do you want to watch Paw Patrol?"


I turn on Paw Patrol for him to watch.


I woke up with everything that happened, blurry. I can't remember what the hell happened. I stir around until I'm fully awake. Scanning the surroundings I figure that I'm not driving but someone else is. Looking towards the drivers side Roland drives peacefully.


"Blade, how do you feel?"

"I feel fine, what happened?"

"Well . . . You were knocked out and were . . . I guess almost killed? Not really. But these guys wanted you . I don't know what exactly happened since I was in a trance of sme sort. But hey, we're both fine and they are dead."

"Dead? Who killed them?"

A smirk turns up.

"You did not. My baby brother's all grown up!"

I pat him on the back. "I'm not a baby."

"Well, to me you are. You'll always be my baby brother whether you're grown up or not."


"You're growing up so fast. Being all tough and killing the villains. I'm so proud of you. Also, how long was I out for?"

"A few hours. Here, takes some blood. You'll need it."

I take a package of blood chugging it down. It helped a lot since it brought my strength and energy up.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, Sarah phoned To make sure you're okay. I promised her to tell you to phone her."

"Thanks. I'll definitely phone her."

My phone sits on the dashboard. Taking it, I phone Sarah hoping she'd pick up. I really need to talk to her. Drinking another sip of blood She finally picked up.


"Hey honey."

"Blade, oh my god you're okay! I was so worried about you and when Roland said that you passed out!"

"I'm okay, really. I appreciate you worrying for me though."

"I just miss you. I want you back home."

"I miss you too. Stay safe and be aware. I know you can protect yourself."

"I do too. You too. Also don't do anything stupid."

"I won't. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hang up smiling that I was able to hear her delicate voice. "You love her so much," Roland teases.

"Yes I do and you'll have yours one day as well."

"Hope so. I don't want to be a single pringle for the rest of my life."

"You won't. You'll find someone."

He pulled up to a stop and waited. As cars pass by he turned left and went on. "Do you know how much further we have to go?"

"I'd say another day of driving then we'd be there."


"I know. A long drive really sucks."

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