Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter twenty

Sarah's POV

I decided to phone Blade since I couldn't take it anymore. Keir, Sabe, Lennix, and Kathrine tried their best to keep me sane and distracted.

I picked my my cell dialling his number as I bounce on the balls of my feet eager for his response.



"Hey Sarah, how's it going?"

"Good and you?"

"Good good."

"May I talk to Blade please?"

"Blade? Right Blade . . . Um . . . he's asleep right now but I'll tell him to call you back when he wakes up."

"Asleep? He's a vampire. He can't sleep."

"Look, he's knocked unconscious right now-"

"Unconscious . . . what happened?"

"We ran into some people who were looking for him."

"Is he alright?"

"Yes he's alright. He's sleeping calmly in the passenger seat, he'll be up soon."

"Okay, glad he's okay."

"Got to go, but I will tell im to phone you back when he's up."

"Okay, thanks Roland."


He hangs up. Poor Blade. Why would someone attack him? Shaking my head I set my phone down, grabbing a bottle of blood before making my way to my car to check up on my home.

Driving through the quiet town that once was a happy, cheerful town. Everyone would be out and about. Kids would've been playing in the parks while their parents chatted with one another.

Couples would be walking around together laughing and enjoying themselves. Friends would be together doing whatever they do.

What great times.

Now it's just a ghost town. No one in sight. It's sad to see. The place that I grew up to love, a place where my childhood exists. It brings a lot of memories.

Pulling up to the driveway I quit the engine then walk up to my home. A place where a I grew up.

I was about to push the key in the hole when I notice the door is opened slightly. Walking in someone sat on my chair, foot resting on their knee with their hands perched on the arms. I recognize who it is.

"Hey Sarah, I say what a fine home you've got," he spoke.

"Thanks, Mr. Ramose."

"Oh please, call me Carl. I hate for you to be so formal with me. Especially since you're dating my son."

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I'm speechless. What would I say to that? Being forms? So what? That’s the polite thing to say to someone even if their your enemies. When he noticed I wasn't speaking he spoke up. "Why I won't hurt you. You are part of the family anyways."

"No I'm not."

"Excuse me? Is that anyway to talk to your father in law?"

"We're not even married."

"Not yet at least."

"What are you doing in my house?"

"I am the 'mayor' of this town so I can come in and out of houses to make sure that my citizens are following the law that I set out."

What's with people trying to conquer this town? Like seriously what's so special about Cooperstown?

"I mean, I already conquered this town. All I have left to do is discard the ones who disobeys me."

"Who would be disobeying you?"

"Oh I don't know . . ." He stood up waking towards me carefully, "maybe your vampire family. What's your guys's name called?"

He clicks his tongue. "That's right, the Tandlers. I will destroy all of you, but I'll give you a decision. I'll let everyone free from harm if you come join us. Even my pathetic son that you love. If you don't, everyone that you've ever love will be gone in a blink of an eye. Your choice."

"Why would I come to your side?"

"Because I'm the greatest person you'll ever meet."

"That's false!"

"Well then. I'll give you three days to decide. If I don't get an answer by then, everyone you love will die right in front of you, then I'll kill you."

And he walked out the door. I'm left with an option that I don't want to take. What the hell am I gonna do?

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